Politics, Politics, Politics

I'll let you be right up until such a time that you are abusive, or cost me money. So Trump is a racist. You win. Let me know how your life and net worth have had either a positive or negative impact due to my letting you be right.
....I was just responding to your question you posted, nongolfer. If it was solely directed at subhub, my apologies. If you don't want my response, as I've told others on here, simply say ... "and I don't want a response from Mac", and your wish will be granted. A simple procedure.
....But as far as Trump goes, he's a fascist, and that pretty much makes him a racist when you think about it. Just my opinion, of course.
So, what is a fascist .... check 'em off. How many of these fit Trump? An easier question ... how many of these don't fit Trump?
pic_political-FascismTEST.jpg .....GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif ... "If the shoe fits, wear it!"
the whole world is trying to show trump just what they think of him.... and he still won't go away

Burned police cars, wide no-protest zone presage G-20 summit

HAMBURG, Germany (AP) — President Donald Trump was met with thousands of protesters when he arrived at meetings in Brussels in May. But with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan joining him at the Group of 20 meetings in Germany this week, Trump is unlikely to be the only target for demonstrators.

Add India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chinese President Xi Jinping and other leaders whose policies have sparked unrest to the cauldron that is Hamburg — the summit venue is a short walk from a notorious hotbed of left-wing protest — and the brew could prove explosive.

"G-20: Welcome to Hell" is the slogan anti-globalization activists have registered for their protests on July 6, when Trump and other leaders arrive for the July 7-8 summit in the northern port city.
and now back to my favorite topic

The GOP healthcare plan just got more ******* poll results
Business Insider 13 hours ago .

The Republican healthcare plan, both on the House and Senate side, is not getting much support from the American public. Polls have shown the House bill to be among the most unpopular of any major piece of legislation in the last two decades. Those numbers have not improved in the past few weeks with the introduction of the Senate's version of the legislation. A new poll from Morning Consult and Politico found that many Americans don't think the GOP healthcare push will result in better outcomes for the healthcare system — or for themselves. Overall, 44% said that the US healthcare system would be worse off under the GOP legislation, while 28% said it would improve. Forty-five percent of people ...


GOP Health Care Plan Would Cause Unnecessary Michigan Deaths: Analysis

Rest easy if you haven't decided whether to support the health care bill currently being pushed by Senate Leader Mitch McConnell. Vox has an impressive analysis that provides a single finding that may make up your mind. The finding: The GOP plan would essentially mean a death sentence for 208,500 Americans who will die unnecessarily over the next decade because of cuts in insurance coverage. The body count would begin next year with 18,100 preventable deaths, the analysis found. In Michigan, the analysis shows 489,400 people would lose their health insurance by 2026, resulting in the preventable deaths of 590 people. (For more local news, click here to sign up for real-time news alerts and newsletters ...

Republicans Asked For ‘Obamacare Horror Stories.’ It Didn’t Go Well.
Ed Mazza,HuffPost 14 hours ago .

That sure didn’t go as planned.

Indiana Republicans called for people to share “Obamacare horror stories” on social media, but the only horror many people expressed was at the idea of losing it if the GOP repeal plan passes Congress.

The post drew thousands of replies on Facebook and dozens on Twitter, and the vast majority had the opposite of “horror” stories.

Instead, they recounted how the Affordable Care Act had helped them, and urged Republicans to keep it in place.

Here are some of those responses:
just a little note to add to the corrupt SOB we have in the white house

Donald Trump Sold ******* Eric Two Condos at Half-Price, Avoided Major Taxes
Greg Price,Newsweek 2 hours 50 minutes ago .

Months before Donald Trump won the presidential election, he reportedly sold two high-priced condos to one of his sons at a major discount, thereby avoiding significant taxes for the prime real estate near New York City’s Central Park, ProPublica reported Wednesday.

Eric Trump, who now heads the family’s global organization with his brother Donald Jr., purchased the two condos in April 2016 for $350,000 apiece, less than half the price each was originally listed for, according to Trump Organization filings obtained by ProPublica.

The apartments are on the two top floors of the Trump Parc East building at 100 Central Park South, just across the street from the city’s world-famous park and roughly a block away from the Plaza Hotel, which Trump once owned. Two months before the sale, one apartment was priced at $790,000 and the other at $800,000.
and now back to my favorite topic

The GOP healthcare plan just got more ******* poll results
Business Insider 13 hours ago .

The Republican healthcare plan, both on the House and Senate side, is not getting much support from the American public. Polls have shown the House bill to be among the most unpopular of any major piece of legislation in the last two decades. Those numbers have not improved in the past few weeks with the introduction of the Senate's version of the legislation. A new poll from Morning Consult and Politico found that many Americans don't think the GOP healthcare push will result in better outcomes for the healthcare system — or for themselves. Overall, 44% said that the US healthcare system would be worse off under the GOP legislation, while 28% said it would improve. Forty-five percent of people ...


GOP Health Care Plan Would Cause Unnecessary Michigan Deaths: Analysis

Rest easy if you haven't decided whether to support the health care bill currently being pushed by Senate Leader Mitch McConnell. Vox has an impressive analysis that provides a single finding that may make up your mind. The finding: The GOP plan would essentially mean a death sentence for 208,500 Americans who will die unnecessarily over the next decade because of cuts in insurance coverage. The body count would begin next year with 18,100 preventable deaths, the analysis found. In Michigan, the analysis shows 489,400 people would lose their health insurance by 2026, resulting in the preventable deaths of 590 people. (For more local news, click here to sign up for real-time news alerts and newsletters ...

Republicans Asked For ‘Obamacare Horror Stories.’ It Didn’t Go Well.
Ed Mazza,HuffPost 14 hours ago .

That sure didn’t go as planned.

Indiana Republicans called for people to share “Obamacare horror stories” on social media, but the only horror many people expressed was at the idea of losing it if the GOP repeal plan passes Congress.

The post drew thousands of replies on Facebook and dozens on Twitter, and the vast majority had the opposite of “horror” stories.

Instead, they recounted how the Affordable Care Act had helped them, and urged Republicans to keep it in place.

Here are some of those responses:

You're correct about this, it's not a good plan. We should go ahead and consider the Democrat's alternative. Wait....what? There is no Democrat alternative other than to keep in place the current and failed piece of legislation? What do you mean even some Democrats have concluded the current plan has failed?

I have an idea, let's carefully review all alternatives, of which there are none, as the one side (D) is copying the other side (R) when they attempted to govern from the minority. Which is to say obstruct.

But, but but it must be Trump's fault, I mean I turned on CNN for guidance about how to think, and that's what they told me. I wonder why CNN hasn't reported on the Democrat's alternative to save the current failed plan, and I wonder why CNN never puts on Democrats that stipulate the current plan has failed? Certainly CNN is honorable and wouldn't report to mislead correct?
We should go ahead and consider the Democrat's alternative. Wait....what? There is no Democrat alternative other than to keep in place the current and failed piece of legislation?
....The Democrat 'alternative' you refer to was to have Republicans & Democrats come to the table together and FIX the ACA so it worked properly ... setting up the exchanges to help capitalism work, modifying the plans, setting new 'enforced' guidelines and procedures, restricting the health industry from setting the rates, etc etc. So, YES, there was a Democrat alternative to the Republican plan.
....Unfortunately, the ACA didn't work as well as it should BECAUSE the Republicans were tossing wrenches into the plan every time they had an opportunity to MAKE IT FAIL. Let's face it, nongolfer, they made 62 (SIXTY TWO) attempts to ******* and destroy the ACA. When Democrats made suggestions to fix the plan, Republicans stopped them .... practically ALL the Republican run states refused to set up exchanges, thus limiting any competition to help drive down costs. They even wanted to ban subsidies to the federally run plan because they weren't set up by the states ... the states Republicans run. Then when exchanges began failing, they blamed the Democrats and the poorly run ACA.
....Here's the thing ... the Republican platform does NOT want a health plan, that's why the plan offered was so shitty. The Republican political platform is about cutting taxes on individuals & corporations ... PERIOD, and they were prepared to do just that on the backs of the poorest tax payers ... AGAIN. Its called Trickle Down, Voodoo, Supply-Side economics and its failed time and time again since Reagan implemented it in the early '80s. So, quit peeing down our backs and telling us its rain, ok ... rain isn't YELLOW and doesn't smell like URINE, ok?
....You might also like to know that over 2 million of the individuals covered under the Medicaid expansion of the ACA are US veterans. So by eliminating the ACA, it kicks 2 million veterans out on the streets with no health coverage.
Great. Could you please provide links to substantiate your following statements please?

1) The Democrat 'alternative' you refer to was to have Republicans & Democrats come to the table together and FIX the ACA so it worked properly ..

2) Unfortunately, the ACA didn't work as well as it should BECAUSE the Republicans were tossing wrenches into the plan every time they had an opportunity to MAKE IT FAIL.

3) practically ALL the Republican run states refused to set up exchanges,

I already know the answers, but I thought it might be interesting to watch you provide links, and stretch their meaning to attempt to validate your statements. Also, I'm pretty sure I pointed out obstruction by both political parties, so since I already mentioned this, don't spend any time on that one. It's nice you picked up on it however. Although interesting you seem to think only one side is guilty of it. I on the other hand have to deal with the what is, not the what ifs, and unfortunately need to also reside inside this place called reality. You might be mistaking me for someone who toes the Republican party line. This would be incorrect, Republicans are also part of the uni party, and I cut them no breaks. When warranted, I'm equally critical. Probably more critical.

So in the real world, things taken out of context do not make Donald Trump a racist. Just as Obama's comments, and there were plenty of them, don't make him a racist. And just becuase fiscal conservatives are largely opposed to wealth redistribution doesn't make them anti healthcare. Actually, I'm not sure why Republicans are trying to replace ACA. The repeal is fine. Government has no Constitutional role in replacing it.

Some of us will even stipulate to a one time open enrollment for pre existing conditions, no lapses. But this isn't new, this existed before ACA. Also stipulate to no lifetime maximum benefits. This isn't new either, it is, or was, pre ACA.

I don't operate on emotion. I don't operate on name calling. Others do this. I operate on facts and data, and what I'm suggesting above is those that post based on emotion, post linked articles taken out of context, and sometimes even name call aren't to be taken seriously. There is a reason why some have more money than others. Largely it has nothing to do with skin color or political party. It has everything to do with simple thought processes.

Or maybe I'm wrong, and I should watch CNN carefully this evening so they can tell me how to think due to my absence of fact gathering and independent thought.
Wait....what? There is no Democrat alternative other than to keep in place the current and failed piece of legislation?

first off.... it's not a failed plan... it has flaws.... but the failing is the right not funding and making several changes so it will self destruct.....that plan did everything it was supposed to do!... provide coverage for more americans than before and it did!

What do you mean even some Democrats have concluded the current plan has failed?
that must be your words... none I have heard.... it will fail with the current situation the way it is... and that is what the right wants!

I have an idea, let's carefully review all alternatives, of which there are none,

No there aren't.... the best plan is already in place.... fix it!...... But back when it was just starting Obama wanted bipartisan participation..... and Grassley for one... who originally said he was on board... but pressure and money from the pharm comp... got him back off.... along with the rest of the right..... go back and look at who got how much for not participating..... during that time the pharm comp spent 35 million dollars to stop it!.... who do you think got a lot of that money..... Grassley for one got over a million himself!

But, but but it must be Trump's fault,
trumps a fucking snake oil salesman and you bought some!
he could give a ******* less who has and who doesn't ... he hates that Obama is so popular... and it burns his ass! he is so egotistical..... he just wants everything Obama did undone!

I mean I turned on CNN for guidance about how to think
now I know you are full of ******* and I shouldn't have even taken the time to respond.... just being a fucking jerk!

stupid must run in the family.....but then with trump and the trumpies it's something all seem to have in common

Don Jr. accuses CNN of ‘blackmail’ over Trump wrestling GIF

With President Trump on his way to Europe, his ******* Donald Jr. has taken on the job of defending him on Twitter, accusing CNN of “blackmail” in extorting an apology from the creator of a GIF showing the president attacking a figure representing the network.

On Sunday, Trump tweeted a GIF showing him clotheslining a man with a CNN logo superimposed over his face. It was derived from a 2007 publicity stunt at Wrestlemania that involved Trump tackling Vince McMahon, CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment. It was later revealed that the GIF originated on Reddit, where the creator, under the username HanAssholeSolo, has also posted a number of racist and anti-Semitic memes, which he has since removed from the site.

CNN tracked down the Reddit user, but announced that it was not publishing his identity, because he “has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again.”

guess the gop didn't really want another look at health care.... wanted to see Hillary's plan.....she called their bluff and gave it to them....but turns out they weren't really interested..... kind of like a couple of assholes on here....

Republicans' Attempt to Troll Hillary Clinton Over Health Care Backfires
Tom Porter,Newsweek 1 hour 46 minutes ago .

A Republican National Committee (RNC) attempt to troll the Democrats about their health care plans backfired Wednesday.

In a tweet from the GOP account, Trump's party challenged former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over her alleged lack of health care plans.

✔ @GOP

Our healthcare system is collapsing, but Democrats refuse to bring anything to the table. Where’s THEIR plan? pic.twitter.com/sBkVQOEEGg


✔ ‎@GOP

“We’ve got to fix what’s broken.” Where's your plan, @HillaryClinton? pic.twitter.com/CmRB4mCsZd

“Our healthcare system is collapsing, but Democrats refuse to bring anything to the table. Where’s THEIR plan?” tweeted the GOP.

It then tweeted a link of Clinton making a speech about health care, saying “We’ve got to fix what’s broken.”

“Where’s your plan?” tweeted the GOP to Clinton.

Hillary Clinton
✔ ‎@HillaryClinton

Right here. Includes radical provisions like how not to kick 23 mil ppl off their coverage. Feel free to run w/it.https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/health-care/https://twitter.com/gop/status/882623989662830592

“Right here,” Clinton replied, with a link to her 2016 presidential campaign website, containing a detailed point-by-point health care provision plan, involving retaining Obamacare and expanding the Medicaid program.

It then tweeted a link of Clinton making a speech about health care, saying “We’ve got to fix what’s broken.”

“Where’s your plan?” tweeted the GOP to Clinton.

“Right here,” Clinton replied, with a link to her 2016 presidential campaign website, containing a detailed point-by-point health care provision plan, involving retaining Obamacare and expanding the Medicaid program.

“Includes radical provisions like how not to kick 23 mil ppl off their coverage. Feel free to run,” tweeted Clinton.

In May, Trump celebrated with Republican lawmakers in the Rose garden of the White House, after his health care reform bill was narrowly passed by the House of Representatives.

However the reform package did not reach a vote in the Senate last week, after conservative and moderate representatives signaled their opposition in face of pressure from constituents. Republicans have attempted to shift responsibility for the stalled bill back to Democrats, with Trump accusing Democrats of obstructing the bill.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 22 million Americans will lose their insurance by 2026 if the new bill passes.

Trump has criticized the Obamacare reforms of his predecessor in the White House, describing them as a “disaster” which raised health care premiums for millions of Americans.

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Hillary Clinton Shuts Down GOP's Latest Attack With One Epic Tweet
Rebecca Shapiro,HuffPost 8 hours ago .

The GOP’s official Twitter account spent Wednesday asking prominent Democrats who oppose the Republican Party’s proposed health care bill to offer up their own solutions instead.

They lashed out at Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D), who promptly responded.

Clinton, who has spent decades fighting for affordable health care access, tweeted a link to her 2016 campaign promise to defend the Affordable Care Act while expanding and improving certain aspects of the plan, like lowering costs for co-pays and deductibles

Right here. Includes radical provisions like how not to kick 23 mil ppl off their coverage. Feel free to run w/it.https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/health-care/https://twitter.com/gop/status/882623989662830592

Unsurprisingly, folks on Twitter loved it.

Hillary Clinton: GOP can use my health care plan if they want
New York Daily News 13 hours ago .

Hillary Clinton had a plan for health care before one of her other plans went awry. The former Secretary of State responded to Republicans' defense of their plan to repeal Obamacare by saying they could use her blueprint if they can’t find a way to bring Americans affordable care. “‘We’ve got to fix what’s broken.’ Where's your plan, @HillaryClinton?” the GOP’s main Twitter accounted posted on Wednesday afternoon. The jibe accompanied videos of Clinton and other Democrats such as her primary rival Bernie Sanders saying there need to be continuing fixes to the nation’s health care problems. But Clinton responded Wednesday afternoon on Twitter by posting her campaign platform for health care, which ...

The Republican healthcare plan would bring big changes for the 69 million Americans on Medicaid — here's how the program works
Business Insider Tue, Jul 4 10:00 PM PDT .

Republican attempts to repeal Obamacare constitute a massive proposed change to Medicaid. The House and Senate Republican approaches to revamping the US healthcare system take somewhat diverging strategies, but they do have one major thing in common: massive proposed cuts to Medicaid. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office last week released its analysis for the Senate bill, the Better Care Reconciliation Act, and estimated that provisions in it would result in $772 billion in cuts to Medicaid
