Politics, Politics, Politics

More utter bullshit. That meme about the Russian ****** was declared "completely untrue" by the left leaning Snopes.


Hell the pictures used in it were actually of Svetlana Travis Zakharova who was part of the Elliot Spitzer fiasco.



but let me guess here.... you have personal knowledge of the size of his member?
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Just for you HH.... you do know he has a special lawyer just to handle his sexual exploits!?

Can Trump’s Sex Assault Lawyer Save Him on Russia?

Marc Kasowitz has loyally defended Trump against sexual harassment claims and protected him from unsealing his divorce records. Next up: The Russia Probe.
Who Would Enjoy Tax Breaks Under The GOP Health Care Proposals?

There's a lot of talk on Capitol Hill about the tax cuts included in the Republican health plans, but unless you are a frequent user of tanning beds or have personal wealth that puts you in the top 1 percent, you might not feel much effect. The House and Senate bills both change or eliminate more than a dozen taxes that were levied to help pay for the Affordable Care Act's insurance subsidies and to bolster Medicare and expand Medicaid. Republicans and other ACA critics have argued that the taxes are onerous for businesses and families. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the tax cuts and coverage changes in the Senate proposal would reduce the federal government's revenue by $700 ...

The level of your hatred, and ignorance of any substantive issue is revealing.

YOU seem to have "issues" you have posted nothing but snide/stupid remarks directed to me..... and nothing pertaining to the board


instead of directing your bullshit to me and getting the village idiot to go along with you.... take it to a MOD!

or tell it to someone that gives a *******!

I will not respond to you anymore!
no matter what the bullshit you post
try using the board for it's intended purpose... instead of your ...
Did you ever answer any question about the trade agreement as an example? Above I have posted fact. No name calling. Which if you will note is quite different from your posting style. When I say level of hatred, this is clear to see. When I say ignorance of substantive issues, this is also clear. From your posts.
Republicans thought they could ******* 2018 Democrats to cut deals, but Trump keeps sliding in polls
Washington Post 22 hours ago .

PowerPost | Analysis Senate Republicans began this year thinking that they had leverage over some Democrats, particularly the 10 up for reelection next year in states that President Trump won in the fall. Those Democrats, some GOP strategists believed, would want to work with the president to appeal to enough Trump voters to win their states in November 2018. That didn’t happen. Instead, Trump’s standing has slipped in many of these states. The president has faced legislative gridlock and a deepening investigation of his campaign’s connections to Russia. His focus, in public appearances and on social media, has regularly drifted away from the policy agenda on Capitol Hill. That’s left Senate ...

Trump walked a thin line with Putin on Russia's election meddling: 'He let them off the hook'

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are fresh off the heels of their first meeting as international leaders on the sidelines of this week's G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. The meeting, which was scheduled for 30 minutes, went 2 hours and 16 minutes long, even after Melania Trump was sent in to check on the leaders.

Putin and Trump discussed a slew of topics during their bilateral sit-down, according to a briefing from US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Chief among them was the issue of Russia's interference in the 2016 election, which was done in an effort to tilt the election in Trump's favor, according to the US intelligence community's conclusions.

Tillerson said Trump and Putin had a "robust and lengthy exchange" on the subject, and that while Trump "pressed" Putin on it, Putin denied all charges against Russia, as he has done in the past. Tillerson also added that continued focus on Russia's interference posed a "substantial hindrance" to the US' ability to build stronger ties with Russia.

The administration's strategy of broaching the subject points to an effort to do two things at once: address the lingering question of Russia's interference, and also make it clear that Trump has no intentions of continuing to litigate the issue, Axios' Jonathan Swan wrote in a post-meeting analysis.

Sources close to the president told Swan that the president's advisers knew that if Trump didn't raise the issue to Putin, his refusal to do so would dominate the news cycle, so Trump instead pursued the middle ground.

But experts say in trying to take the middle ground, Trump may have ceded all territory to Putin and allowed him to control the narrative.

Trump has so far been slow to address Russia's election hack. As recently as Thursday, Trump questioned the intelligence community's findings and argued, during a press conference in Poland, that Russia may not have been the only country that intervened.

"Nobody really knows for sure," Trump said.

The Kremlin seized on Trump's characterization following his speech. Spokesman Dmitry Petrov told Bloomberg News that Trump had highlighted "equally the possibility that it could have been other countries."
I will not respond to you anymore!
no matter what the bullshit you post
try using the board for it's intended purpose... instead of your ...
Impossible ... he doesn't have a purpose. Its the 'inner hatre & frustrations' they have of their own party & representatives coming out.