Politics, Politics, Politics

Governance by Tweet. I had thought some didn't like that.

Just out of curiousity, did you read through the talking points Hillary provided? I did. Given your your level of expertise, I'm assuming you did as well, and aren't just posting sound bites.

I have some questions.

Hillary has nine points, which very little detail.

Can you give me some detail on how exactly her first point will accomplish anything?

Also, her second point, is there an actual action step there? If so, what is it?

On her third point, how is this different than what the Republicans have proposed?

On her fourth point, this is already being done, what exactly is she proposing here?

Her fifth point is also already being done, what's new here?

On her sixth point, are we being serious that allowing people, regardless of immigration status is going to lower teh cost of healthcare for those of us who actually pay this cost?

I could go on, but I'm guessing your attempt to answer these first several questions with gif's and memes will take some time, so let's start there, and let's see if you have any actual clue about what you're posting about, or if this is just the typical response filled with hatred, providing no solutions from the far left.
I already know the answers, but I thought it might be interesting to watch you provide links, and stretch their meaning to attempt to validate your statements.
....Surely you jest ... if you know the answers, and my comments are wrong, then it is you who needs to point them out and provide the 'proof' you so frequently suggest be provided that you rarely ever provide. Unlike subhub, I don't intend on wasting my time on your dribbles. It seems you've taken up the 'bobble head's' habit of only criticizing posts, never initiating your own.
Or maybe I'm wrong, and I should watch CNN carefully this evening so they can tell me how to think due to my absence of fact gathering and independent thought.
....I might watch CNN 2-3 times a week; its all the alt-news like NY Times, World News, Huffington Reports, etc that I read and listen to on the tube ... most of the Liar-N-Chief giving 2-3 different stories on one topic. The man that's in over 100+ lawsuits NOW, over 1,200 in the last 20 or so years, exaggerates and lies every time his lips move, who's changed his campaign promises (all of them) since the election, etc, and lives in a virtual world of his own.
Unlike subhub, I don't intend on wasting my time on your dribbles.

hey Mac ... I didn't answer him..... and have no intention of doing so.... he is just playing head games.... not interested!.... I am very much interested in health care....... not far off from being there myself.... and it just happened to be on the front page of yahoo!
posting it had nothing to do with him at all.....
hey Mac ... I didn't answer him..... and have no intention of doing so.... he is just playing head games.... not interested!.... I am very much interested in health care....... not far off from being there myself.... and it just happened to be on the front page of yahoo!
posting it had nothing to do with him at all.....
Oh no, of course you didn't answer him.....except when you did in post 10062
& post 10035
& post 10027
& post 10021
& post 10017
& post 10014

Oooops...sorry for pointing out your utter bullshit once again. You better get to work flooding the forum with your mindless memes to hurry up and bury it!
It's not that I either agree, or disagree with him. It's the obvious hatred he displays. All the while being part of an ideology, and political party which is allegedly all inclusive, and believes in fairness to everyone. And always points out "hatred", if that's what it is, in their opponent.

That, and he provides nothing. Except of course his viterol.

It seems when some liberals disagree they have two main arguments. "Racist" and "Russians". Which is odd since there are actually substantive issues in which to disagree with Donald Trump on. Even some that I as a fiscal conservative disagree with him on.

When people scream "racist", and there is no there, there, no serious person listens any further. While it's true there is racism in this country, and while it's true Donald Trump can certainly be a New York asshole, there isn't any empirical data to suggest Donald Trump is racist.

But hey, keep it up and see what people think in 2018.
Oooops...sorry for pointing out your utter bullshit once again

naturally ... more from the village idiot!
and again like always you are fucking wrong!
I ended any posts with him.... mostly because I think he might be your *******!..... but I ended my conversation with the fuck you meme!
whatever I posted after was not in response to him or you!... I posted 3 articles on health care... and if you go back and look everytime it is in the news I post it!
you two must be related... you both post nothing factual.... only to dispute or start something.... when you know you are wrong to begin with..... but just have to argue...... you have had none to very little input into anything on this board.... except to just stir *******!

I cut and paste any article I think will effect the middle class.... and am more than willing to have a discussion with whomever about whatever I posted.... if it is a discussion....

anymore I post the meme's just to "counter" someone else's ..... or if I think they are funny and on topic......what do you post?

so take that dipshit!

I tell you what... you have my permission to ask the mod just how many followers I have..... someone must like something I post!
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whatever I posted after was not in response to him or you!.
Every post I listed was you quoting and replying to nongolfer.

so take that dipshit!
Yep....always know I've won the debate when the other's level of discourse hits about third grade playground.

Be careful though....name calling is Mac's forte. Better not start muscling in on his gig without his permission.
Every post I listed was you quoting and replying to nongolfer.
yes... I started out talking to him...... until I figured out he was just like you....didn't really want to discuss anything.... just wanting to start????
not interested!

matter of fact I have ignored you more than once!

Yep....always know I've won the debate when the other's level of discourse hits about third grade playground.

love you!

Be careful though....name calling is Mac's forte. Better not start muscling in on his gig without his permission.

ok.... sorry about that.... good buddy!
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Funny how these left wing nuts are so smug like they are above everyone else and all the answers
Time and time again their programs ideas never work they lie and twist the truth and always point the finger at the right
Remember Big Ears that waste of a president
Not my fault George Bush not my fault congress not my fault not my fault
Everything that baby killer fund raised did failed Shovel ready jobs clunker cars 6 Stymulis packages over 20 trillion in debt
3.7 million to Iran on a skids The tremendous failure of Obamacare where 100 million not covered Yet Bobblehead Pelosi defends it will pass then read it Sewer Rat Schumer and Maxine Under corruption chagers Waters want to in preach Trump for what
I know for the fact he won and is President
So yea keep up you attack of the right wing it makes you feel better cause you lost
the thing about trump supporters....... 1 out of 3 is just as dumb as the other 2

I just wish they could type coherent sentences.... and have a few facts.... they seem to be just as accurate on facts as their leader is on facts.....

I'm going to take a wild guess here..... and say you probably have a rebel flag in the house?
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as much as I hate to do this.......at least he was long on opinions and just a bit short on facts.... but it was political!

unlike what you post which is nothing more than snide remarks..... and naturally the village idiot will go along with anything on that track!
Donald Trump Kicks Off G-20 Summit With Rage Tweets Referencing Russian Election Meddling
Alana Horowitz Satlin,HuffPost 22 minutes ago .


Donald Trump Kicks Off G-20 Summit With Rage Tweets Referencing Russian Election Meddling

Alana Horowitz Satlin,HuffPost 22 minutes ago .

President Donald Trump sent off a series of angry tweets about the media and Democrats hours before he was set to attend a historic Group of 20 summit meeting in Hamburg, Germany on Friday.


Russian Chess Legend on Trump: 'He's Playing Into Putin's Hands'
Yeah... right.... they wouldn't vote/pass it if they did!

Republicans try to get Democrats to write a health plan for them

Republicans in the White House and Congress have discovered overhauling the nation's health care system isn't as easy as they thought it'd be. This week, however, the Republican National Committee decided it'd be a good idea to turn the tables, demanding that congressional Democrats come up with their own blueprint. The Washington Post reported: To state the obvious: Partisan video clips are not designed to make the other party look good. There's an art to these things. You compile the worst moments by the other team, or by an opponent, and try to make them go viral. But a strange, flailing campaign by the Republican National Committee to demand a Democratic fix for the Affordable Care Act goes ...

they are just trying to get out of the "heat".... and push things on the Dems... saying they don't have anything either.... but it backfired... come to find out several of them do!

but if you notice they are not asking for Bernie sanders version.... free health care for all!