Politics, Politics, Politics

Why would you think I'd take my time to engage you? Especially given your initial attempts to engage me, which are largely devoid of facts, and full of insults?

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when I insult you.... you will know it!

right now everything you have posted has been nothing but lip service to your god..... nothing factual... and yet you want facts?..... doubt you would read or understand.... or even care!

this thread is full of facts AGIANST your man.... and yet??????

end of conversation!
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A Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. speech that should make Trump's ears burn

If anyone was still in any doubt that President Trump was an embarrassment to his office, it should have been dispelled by the latest example of what Trump calls his “modern day presidential” use of social media. I’m referring, of course, to his tweet featuring a doctored version of a video – apparently appropriated from Reddit -- showing him attacking a man with the CNN logo superimposed on his head. The original 2007 video featured Trump body-slamming World Wrestling Entertainment CEO Vince McMahon. (The White House now says that the video tweeted by Trump didn’t come from Reddit.) CNN said the tweeted video “encourages violence against reporters.” That strikes me as an overreaction. Trump’s ...
This Woman's Response to a Congressman's Claim About Paying For "Pregnancy Insurance" Is Flawless

You'd think that, by now, GOP congressmen would get that their constituents will always voice their opinions. Representative Rod Blum of Iowa apparently didn't get the memo before he spoke at a town hall about "pregnancy insurance" being a "crazy regulation" and apparently didn't think twice about it. He's now in the national spotlight after a woman who was at the event responded in a letter that's now going viral.

On May 8, Blum held a town hall at Dubuque High School in Iowa. The town hall, similar to other ones, did not go well. Plenty of people showed up to protest him and the town hall lasted for more than an hour. One particular moment that made people angry is when Blum spoke about what else he'd like to change in Obamacare with the American Health Care Act. "Get rid of some of these crazy regulations that Obamacare puts in, such as a 62-year-old male having to have pregnancy insurance," said Blum. You can watch a clip of the moment ahead at the 41-minute mark.

As you can see in the clip, people did not like Blum's response at all, including Barbara Rank. The 63-year-old retired special education teacher did not ask Blum a question during the town hall, but instead let her thoughts simmer. She then wrote a letter to the Dubuque Telegraph Herald on May 12 that summed up her feelings as to why people need to pay for something as "crazy" as pregnancy insurance. In it, she wrote, "Why should I pay the salaries of politicians I didn't vote for, a tax cut that doesn't affect me, or a loophole I can't take advantage of? It's called democracy, a civil society, the greater good. That's what we pay for."

“ This is democracy manifest.

The Reddit post quickly went viral, unknowingly to Rank. She didn't know more than 100,000 people had seen her response and supported it until her ******* told her, reports The Washington Post. Blum, on the other hand, believes his words don't portray what he actually meant. "He was referring to the idea of patients being able to choose health insurance policies that fit their needs, rather than one size fits all policies filled with government mandates," said a spokesman to The Washington Post.

Perhaps Rank's letter sends a clear message to congresspeople; citizens are watching and listening and won't hesitate to question your actions.

as much as this man hates Obama.... and has went out of his way to destroy anything Obama has had to do with...... this has to be a real kick in the balls!

Twitter Wars: Trump Loves Tweeting—But Obama Was Better At It

T.marcin,Newsweek Mon, Jul 3 11:02 AM PDT .

President Donald Trump has weathered quite a bit of bad news recently—there's the ongoing investigation into his potential ties to Russia, the flailing Republican health care bill that nearly nobody in the U.S. wants and the president's steadily declining approval rating, among other things.

But Monday Trump took a hit where it really hurts: His Twitter account. And worse yet, he lost to the man he so often uses the social network to slam, his predecessor Barack Obama

Few human beings are as obsessed with Twitter as Trump. It's his outlet for expressing outrage, courting his base and, perhaps most importantly, slamming the news media he so loathes.

"The FAKE & FRAUDULENT NEWS MEDIA is working hard to convince Republicans and others I should not use social media - but remember, I won the 2016 election with interviews, speeches and social media. I had to beat #FakeNews, and did. We will continue to WIN!" Trump tweeted in a series of posts over the weekend. "My use of social media is not Presidential - it’s MODERN DAY PRESIDENTIAL. Make America Great Again!"

But as much as the president might tout his social media prowess, an analysis published Monday by the Washington Post found Obama was actually better at the social media site. Trump typically earns more total retweets, but the Post found that was largely due to the sheer number of times he tweets.

"If we look at the number of retweets per tweet—how much engagement each tweet gets on average—we see that Obama actually fares much better than does Trump," the Post's Philip Bump wrote.


Decoding the White House spin on Obamacare ‘failures’
Washington Post 2 hours 51 minutes ago .

Fact Checker | Analysis As the Senate gears up to vote on the GOP bill to overhaul the Affordable Care Act, the White House is publishing statistics to criticize the current health law. The White House published a “Repeal and Replace Obamacare” website, rife with numbers and graphics, and is posting various statistics through its Twitter account. We always say numbers are like catnip for fact-checking — and it’s especially so when it comes to health care, a regular topic of interest at Fact Checker. So we looked into the recent spin on health-care figures from the White House. As readers will see, in most instances, the White House used accurate figures but characterized them in misleading ways ...
CNN Has The 'Trust' Advantage Over President Trump In A New Poll
Carla Herreria,HuffPost 14 hours ago .

Even as controversy continues over President Donald Trump’s tweet of a video showing him beating up a personified version of CNN, a poll released Tuesday shows the cable news outlet edging him in trust among most Americans.

The survey also showed the New York Times, Washington Post and the broadcast television networks faring better than Trump in trustworthiness. But the poll, conducted by Survey Monkey and published by Axios, also illustrates the stark political divide in the U.S.

The poll, conducted between last Thursday and Monday, showed that 50 percent of American adults trust CNN more than Trump, with 43 percent favoring the president. Trump posted his disparaging CNN tweet on Sunday.

The poll also found that by a nine-percentage-point margin, American adults trust the Post and the Times ― lumped together ― more than Trump. And ABC, CBS and NBC are more trusted by an 11-point margin over the president.

In the Trump-CNN battle, though, Republicans and Democrats are on completely different pages. The poll reported that 89 percent of Republicans in the survey trust Trump over CNN, with only 9 percent favoring media outlet. Among Democrats, the results are even more one-sided ― 91 percent give CNN the trustworthiness nod, with just 5 percent choosing Trump.

Among political independents, 55 percent said CNN is more trustworthy while 40 percent put more stock in the president than the news network.

Jon Cohen, Survey Monkey’s senior vice president for research, told Axios that Democrats shouldn’t be fooled into thinking that Trump’s tweets are distancing him from his Republican base. On the other hand, Cohen warned that Republicans should worry about Trump’s standing among independents.

“Not only do most Republicans approve of [Trump’s] use of Twitter, but asked to describe those tweets, the No. 1 mention among the GOP is ‘truthful,’ with ‘entertaining’ in second place,” Cohen told Axios.

But he added: “Fully three-quarters of pure independents (those that don’t lean one way or the other) disapprove of Trump’s tweeting, and their top three descriptors for it are ‘undignified,’ ‘mean,’ and ‘dishonest.’”

The poll surveyed 4,965 adults online and has an error margin of +/- 2.5 percentage points for its results for all American adults.

The survey comes on the heels of a similar poll published Monday that showed both Trump and, even more so, the media struggling on the trust issue.

In the NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist College poll, more than two-thirds of American adults ― 68 percent ― said they trust the media “not at all” or “not very much. The figure for Trump was 61 percent.
CNN. An ethical source. Let's examine one sentence from one article:

"CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change."

Now let's examine the entire article before I'm accused of taking things out of context:


CNN's conclusion is Donald Trump could be racist. Because he borrowed a gif from someone who previously posted some time that could be racist. He they essentially threatened to dox. Let's just watch this unfold.

I have another idea, why don't we post something, anything, that makes Trump racist. I'll wait on that. Whitelash! Back of the bus!
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Cool. It pales in comparison to "white lash" and "back of the bus", neither of which were reported widely, but happened. Also, I'm not sure one item in your links makes him racist.

But we're now into opinion. Mine based on empirical data and free thought. Others seemingly based on articles cut and pasted after a Google search.

I have an idea since we're discussing politics. Why don't some of the liberals on here Google search North Korea, and let me know what the talking points are? I'm pretty helpless and uninformed about minor items like this unless directed to a news article.

Give me a break. You don't like Trump. I get it. I didn't like Obama. I also didn't incessantly post he was a racist after some of his remarks which could be taken as racist. No point as res ipsa loquitur.

If your policy agenda going forward is Russians, Racist, ad infinitium..., you don't have a very clear path forward. At least try to make an argument about Keynesian economic theory, or something that actually matters.

So far what I see is Trump is racist. He likes getting peed on by evil Russian ******. He tweets too much. His reputation world wide is not good, notwithstanding Poland and almost every other place on the planet.

In life, the 10% actually live by a rule. I'll let you be right up until such a time that you are abusive, or cost me money. So Trump is a racist. You win. Let me know how your life and net worth have had either a positive or negative impact due to my letting you be right.