Politics, Politics, Politics

what happened to Trump's promise on Medicaid?

Medicaid cuts in the Senate healthcare bill are going to hit some states hard – here's who will feel it

Senate Republicans have released their version of a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.

The Senate's plan, like one passed by the House of Representatives, rolls back many of the provisions of Obamacare, including taking deep cuts from Medicaid program.

Under Obamacare, formally known as the Affordable Care Act, states were eligible to expand their Medicaid programs — providing health insurance to low-income people. For states that opted into the expansion, people whose household incomes were up to 138% of the federal poverty level could qualify for coverage.

Under the Senate's bill, titled the Better Care Reconciliation Act, that expansion would be phased out, meaning those who gained coverage through the expansion would be without once again, though they could access coverage through the individual insurance market.

To get a better sense of what that would mean on a state-by-state basis — and who might be hardest-hit by a rollback — we charted out some of the key aspects of Medicaid and the expansion under the ACA.
Koch chief says health care bill insufficiently conservative

Chief lieutenants in the Koch brothers' political network lashed out at the Senate Republican health care bill on Saturday as not conservative enough, becoming a powerful outside critic as GOP leaders try to rally support for their plan among rank-and-file Republicans.

Tim Phillips, who leads Americans For Prosperity, the Koch network's political arm, called the Senate's plans for Medicaid "a slight nip and tuck" of President Barack Obama's health care law, a modest change he described as "immoral."

"This Senate bill needs to get better," Phillips said. "It has to get better."

Some Republican senators have raised concern about cuts to Medicaid, which provides health care coverage to millions of poor and middle-income Americans. Several more conservative senators have voiced opposition because they feel it does not go far enough in dismantling what they call "Obamacare."

The comments came on the first day of a three-day private donor retreat at a luxury resort in the Rocky Mountains. Invitations were extended only to donors who promise to give at least $100,000 each year to the various groups backed by the Koch brothers' Freedom Partners — a network of education, policy and political entities that aim to promote small government.
way to take care of the needy there trump!.... your one big campaign promise and can't do it!

What The GOP Bill Means For People On Medicaid

The Senate's version of health care overhaul calls for major cuts to Medicaid, the federal program for low-income Americans. Medicaid is this country's biggest health care safety net program that covers half the births in the U.S. and two-thirds of the seniors getting long-term care in nursing homes. Rodney Whitlock worked on health policy in the Senate for a decade as a Republican aide. He's now a consultant and lobbyist for hospitals and disability service providers. Welcome to the program. RODNEY WHITLOCK: Thank you. BLOCK: There are 31 states that expanded Medicaid as part of the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare. The Senate bill would cut federal financial support of ...


the only thing stopping this bill is the Cock Bro.s ..... because it doesn't cut enough!
what a fucking jerk!

Trump Touts Putting 'Minors' Back To Work, Twitter Goes Giddy

A captioned video posted to Donald Trump’s Facebook page Friday shows the proofreading-challenged president (apparently backed by a staff with a similar problem) at Wednesday’s Iowa campaign rally boasting about putting “minors” back to work.

That’s all it took for Twitter to gleefully go nuts.

Almost as provocative was Trump’s boast about “ending the war on clean beautiful coal” — which he claims will put miners back to work.

Lots of Facebook comments pointed out the spelling error, but it remained on Trump’s page Friday night, five hours after it was posted.

“Hopefully the miners get work also,” one person commented. “I mean it’s great for our youth to have employment, but mining seems kind of dangerous as a first job.”

Some tweeters pointed out the same mistake was made in a joke scene on the film “Galaxy Quest.”
How the GOP health care bills help the rich

If Republican efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare are successful, one of the biggest winners would be the wealthy. The Senate's bill -- released this week -- differs in key ways from the House-passed version. But proposals eliminate the taxes imposed on high-income Americans to help pay for an expansion of health benefits under the Affordable Care Act. The legislation also would let people contribute more to certain tax-advantaged accounts. At the same time, both bills are expected to disproportionately hurt lower income households by reducing funding for Medicaid and offering less generous subsidies to buy health insurance. Here are the key provisions under the Senate and House health bills ...
BULLSHIT All three of your graphs were debt as percent of GDP. Open your eyes. No wonder you get things wrong so often. Details matter.

...I guess the Nat'l Debt as a % of the GDP doesn't matter to you conservatives until it does ... like with when Democrats are running the show. One thing is pretty obvious, however, h-h, the national debt took off like a rocket in 1981 with Reagan's "Supply-Side Economics. Maybe you can blame that on Obama as well ... LOL!
...Without the GDP ... here's what it looks like.

And "Trickle Down" has worked so WELL for Republicans, they're ready to go 'at it' again, this time on the backs of the poorest Americans ... one senator this morning on MSNBC, when confronted in the hall about the Senate health plan and the cuts to Medicaid even said "when it comes to tax cuts or entitlements for the poor, I'll go with the tax cuts" ... at least HE was honest about it. Wish I had caught the guy's name, but I can watch the program again to get it.
http://zfacts.com/p/318.html (How Voodoo Economics Caused Most Of The Nat'l Debt)
...I guess the Nat'l Debt as a % of the GDP doesn't matter to you conservatives until it does ... like with when Democrats are running the show. One thing is pretty obvious, however, h-h, the national debt took off like a rocket in 1981 with Reagan's "Supply-Side Economics. Maybe you can blame that on Obama as well ... LOL!
...Without the GDP ... here's what it looks like.
View attachment 1330822

And "Trickle Down" has worked so WELL for Republicans, they're ready to go 'at it' again, this time on the backs of the poorest Americans ... one senator this morning on MSNBC, when confronted in the hall about the Senate health plan and the cuts to Medicaid even said "when it comes to tax cuts or entitlements for the poor, I'll go with the tax cuts" ... at least HE was honest about it. Wish I had caught the guy's name, but I can watch the program again to get it.
http://zfacts.com/p/318.html (How Voodoo Economics Caused Most Of The Nat'l Debt)
Simply can't admit you were wrong can you. Thanks for posting that chart. Even though you won't say it, it proves you were wrong. The debt has INCREASED under every president from Truman.

As to your comment about the debt taking off like a rocket under Reagan, look what it did under Carter:


Sure took off like a rocket under ole Peanuts. Why don't you complain about Carter...oh yeah cause he had a D by his name. The truth is both parties haven't given two shits about fiscal responsibility, but you see the democrats through your rose colored glasses.
Actually the only inaccuracies about this story was that Hillary did not volunteer to be his lawyer, and Hillary did vindicate him from ******* but the ******* was convicted from a lesser charge, and Hillary did laugh recalling aspects of this trial where Hillary laughed at the validity of a lie detector test that freed the *******. @subhub174014 if you or anyone else also want to read the evidence at ( http://www.factcheck.org/2016/06/clintons-1975-*******-case/ ) feel free to do so as the essence of this meme is true.

From that woman's perspective Hillary is for rapists. Not for women or children. Just like Bill Clinton if you recall a young intern named Monica Lewinsky too?

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Trump for some reason is sure out to fuck our senior citizens!.... first the food programs.... then health care and now this!

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Just Laid Out a Pathway for Social Security Benefits to Be Cut --

According to the April statistical snapshot from the Social Security Administration (SSA), nearly 61.4 million people were receiving a monthly benefit check. A whopping 68% of these individuals are retired workers. More than 60% of these retired workers, per the SSA, count on their monthly benefit check to comprise at least half of their monthly income. Social Security simply is that important to the financial well-being of our nation's seniors. Social Security is less than two decades away from a big problem Unfortunately, Social Security itself isn't in great shape. To begin with, the ongoing retirement of baby boomers from the workforce is pushing the worker-to-beneficiary ratio ever lower. ...

every place he has put his tiny little hands on has been a bust!

Boeing plant where Donald Trump vowed to create jobs fires almost 200 people

The South Carolina Boeing plant where President Donald Trump spoke about saving American jobs is laying off almost 200 workers, the company says.

Boeing’s South Carolina assembly plant has notified employees that they will be off the company's payrolls from 25 August, company spokeswoman Lori Guntr told The Independent.

The layoffs are part of a larger effort to cut costs at Boeing, where intense competition with rival manufacturer Airbus has ****** the company to lower prices and make savings. Orders for the company’s signature 777 jet have also slowed, with production down nearly 60 per cent from its peak.

The company told employees in December that it would resort to layoffs “as a last resort”. But they went on to announce some workers would be made redundant at their Washington plant in March, and the first-ever round of layoffs at the South Carolina plant were declared on Friday.

We have gone through a variety of other ways of improving competitiveness at the South Carolina site, including voluntary layoffs and costs reductions,” Ms Guntr said. “...We had exhausted all of those and we still were not at the level that our business requires.”

The layoffs come just months after Mr Trump addressed crowds at the South Carolina plant and assured them he would “put our great people back to work”.
