Politics, Politics, Politics

House Republicans Apparently Don't Know How To Do A Budget

It’s been 785 days since House Republicans agreed to a budget they believed in. And if the current disagreement over spending levels continues, Republicans may walk away this year without a budget, a single standalone appropriations bill signed into law or a vehicle for their precious tax reform.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has long said Congress should follow “regular order,” with lawmakers setting spending levels each year in a budget and following those blueprints by passing individual appropriations bills.

But the process got off to a delayed start this year when President Donald Trump didn’t release his budget until late spring. Appropriators didn’t know what numbers they should use for their fiscal 2018 spending bills, and lawmakers used up floor time for their Obamacare repeal. (Technically the health care reconciliation bill was a budget, but Republicans simply used it as a shell bill that didn’t actually lay out spending priorities.)