Politics, Politics, Politics

Whats your point Mac? Yes both sides are just as guilty.
....No doubt about that, TwoBi ... just as h-h accuses me often of not pointing out similar wrongs about Obama. You love burning liberals with their actions, but don't point out the silliness of the conservatives, who, as of the past 10+ years have been way, way more critical of liberals than standing on their own platform. As far as Sharia Law ... I was just using the same terminology conservative politicians used. And Jade Helm ... ohhh, you're gonna really love that one. The Governor of Texas had his population living in fear for almost a year that Obama was going to "take over Texas" ... you'll love it.
I agree that the silliness should STOP ... the only ones being negatively impacted are us common tax paying citizens. But it won't stop ... not anytime soon. And the ones who put out the most negativity and alt-facts seem to win. That's how little the voters are involved in the political arena. Its not just lying, now its cheating. I believe its going to take a Trump 'type' of individual with an ignorant party supporting him, to wake up the voters to common sense legislation. Extreme right or left doesn't belong in politics, but that's the way it is for now. Again, I blame the influx of money ... its ALWAYS about the money. Just wait and watch the Trump dynasty crumble over the next couple years. Teddy Roosevelt got the big money out of politics for a while ... it can be done again.
Were do you get your news?

The Wrap:

Three CNN employees have handed in their resignations over a retracted story linking President Trump to Russia, the network announced Monday.

Thomas Frank, who wrote the story in question; Eric Lichtblau, an editor in the unit; and Lex Haris, who oversaw the unit, have all left CNN. CNN caught false reporting again.

“In the aftermath of the retraction of a story published on CNN.com, CNN has accepted the resignation of the employees involved in the story’s publication,” a network spokesperson told TheWrap in a statement.
Three CNN employees have handed in their resignations over a retracted story linking President Trump to Russia, the network announced Monday.
I assume you are directing that Q at me, itis. It seems conservatives can't be satisfied with the station all conservatives HATE by CNN enforcing the FACTS by getting rid of creators of inaccurate stories. I know MSNBC did as well ... I wonder when Fox News will start firing some of theirs ... starting with Sean Hannity?
I assume you are directing that Q at me, itis. It seems conservatives can't be satisfied with the station all conservatives HATE by CNN enforcing the FACTS by getting rid of creators of inaccurate stories. I know MSNBC did as well ... I wonder when Fox News will start firing some of theirs ... starting with Sean Hannity?
No I did not,
but if the shoe fits?

I have not watched fox news since 2008, they got caught openly lying about Ron Paul and his poll numbers.

If anyone watches the "news" on T.V. or cable and just takes it in, then I would say they are to lazy to research or a fool.
The FBI and CIA have been caught leaking "info" to the news net works and then saying there is no proof of it, but believe our reports their is.

But some people keep on riding that one trick pony as if they are going to impeach anyone on no direct evidence.
Obama has done far far worse along with the likes of John McCain insane, but the "news" net works cover for them and the t ards believe them.
Actual with McCain it's the very very old people and recent immigrants who only get their news from Fox or CNN who vote McCain in.
CNN, MSNBC, ect ect were caught, you know those taps, feeding Hillary question before the debates.
They have been caught faking live coverage in places, and on and on.

Fox has been guilty of faking news on people like Ron Paul or leaving out facts. Omission type lying.
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No I did not,
but if the shoe fits?

I have not watched fox news since 2008, they got caught openly lying about Ron Paul and his poll numbers.

If anyone watches the "news" on T.V. or cable and just takes it in, then I would say they are to lazy to research or a fool.
The FBI and CIA have been caught leaking "info" to the news net works and then saying there is no proof of it, but believe our reports their is.

But some people keep on riding that one trick pony as if they are going to impeach anyone on no direct evidence.
Obama has done far far worse along with the likes of John McCain insane, but the "news" net works cover for them and the t ards believe them.
Actual with McCain it's the very very old people and recent immigrants who only get their news from Fox or CNN who vote McCain in.
CNN, MSNBC, ect ect were caught, you know those taps, feeding Hillary question before the debates.
They have been caught faking live coverage in places, and on and on.

Fox has been guilty of faking news on people like Ron Paul or leaving out facts. Omission type lying.

As for what could damage Trump is his ******* in law, Jared.
The guy is/was walking around the White House with out clearance do to his business dealings with the Chinese(many business owners work over seas).
They had not yet cleared him, yet this kid was influencing the sitting President.
People voted for Trump and his campaign talking points and not his ******* in law.
That is an area to focus on, even though he was cleared later, he should have been keep out of the White House until then.

Trump frankly loves his favorite ******* and Jared has an in threw his wife.

This should be made an issue to ensure at a minimum that it does not repeat in the future.
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The guy is/was walking around the White House with out clearance do to his business dealings with the Chinese(many business owners work over seas).
They had not yet cleared him, yet this kid was influencing the sitting President.
... and where did you learn of this information, itis?
... and where did you learn of this information, itis?
Secret Service report I read that came straight from them.
Jared did not hold a post at the time and was allowed in the White House because his wife has her ******* heart strings at times.
It was well know and public info released, since he was NOT appointed to any post and the secret service was commenting on it.
I will have to go back and did it up again from the source docs released by the secret service.

It is technically water under the bridge now, since he has his clearance now, but this was a breach and should not have happen.

Technically Flynn did not break the law and Jared did break the law. Jared was guilty of multiply federal violations doing what he did.

I am not 100% Trump, but I get 80% of what I was looking for with him, if he can manage to push threw his policies on certain things.
It always like that, you useably get a President that is only 50% of what you want and you get only only half of even that done.
With Trump rolling over others to get things done, I imagine I will get 60-70% of what was promised.

Jared is technically a Democrat in policy, that is one of the reason you almost never here about it.
Fox won't report it. for obvious reasons
The left won't report it, because they believe they have an insider on Trumps team helping them.
With Trump rolling over others to get things done, I imagine I will get 60-70% of what was promised.
gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif Like WHAT? Signing a blue-million executive orders to reverse things that President Obama DID get done? You do realize that they're half way through the FIRST YEAR and his dumbnuts administration hasn't passed one bit of major legislation. You do KNOW THAT, right? He's not getting ANYTHING done ... and his Republicans are abandoning him on the health care because THEY want to get RE-elected in 2018. Eight years they had to design a health care plan ... 8 years ... and all they did, instead, was obstruct Obama's legislation and make every effort to destroy the ACA ... and for WHAT? A plan that doesn't cover anywhere near the benefits, cost even MORE than ACA, and results in $800 billion being taken OUT of Medicaid to pay for the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans?????? Good grief ... you Trumpsters are sure gullible. I think a box of rocks would be smarter than most of 'em.
gif_yellowball-laughing3.gif _______ Trump's future -----------> gif_Yellowball-Prisoner01.gif
Decent non-biased view on Trump-Russia and Trump-Care.
Plays a clip of Trump using the "Death spiral" comment, and he does a good impression of trump and Bernie lol, kind of funny. Talks about how both sides use these scar tactics.

The one news source that has been very accurate is Circa. They've been at 100% accuracy with respect to the Russia story. Probably not a well known name. Before anyone discounts them at some sort of Zero Hedge, or Conservative Treehouse, they should probably review the two reporters background and resumes.

Anyway, T is acquiring TWX, and Mr. O Keefe seems to be delivering the goods on CNN, so I suspect we see a shakeup at the network of the "whitelash" at some point. To be fair, in a very uncovered event, Van Jones did essentially retract his racist remark.

History can be a dangerous thing. I guess that's why it's not formally taught anymore?

"After President Lyndon B. Johnson, as part of his War on Poverty, obtained legislation in 1964 for government funding of birth control,[22] Black militants became more concerned about a possible government-sponsored black genocide. Cecil B. Moore, head of the NAACP chapter in Philadelphia, spoke out against a Planned Parenthood program which was to establish a stronger presence in northern Philadelphia; the population in the targeted neighborhoods was 70% black. Moore said it would be 'race suicide' for blacks to embrace birth control.[9]"
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_genocide_conspiracy_theory )

That seems to speak for itself; plus can anyone defend Planned Parenthood after watching Maafa 21? Pretty tough to do.
( Because the movie is over 2 hours long, for those that want to directly go to the arguments against Planned Parenthood, it begins approximately at the 30th minute of the movie. )
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just more "peaceful" Trumpies on the prowl?

Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight
GETTYSBURG, Pa. ― A few hundred armed militia group members, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ku Klux Klaners, supporters of President Donald Trump, and other self-described patriots descended upon the Gettysburg battlefield Saturday to defend the site’s Confederate symbols from phantom activists with the violent far-left group Antifa.
Some carried assault rifles ― permitted in Pennsylvania ― as they peered out across the battlefield with binoculars, on the lookout for the black-clad, face-masked anti-fascists, anarchists and socialists they said they had heard were traveling to the national park to dishonor Confederate graves, monuments and flags.
Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.
Trump Approval Ratings: Low Support Amid Controversial Tweets And Senate Delaying Healthcare Vote

Amid bipartisan condemnation for tweets about MSNBC co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, Senate Republicans delaying votes for his signature health care act, as well as the continuing investigation into Russia's meddling in the 2016 presidential election, President Donald Trump finds himself continuing to have historically low approval numbers for his presidency. Trump’s approval numbers have been hovering around 40 percent after those numbers dipped into the mid-30s last month after firing former FBI Director James Comey, which was followed by Comey's testimony to a congressional hearing. The president's approval has reverted to similar numbers as the beginning of his presidency which ...

Just more of the pres... promoting peace?

Celebrities React to Donald Trump’s CNN Body Slam Tweet: ‘How the F— Are You a President’

President Donald Trump caused controversy on Sunday when he shared a video on Twitter of himself physically attacking someone meant to represent CNN. The video shows Trump taking down and punching a man with the cable news channel’s logo superimposed over his face.
Trump accompanied the video with a caption, simply saying, “#FraudNewsNetwork” and “#FNN.”

Sunday’s tweet is just the latest in the president’s online crusade against CNN, MSNBC, and other media outlets. Trump has been feuding with “Morning Joe” hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski all week, referring to the pair as “low I.Q. crazy,” “dumb as a rock,” and “psycho” on multiple occasions.


Rep. Lieu: Trump's Tweet "beyond Disturbing"

Congressman Ted Lieu, D-CA, reacts to a Presidential tweet that he believes encourages violence against reporters and, as he says, offers insight into what Trump is thinking about, "violence."


GOP Leaders Notably Silent As Trump Tweet Endorses Violence Against Journalists

Following President Donald Trump’s latest inflammatory tweet that essentially promoted violence against journalists, top GOP lawmakers so far have responded with silence, perpetuating their pattern of doing little as the nation’s chief executive breaks more barriers in his war with the media. Trump on Sunday tweeted what appeared to be an edited version of a 2007 clip of him beating up WWE founder Vince McMahon, with CNN’s logo replacing McMahon’s face. It was then retweeted by the president’s official White House account, @POTUS, following a week of renewed attacks against CNN and other news outlets, which Trump has branded as “fake news” and “fraudulent.” “What about GOP leaders?


Christian leader applauds Trump attack tweets: He's 'willing to speak his mind'

The president of Liberty University on Sunday defended President Trump's tweets going after his opponents. "The left is melting down," Jerry Falwell Jr., a Trump supporter, said during an interview on Fox News. "It's incredible to watch how they still haven't gotten over how Donald TrumpDonald TrumpTrump: 'Dishonest media' won't stop us from accomplishing our goals Dem rep: Trump CNN tweet shows 'he is thinking about violence' This July 4th, let’s come together over Trump’s tweets MORE won and when he hits them back on Twitter, I actually appreciate that." Falwell continued to praise Trump for his leadership. "We're finally getting back to a bold leader who's willing to speak his mind," he said. ...

I guess the only news that isn't fake... is the news that speaks favorably for him... true dictator!

Trump Twitter Wars Continue: New Attack on MSNBC for Firing Greta Van Susteren

President Donald Trump has again lashed out at NBC, this time accusing the network of firing a conservative television personality he felt was more sympathetic to his views.

For the third day in a row, the president launched Twitter attacks Saturday against liberal news station MSNBC, calling out its parent companies NBC and Comcast for letting go former Fox News anchor Greta Van Susteren after less than six months on air. Trump claimed he had heard reports that Susteren was fired for refusing what he believes is a concerted effort by the network to smear his image and discredit his presidency.

Trump claimed he had heard reports that Susteren was fired for refusing what he believes is a concerted effort by the network to smear his image and discredit his presidency.
"... but YOU WON Mr President ... they didn't ... they need to get over it, right?" ... We all play in your 'virtual world of make believe' ... because its YOUR RULES and YOU WON, right? You make the rules; no one else. Your facts are the only facts ... period. You get your info from the little leprechaun that secretly visits you every night for a gold coin.
tell me again just how Trump is making America great again!

Forget Trump Tweets and Travel Ban, Here's Five Major Moves The Administration Made When You Were Looking Elsewhere

In a week in which headlines were dominated by Donald Trump's social media attacks on critics and the Supreme Court was ruling on the president's travel ban, Republican lawmakers and administration officials have been busy rolling back Obama-era regulations.
Here’s a run-down of some of last week's big moves by the administration.

Clean Water Legislation
The Trump administration took a major step on Tuesday towards repealing a law designed to limit pollution in the nation’s waters.
The Waters of the United States, or Wotus bill had extended federal protection afforded to larger bodies of water to rivers and wetlands that flow into them.
However the bill faced opposition from farmers and developers who argued it was an infringement of their property rights, and several states sued the government.
A judge blocked the legislation and on Tuesday the Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt issued a proposed rule to repeal it.

China Sanctions

After `Trump’s praise for Chinese President Xi Jinping, the relationship between the leaders may be set to sour, after the Treasury Department imposed sanctions on a small Chinese bank Thursday, arguing that it acted as an illegal conduit for North Korean financial activity.
Trump last week tweeted that Chinese efforts to curb North Korea’s nuclear program had not worked, and the move may be a sign that the U.S. is preparing unilateral action against North Korea.
Nafta Renegotiation

Since taking office, Trump has imposed a series of timber tariffs on northern neighbor Canada, and criticized the North American Free Trade Agreement.
This week, the U.S. Trade Representative hosted a three day public hearing on Nafta, with 140 witnesses quizzed by officials. According to reports, officials were in agreement that renegotiating the agreement would be long and tough.

Labor Reforms

A series of Obama-era labor reforms were targeted by Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta this week: among them an overtime rule that greatly expanded the number of workers eligible for overtime.
The Labor Department told a federal appeals court on Friday that though it had the power to use salaries to set thresholds for mandatory overtime pay, it did not advocate for the $47,500 maximum salary level set by the department under Obama.
The Obama reform was set to expand overtime pay to more than 4 million salaried workers.