Politics, Politics, Politics

he is not a racist...... there is plenty of room for white supremists in his gov

Trump slashes grant for group combatting white extremism

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — The Trump administration on Friday slashed $400,000 in federal funding for one of the few U.S. groups that combat white extremism but denied it is now focusing only on fighting radical Islamists.

A grant announcement by the Department of Homeland Security eliminated funding for the Chicago-based Life After Hate, which was initially awarded the money in January during the closing days of the Obama administration.

Life After Hate, run by a former skinhead, is among a handful of domestic programs dedicated to helping people leave white power groups including neo-Nazi organizations and the Ku Klux Klan, and it was the only one of the original grant recipients dedicated solely to combatting white extremism.

The co-founder of Life After Hate, Christian Picciolini, said in an emailed statement, "While it's disappointing that DHS broke its promise to us by changing the rules to the grant after we'd already won it, it is more alarming that the current administration is refusing to acknowledge that white nationalist extremists are a major domestic terrorist threat."

The co-founder of Life After Hate, Christian Picciolini, said in an emailed statement, "While it's disappointing that DHS broke its promise to us by changing the rules to the grant after we'd already won it, it is more alarming that the current administration is refusing to acknowledge that white nationalist extremists are a major domestic terrorist threat."

Picciolini has publicly criticized the Trump administration for ties to white extremists. He pledged to continue serving those in need.

In all, Homeland Security awarded $10 million to 26 police and community organizations, none of which has a specific mission to counter groups in the so-called "alt-right," a hodge-podge of white supremacists, white populists and white nationalists, many of whom supported Trump for president.

Well, he's legendary, I can agree with you on that ... only thing I can attach "super" to, however, is LIAR.
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A Super Saiyan is a character from Japanese animé Dragonball Z. Normally characters known as Saiyans have black hair. Those that are able to tap into their strength and unlock their true powers become crazy strong as well as exhibit a radical increase in strength and speed and their hair goes pointed upwards much like Trump as a blonde and they have abilities beyond that of a normal Saiyan, therefore they are referred to as Super Saiyans.

I'm uncertain if Trump is a Super Saiyan, but besides his upward pointed hair, it's impressive for guys his age to still have it.

Plus you surprise me @MacNfries I thought you would like that video of the Hulk punching Trump? Or at the very least confess to a smile seeing it for the first time?
there's low class...... there's no class..... and then there is Trump

Donald Trump Becomes First President In Two Decades To Not Host A Ramadan Dinner

Breaking with tradition, the White House under President Donald Trump did not host an iftar dinner, the meal Muslims eat to break their daily fast during Ramadan.

The dinner, which has been often attended by prominent members of the U.S. Muslim community, began in 1996 during former President Bill Clinton’s White House tenure and continued through the subsequent Bush and Obama administrations.

But Trump and first lady Melania simply issued a brief statement Saturday that offered “warm greetings” to Muslims celebrating Eid al-Fitr, which marks the close of Ramadan, Islam’s holy month of fasting.

“ On behalf of the American people, Melania and I send our warm greetings to Muslims as they celebrate Eidal-Fitr.
Muslims in the United States joined those around the world during the holy month of Ramadan to focus on acts of faith and charity. Now, as they commemorate Eid with family and friends, they carry on the tradition of helping neighbors and breaking bread with people from all walks of life.
During this holiday, we are reminded of the importance of mercy, compassion, and goodwill. With Muslims around the world, the United States renews our commitment to honor these values.
Eid Mubarak.

Trump’s decision to skip hosting the dinner comes after he released a controversial statement meant to mark the beginning of Ramadan. Many members of the Muslim community condemned the message, which largely focused on terrorism.

“This year, the holiday begins as the world mourns the innocent victims of barbaric terrorist attacks in the United Kingdom and Egypt, acts of depravity that are directly contrary to the spirit of Ramadan,” read a White House statement issued in May. “Such acts only steel our resolve to defeat the terrorists and their perverted ideology.”

Trump’s remarks starkly contrast with those by then-President Barack Obama during Ramadan last year. In June 2016, Obama and then-first lady Michelle announced plans to host an Eid celebration in the White House and praised American Muslims for their contributions to the U.S.

“Muslim Americans have been part of our American family since its founding,” the Obamas wrote in a statement roughly five times longer than Trump’s Ramadan message. “We look forward to welcoming Americans from around the country to celebrate the holiday.”

Trump eager for big meeting with Putin; some advisers wary

President Donald Trump is eager to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin with full diplomatic bells and whistles when the two are in Germany for a multinational summit next month. But the idea is exposing deep divisions within the administration on the best way to approach Moscow in the midst of an ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in the U.S. elections.

Many administration officials believe the U.S. needs to maintain its distance from Russia at such a sensitive time — and interact only with great caution.

But Trump and some others within his administration have been pressing for a full bilateral meeting. He's calling for media access and all the typical protocol associated with such sessions, even as officials within the State Department and National Security Council urge more restraint, according to a current and a former administration official.

Trump is terrified of the investigation into his relationship with Russia — and he should be

Donald Trump has been having a meltdown about former FBI Director Robert Mueller pretty much ever since the special counsel was appointed on May 17. So irate has Trump become that he reportedly gave serious thought to firing Mueller when his investigation has hardly begun — and may still do so despite all of the advice he is receiving to the contrary. It’s not hard to see why Trump would be so terrified: Mueller is universally respected for his integrity and doggedness, and he has been assembling a hunter-killer team of crack investigators and lawyers to help him. Trump’s attack dogs have been desperately trying to discredit the rebooted Untouchables, but the best they could come up with is that three of Mueller’s hires contributed to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. ...

Maybe .... after Trump bragged to the Russian diplomat about firing Comey...... he plans to brag to P u t I n about firing Mueller!

I think if he fired Mueller it would sway a lot on the right to start re-thinking things!
they wouldn't even have to get him on obstruction of justice...... easy to get him on abuse of power!

I really didn't think he would make it a year without being removed or just leaving.... but with people like Gowdy and the one from Calif and a few others.... who knows how long he can hang on
they just keep making it..... nicer?

Senate GOP updates health care bill to include 6-month lockout for uninsured

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Monday updated the health care bill he is whipping votes for to penalize people who do not have insurance and wish to purchase it on the exchanges.

The new bill says that people who have lacked insurance coverage for 63 days or more must wait six months before reentering the marketplace. This change is meant to prevent a “death spiral” of healthy people waiting until they become sick to buy insurance, driving up costs for everyone. The Senate health care bill gets rid of Obamacare’s individual mandate that requires everyone to purchase health insurance or pay a fine.

The bill’s adjustments are unlikely to win over any of the five GOP senators who are publicly opposed to the current legislation. Four conservative senators said they want the bill to repeal more of Obamacare, and one moderate, Sen. Dean Heller of Nevada, said the bill does not do enough to protect Nevadans on Medicaid. More changes are expected later this week.
I thought CNN was holding his dick to the fire... this is not good for CNN

CNN accepts resignations of 3 involved in retracted story
NEW YORK (AP) — CNN accepted the resignations Monday of three journalists involved in a retracted story about a supposed investigation into a pre-inaugural meeting between an associate of President Donald Trump and the head of a Russian investment fund.
The story was posted on the network's website on Thursday and was removed, with all links disabled, Friday night. CNN immediately apologized to Anthony Scaramucci, the Trump transition team member who was reported to be involved in the meeting.
The story's author, Thomas Frank, was among those who resigned, according to a network executive who requested anonymity because the person was not authorized to discuss personnel issues. Also losing their jobs were Eric Lichtblau, an assistant managing editor in CNN's Washington bureau, and Lex Haris, head of the investigations unit.
Supreme Court imposes church tax
USA Today 10 hours ago

Reckless ruling blows a huge hole in the wall between church and state: Opposing view In America, houses of worship should continue to pay their own way. Religious institutions in this country have traditionally relied on voluntary support, not taxpayer funds, to grow and prosper. This system has worked well for us. Religion in America has thrived under this voluntary principle. Monday’s decision by the Supreme Court in Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer is starkly at odds with that great tradition. By asserting that houses of worship have a legal right to public funds in some cases, the high court has imposed a modern-day version of a church tax on all of us. Americans should have the right to ...

Kellyanne Conway Defends Medicaid Cuts, Says Adults Can Always Find Jobs
Jonathan Cohn,HuffPost Sun, Jun 25 11:29 AM CDT

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Sunday came right out and said what so many Republicans are probably thinking ― that taking Medicaid away from able-bodied adults is no big deal, because they can go out and find jobs that provide health insurance.
Apparently nobody has told Conway that the majority of able-bodied adults on Medicaid already have jobs. The problem is that they work as parking lot attendants and baby care workers, manicurists and dishwashers ― in other words, low-paying jobs that typically don’t offer insurance. Take away their Medicaid and they won’t be covered.

Appearing on ABC “This Week” program, Conway faced tough questions about steep cuts to Medicaid in the Better Health Care Act ― the bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act that Senate Republican leaders released on Thursday and hope to bring to a vote this week.

The Affordable Care Act ― Obamacare ― offered states extra federal matching funds to expand Medicaid eligibility, so that anybody with income below or just above the poverty line would qualify. Under the Senate bill, like its House counterpart, the federal government would withdraw those extra funds, forsing most of the 31 states (plus the District of Columbia) that accepted the money to roll back their expansions partly or entirely.

When ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked Conway about this possibility, she offered an increasingly familiar argument ― that Obamacare had over-extended Medicaid by taking the program away from its historic mission of covering children, pregnant women, the elderly and the disabled.

If you can't nominate a supreme court nominee during your last year.... you shouldn't be able to in an impeachment year either

US high court looks to travel ban ruling and a possible retirement

Washington (AFP) - The White House declined to comment Sunday on speculation that a pivotal US Supreme Court justice might announce his retirement on Monday, the last day of the high court's current session.
Justice Anthony Kennedy, who has cast the decisive vote in some of the court's most far-reaching decisions, turns 81 next month and is widely believed to be thinking of retiring.
When asked about that, White House adviser Kellyanne Conway told ABC: "I will never reveal a conversation between a sitting justice and the president or the White House, but we're paying very close attention to these last bit of decisions."

Image of the United States has plunged under Trump, survey shows

BERLIN (Reuters) - The image of the United States has deteriorated sharply across the globe under President Donald Trump and an overwhelming majority of people in other countries have no confidence in his ability to lead, a survey from the Pew Research Center showed.

Five months into Trump's presidency, the survey spanning 37 nations showed U.S. favorability ratings in the rest of the world slumping to 49 percent from 64 percent at the end of Barack Obama's eight years in the White House.

But the falls were far steeper in some of America's closest allies, including U.S. neighbors Mexico and Canada, and European partners like Germany and Spain.

Trump took office in January pledging to put "America First". Since then he has pressed ahead with plans to build a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico, announced he will pull out of the Paris climate accord, and accused countries including Canada, Germany and China of unfair trade practices.

On his first foreign trip as president in early June, Trump received warm welcomes in Saudi Arabia and Israel, but a cool reception from European partners, with whom he clashed over NATO spending, climate and trade.

Trump care bill will "literally" ******* Americans, LOL I watched Pelosi and some other moron last night claiming, and I quote, "As soon as this bill is passed 7 million people will instantly die". It was a good laugh. Yes these leftist morons are just that stupid.

While I don't think either bill is much good for anyone - (which by the way my premiums are set to go up another 37% in July under Obamacare). But I really have to question the inelegance of some people when they say ******* like this. as if some mystical death angel is going to sweep the land and pick 7 million people at random and ******* them as soon as the bill becomes law.

Bottom line - The reason you have insurance now is because it is mandatory to have insurance. Guess what - If it is still mandatory to have insurance you will still have insurance after Trump care also. This is nothing but misleading bullshit to get people ramped up. If it is not mandatory and millions drop health care - it just goes to prove that it is NOT AFFORDABLE. But hay - Obama said it is, it's in the name "Affordable care act" so it must be true - right???

Like I stated a thousand times, we need real reform, not laws that ******* us to buy bullshit, but hay - you lefties just keep on fighting the good fight and swallow.

"The Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan federal government agency that provides economic and budget information to Congress, recently released a report on the American Health Care Act. The AHCA is the Republican replacement for the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, which the Trump administration is determined to repeal. The CBO report claims that as many as 24 million people will lose health coverage if the AHCA (“Trumpcare”) is passed into law. However, a review of the CBO findings indicates that a large number of those who will “lose” healthcare may actually choose not to purchase coverage once the individual mandate is eliminated. How many people will lose insurance under Trumpcare? That depends on how you define a loss in coverage."

Trump care bill will "literally" ******* Americans, LOL I watched Pelosi and some other moron last night claiming, and I quote, "As soon as this bill is passed 7 million people will instantly die". It was a good laugh. Yes these leftist morons are just that stupid.

..... But I really have to question the inelegance of some people when they say ******* like this. as if some mystical death angel is going to sweep the land and pick 7 million people at random and ******* them as soon as the bill becomes law.
Yeah, I have been saying about the same thing regarding ...
Obama's Birth Certificate
Jade Helm
Sharia Law
Death Panels
Death Spirals
FEMA trailers
gun confiscations​
Care to express your concerns with any of those ridiculous Republican fallacies? Oh, and there are MORE, many, many more. I just couldn't think of them right this minute.
avatar-Doug1-B.jpg Mac

Obama's Birth Certificate
Jade Helm
Sharia Law
Death Panels
Death Spirals
FEMA trailers
gun confiscations

Obama's BC - Still to many open questions. But I'll chalk that up with Trumps Tax returns.

Jade Helm - Don't know enough about it to comment, will need to research it.

Benshazi - You trying to say it didn't happen, or maybe it's not important, again, Washington is above the law.

Ebola - Over rated

Sheria Law - maybe you need to educate yourself a bit more before adding this one to your list. Maybe you meant to list "Muslim" instead? Muslim people don't bother me.

Death Panels / Death Spirals - Same as the "literally die" comment - nothing but to incite fear.

FEMA trailers - are you referring to the boogas formaldehyde fiasco or the that fact that thousands were built and not used for anything. Either way - a joke.

Gun confiscation - used as a fear tactic for now - but in reality it is the only way to stop gun ownership.

Whats your point Mac? Yes both sides are just as guilty. It's all a play on words and to make people afraid., you know it and I know it. So why continue to fuel the fire with more BS? Why continue the game? Why not help people understand and see the reality of it? No millions aren't going to "literally" be killed, no people aren't going to "loose" their health care. The only way you will "loose" health care is if you choose not to pay for it - big difference.