Politics, Politics, Politics

The South Carolina Republican told a gathering of reporters Friday that he instead wants to return the Oversight panel to its original “compulsory” jurisdiction, including overseeing more mundane issues like government procurement and the Census
Yeah, I guess he does after Hillary Clinton mopped his ASS in a straight 11-hour drilling that got him nationally embarrassed. He's use to trying young, black men in South Carolina ... he couldn't challenge a speeding ticket.
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AP FACT CHECK: Trump and missions unaccomplished

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has a way of presenting missions as accomplished even when they're not.

So it was when he told Iowans he's put farmers back at their plows, secured a historic increase in military spending and empowered homebuilders to swing their hammers again. Those all remain aspirations, not achievements.

Trump is also known to propose something already in effect, as when he declared "the time has come" for a welfare moratorium for immigrants. President Bill Clinton signed such a moratorium into law in 1996.

A look at a variety of Trump's statements from the public square over the past week:

TRUMP: "We're thinking about building the wall as a solar wall so it creates energy and pays for itself. And this way, Mexico will have to pay much less money. And that's good right? ... Pretty good imagination, right? Good? My idea." — in Iowa on Wednesday.

THE FACTS: His idea? Others came forward with such proposals back when he was criticizing solar power as too expensive.
