Politics, Politics, Politics

just hard to believe.... Gowdy... after getting caught lying and cheating on his last committee... now chairing another committee and right back at it!
wanting to know about Comey and Hillary's e-mails!.... the guy has a one track mind.... country be damned he wants Hillary!
And what does the EC have to do with corruption?
Absolutely nothing of course, but Mac and many liberals are butt hurt by it since it led to GW and Trump winning the presidency. Mac's whines about it on a regular basis....even when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand, such as corruption in this case.

Liberals like to argue it is "outdated" or unneeded with modern voting technology. This merely shows their ignorance of the topic. They'll cry about eliminating the electoral college, but they never seem to want to eliminate the US Senate. The electoral college and the Senate fundamentally serve the same purpose. They balance the interests of many low population states vs the interests of a few large population states.

If you really want to see chaos, go ahead and abolish the Electoral College. You think 2000 was a fiasco. Just wait until the next election like we had in 1960. JFK won the popular vote by just 112,000 votes nationwide (0.17%). If that happened without the electoral college, we'd have the Florida hanging chads, lawsuits, and resulting chaos in every county of every state in the US.
They balance the interests of many low population states vs the interests of a few large population states.

That's why I am on the fence about it. Although I understand both arguments, I think it is a bit early yet to remove it. There is still a large population that would go "unaccounted for" if it is eliminated now.
The racist word has been slung around so much by the liberals that it has lost its meaning.

The electoral college is racist. LOL. You just cant make that stuff up and hope to have credibility.
Absolutely nothing of course, but Mac and many liberals are butt hurt by it since it led to GW and Trump winning the presidency. Mac's whines about it on a regular basis....even when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand, such as corruption in this case.

Liberals like to argue it is "outdated" or unneeded with modern voting technology. This merely shows their ignorance of the topic. They'll cry about eliminating the electoral college, but they never seem to want to eliminate the US Senate. The electoral college and the Senate fundamentally serve the same purpose. They balance the interests of many low population states vs the interests of a few large population states.

If you really want to see chaos, go ahead and abolish the Electoral College. You think 2000 was a fiasco. Just wait until the next election like we had in 1960. JFK won the popular vote by just 112,000 votes nationwide (0.17%). If that happened without the electoral college, we'd have the Florida hanging chads, lawsuits, and resulting chaos in every county of every state in the US.
It's outdated because it doesn't allow them to use California and new York to win every election. If trump had won the popular vote but lost the electoral college they would be marching to preserve it and find a way to label anyone who disagreed with them as sexist, racist and xenophobic.
....Reagan started the whole 'deficit spending' & 'trickle down' supply-side economics mess, STIFF, that the Republicans have adopted and built their platform on the past 35+ years. Prior to Reagan, the national debt of the US had declined with every serving president since WW2 and Pres. Truman. Reagan inherited a national debt under $1 trillion and left office 8 years later having tripled that national debt. Many Republicans called it 'voodoo economics', which it truly is. Its worth researching and reading about it, and, how Reagan implemented eleven different tax increases on the middleclass to recoup their tax cuts he gave them along with the richest Americans. Thus began the separation between the 'haves' and 'have nots' and the middleclass pay stagnation and decline.
....Pres. Chump and the Congressional ReThuglicans have taken 'trickle down' to a new low this time ... proposing to cut $800 billion out of Medicaid, which strikes a big blow to the poorest Americans, and shifting it over to a $600 billion tax cut that primarily benefits the wealthiest Americans once again.
....Thus far the trifecta Republican control in Washington has not passed one single piece of major legislation that they proposed in 2016 elections... not ONE. Now, the Republicans, that are up for re-election in the 2018 mid-terms, are worried about their being re-elected because of the massive Medicaid/entitlement cuts, and the proposed Trumpcare health plan proposed to replace Obamacare.
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The sooner we can get these treasonist, lying, cheating, self-serving bastards out of Washington, the better off our country will be.
You are entitled to your views and I'm not going to change them. But if your true appearance is like that of your avatar your face seems similar to someone I listen to on occasion and I just placed it. Would you think you resemble author and evangelist Perry Stone? If so that would be highly ironic as he's pro-Trump and an American, possibly even a Republican also.


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damn ... this is a big surprise!


Gowdy: Oversight panel won't pursue Russia, obstruction probes
POLITICO 15 hours ago .

Newly-elected House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Trey Gowdy does not plan to investigate Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election or questions of whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice. The South Carolina Republican told a gathering of reporters Friday that he instead wants to return the Oversight panel to its original “compulsory” jurisdiction, including overseeing more mundane issues like government procurement and the Census. Story Continued Below And while Oversight will likely pursue some investigations eventually, Gowdy was adamant that he does not ...
It's outdated because it doesn't allow them to use California and new York to win every election. If

so you are saying the less populated areas like Colo or Mont should have more voice?.... what because they cover a bigger area?....less people!
typical Trump logic there!

whatever happened to majority wins?..... guess that doesn't mean anything to you "trumpies"!
This merely shows their ignorance of the topic

everything is always ignorant if it is against what you want!.....

If that happened without the electoral college, we'd have the Florida hanging chads, lawsuits, and resulting chaos in every county of every state in the US.

No ... just like last before the republican Gov would declare who he thinks the winner is!
Fla has always been one state that has been very messed up in their voting.... why? ... because they are so corrupt in how they run their elections in the first place..... funny NY ...Ohio... Penn a lot of the bigger more populated states don't have that problem

the states with a major voting problem are normally republican!..... because they do all they can to suppress voter rights!
but shouldn't be a problem next time as I see the Trump administration is working on voter rights.... something I'm sure the right will support!
well HH I'm sure you will just be tickled to death
one of the three people Trump is hiring on voter fraud is your man from Kansas...... the same one that just got fined by a judge for lying on the issue!
Reagan started the whole 'deficit spending' & 'trickle down' supply-side economics mess
Prior to Reagan, the national debt of the US had declined with every serving president since WW2 and Pres. Truman.
This is more of your BS and you know it. We've been round and round on the federal debt several times on this forum in the past. You want to claim Reagan started deficit spending. The fact is the US debt has gone UP under EVERY president in modern times....going back to Truman and before.

Since you want to blame Reagan for starting deficit spending, lets just take a quick peek at his predecessor Ole Peanuts Jimmy Carter.

When Carter took office in January of 1977 Federal debt was $653 billion

When Carter left office in January of 1980 Federal debt was $934 billion

So the change in debt under Carter was $281 billion

Now put on your thinking cap Mac and tell us....should this equation have a Plus sign or a Minus sign in it?

$653 ? $281 = $934

Proof of debt numbers straight from the treasury dept records:


And what does the EC have to do with corruption?
....In most states (including mine) the electoral college is an "all or none" voting system; not a true reflection of the voters. NC and a few other states are under lawsuits now for Republican gerrymandering the states to extremes and dicking around with the voters rights ... NC has been in the news many times on the major news channels. I've put up the gerrymandered districts a couple times, but basically what they did was crowd all the black populous into one district, thus freeing up 3-4 other districts of non-black voters because Republicans knew blacks would likely vote Democrat. Last voting cycle over 60% of the districts had incumbants 'uncontested'. Also, Republicans cut the number of days, hours, and locations of poll locations, did away with same day registration and campus registrations, thus creating long lines at the voting locations ... last 2 voting cycles my wife & I waited in line over 2 hours to vote.
....So, Republicans, with their various riggings of the voting laws, know that the electoral votes are dependent upon keeping voting low and gerrymandering the districts. With today's technologies, there is simply no reason why voting cannot be a true reflection of the popular votes.
This is more of your BS and you know it. We've been round and round on the federal debt several times on this forum in the past. You want to claim Reagan started deficit spending. The fact is the US debt has gone UP under EVERY president in modern times....going back to Truman and before.
And you'd be WRONG 'buttwipe' ...

The elctoral college is racist all because of gerrymandering. LOL. cant you come up something better than that?

Maybe you cannot come to grips that people who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 decided to go to Trump. I wonder if you consider them to be racists too.
The elctoral college is racist all because of gerrymandering. LOL. cant you come up something better than that?
....You can believe the gerrymandering or not .... here's pics of a couple districts they squeezed a bunch of heavily black populated areas into one district ... notice the length and narrowness of the districts. Must be something to it, syscom ... or the Republicans wouldn't have done it and wouldn't have fought so hard to NOT change it after 3 federal judges looked at it and told them to change it back. Now the Republicans have taken it to the Supreme Court to decide ... so I guess IF the US Supreme Court also agrees to the illegality of the gerrymandering done in NC & Wisconsin, you'll say the judges are RACISTS to, huh? So its always racist and biased IF the ruling is against the Republicans, huh? You're starting to sound like Trump, man.
....Also, you refused to acknowledge that the electoral college is an 'all or none" in most states ... another problem which fails to reflect the true vote of the voters.
....Listen, you asked me WHY ... I just told you why ... please don't be an ASSHOLE like h-h, ok?
And you'd be WRONG 'buttwipe' ...

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No you'd be wrong. I won't stoop to your third grade playground vocabulary.

You said:

Prior to Reagan, the national debt of the US had declined with every serving president since WW2 and Pres. Truman

The graphs you show aren't national debt. They are debt as a percentage of GDP. Huge difference. What you claimed was the debt declined under each president which it never has since before Truman.

If the debt declined under Carter as you claimed, why did Carter have to raise the debt ceiling 7 times during his administration????

When Carter entered office, the debt ceiling was "just" $682 billion. After Carter's 7 limit increases, the debt ceiling was $935 billion.

So once again, under Carter the debt went from $653 billion to $934 billion.

Now I know you can do this:

$653 ? $281 = $934 Should that ? be a plus or a minus sign. Hint...the answer begins with the letter P.