Politics, Politics, Politics

even putting several hundred on a different thread.... your man is such an easy target... I still have several hundred that I didn't post yet and can still keep up with you..... you need to take another day or two off and go look for more!
even putting several hundred on a different thread.... your man is such an easy target... I still have several hundred that I didn't post yet and can still keep up with you..... you need to take another day or two off and go look for more!
I know you have an exhaustive database of memes. Just trying to keep the thread objective.
Yes. The world has been saying exactly that about trump ever since he took office.

While personal opinion of Trump isn't high, true, and I don't really favor Trump, but it's hard to argue with results;

President Donald Trump's fulfilling of campaign promises is responsible for the recent stock market gains, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told CNBC on Monday.

We're lowering taxes, we're cutting regulations, we're stimulating the workforce,
[sound familiar?] helping to develop the workforce of the future, unleashing our energy resources and redoing our trade agreements," Ross said.

"That's the whole package that President Trump was elected on, and it's the whole package that's driven the stock market to $4 trillion of gains since the election."

Ross appeared on "Squawk Box" at the 2017 SelectUSA Investment Summit outside Washington, featuring senior government officials and global business leaders.

Since the election, the Dow Jones industrial average has surged more than 16 percent, the S&P 500 has gained more than 13 percent, and the Nasdaq composite has risen 18 percent as of Friday's close.

Critics have argued investors could be getting ahead of themselves, since Trump may not be able to get all the reforms he wants from Congress — even though the House and Senate are controlled by the GOP.

Trump has so far released a one-pager on tax reform, which calls for an overhaul that would cut tax rates but rely on erasing tax breaks and economic growth to end up as "revenue neutral." Despite any roadblocks, Ross said Trump's cutting of regulations has been effective.

"The single most important thing that President Donald Trump has been achieving is the regulatory unwind," Ross said. "The amount of red tape that's been cut out is celebrated by every single CEO that comes to visit with me because that's what has been strangling this country."

On investing, Ross said the industry the United States would like to attract most is technology.

"The high-tech people, the internet people, the artificial intelligence people. Those are where a lot of the future will be," he said.

"We're certainly not going to neglect the historic industries," he added. "But we must look forward to the growth engines of the future."
We're lowering taxes, we're cutting regulations, we're stimulating the workforce, [sound familiar?] helping to develop the workforce of the future, unleashing our energy resources and redoing our trade agreements," Ross said.

it's still trickle down.... and has not worked in the past.... ok giving all these corps more money less restrictions.... even with the stock market up..... that doesn't put money in the workers pockets..... the workers are what moves the economy with them spending money.... and with all the cuts.... nothing to the worker.... spells recession/depression
Maybe Ronald Reagan was a disappointment to you too?
....Reagan started the whole 'deficit spending' & 'trickle down' supply-side economics mess, STIFF, that the Republicans have adopted and built their platform on the past 35+ years. Prior to Reagan, the national debt of the US had declined with every serving president since WW2 and Pres. Truman. Reagan inherited a national debt under $1 trillion and left office 8 years later having tripled that national debt. Many Republicans called it 'voodoo economics', which it truly is. Its worth researching and reading about it, and, how Reagan implemented eleven different tax increases on the middleclass to recoup their tax cuts he gave them along with the richest Americans. Thus began the separation between the 'haves' and 'have nots' and the middleclass pay stagnation and decline.
....Pres. Chump and the Congressional ReThuglicans have taken 'trickle down' to a new low this time ... proposing to cut $800 billion out of Medicaid, which strikes a big blow to the poorest Americans, and shifting it over to a $600 billion tax cut that primarily benefits the wealthiest Americans once again.
....Thus far the trifecta Republican control in Washington has not passed one single piece of major legislation that they proposed in 2016 elections... not ONE. Now, the Republicans, that are up for re-election in the 2018 mid-terms, are worried about their being re-elected because of the massive Medicaid/entitlement cuts, and the proposed Trumpcare health plan proposed to replace Obamacare.
The sooner we can get these treasonist, lying, cheating, self-serving bastards out of Washington, the better off our country will be.
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While personal opinion of Trump isn't high, true, and I don't really favor Trump, but it's hard to argue with results
....Give us a break, TwoBi ... you know damn well this is all artificial. When inflation is allowed to come back, its going to pop the markets just like it did under Bush; thing is, Republicans have removed and are still removing the regulations that Obama and Democrats put in the investment industry & banks (Dodd-Frank, etc) to keep them from going bankrupt and us taxpayers having to pick up yet another major debt tab.
....As far as the job market goes, there's been no substantial trend of jobs GAINS, as predicted by Trump. He's still riding the Obama wave of 74 consecutive and unprecedented months of jobs growth. And the 4-6% GDP growth .... conservatives are drinking way, way too much of their own Koolaid. When the stock market crashes again ... and it IS going to crash ... we'll be right back to the same old 300-400,000 negative jobs growth and major investment industries passing their losses to us taxpayers.
....What President Chump is doing is simply reversing everything that Obama did with executive orders ... and the fucker doesn't even read or understand his OWN executive orders ... just does what someone else tells him to do. The guy's an IDIOT.
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The sooner we can get these treasonist, lying, cheating, self-serving bastards out of Washington, the better off our country will be.
If you actually manage to get those treasonist, lying, cheating, self-serving bastards out of Washington, please have the last one out turn off the lights....going to be a quiet place!
.As far as the job market goes, there's been no substantial trend of jobs GAINS, as predeicted by Trump.

Then you are looking in the wrong spot. I'm a business man, I deal with business owners all over the country, every one of them is expanding, every one is highering and every one can't find quality employees. One city I travel to frequently is booming, they can't build buildings and housing fast enough. Just because there is poor growth in your area does not mean it is poor growth all over. In fact, employers in my area are having a hard time finding people that want to work. I can't find anybody either. No one has any skills anymore, they just want a pay check and could care less about the job. Values and job skills are no longer taught in schools, k[ds are only taught who to cry too if they get offended.

When inflation is allowed to come back, its going to pop the markets just like it did under Bush
Are you referring to the housing bubbles created by the democrats? It's heading there again by the way, because Bush wasn't allowed to put safe guards in place. But that is neither here nor there other than to miss direct and change the subject matter - lets look at what is happening NOW, the subject is recent job growth. (Bush wasn't the end of the world either by the way)

Were do you think all the money is going to come from if corporations are squashed? What do you think happens when the rich stop spending money, stop highering and stop growing their company? Perhaps you missed why the economy in the Netherlands started growing again.
Specifically point #3, and according to my business associates in the Netherlands - she is exactly right.

You can claim "Trickle Down" doesn't work all you want Mac, but the evidence shows something much different. What doesn't work is a corrupt government and that corruption is why it is called "trickle". Without the corruption it would be a water fall. I'll ask again, were is the money going to come from once you take it all from the rich? better question - what gives you the right to take it in the first place?

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that doesn't put money in the workers pockets..... the workers are what moves the economy with them spending money.... and with all the cuts.... nothing to the worker.... spells recession/depression

That is the corruption you are talking about - that is neither a Democrat or Republican issue - it's a greed issue. Like I just Told Mac, if not for the corruption, it would be a water fall, not a trickle.

We need laws that prevent the corruption, and better still, a government with the balls to enforce them. If noting else, Trump has exposed that in a big way.

We have laws that actually encourage employers to pay as little as possible and strip benefits.

(yes I'm an office fan)
We need laws that prevent the corruption, and better still, a government with the balls to enforce them
Term limits, reversal of Citizens United, transparency to ALL donations, and removal of electoral collage would be good starts.
Trump has exposed that in a big way.
I'm not sure where you are coming from, here ... Trump is a representation of political corruption magnified to the umpteenth power. The only ones who don't think so are the 35-36% of voters who voted for him. He has no respect by the majority of voters, or the majority of our allies. I doubt he even has respect from his current spouse.
Meaning that Trump is so obvious corrupt, many are starting to realize the severity of the problem within our government.

there are a lot on the right sticking by him.... for whatever reason.... just read that he is considering firing Mueller.... and well naturally Gingrich... but several others agree with him
trump is the picture of corruption!..... wonder just how much he has made in money off... hotel in dc... golf courses... and etc since being elected!