Politics, Politics, Politics

Had Hillary won I'm certain that picture would be the other way around and it would have been Trump that would have given Hillary her prison wear.;)
Hillary didn't intentionally share sensitive information with a non allie - just e-mailed sensitive material to someone she knew. Its pretty obvious, when Trump had a closed door meeting with the Russians, and didn't allow the press to photo his visit by the Russians, that he is in collusion with the Russians. This should put the Trump-Russian investigation into High Gear and his tax returns for the past 20 years audited. Some Republicans are already admitting that Trump is in ... wait for it ... here it comes .... you've heard it before from Republicans .... a DEATH SPIRIL!
Closed door session with the Russians with ONLY a Russian photographer in the room?
The imagination is limitless on this ... especially with Trump's past Russian involvements ...

pic_political-Trump&Russians.jpg ....GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif

And to think, many of his campaign speeches were about Hillary Clinton's e-mails. And when asked WHY he shared that classified info with the Russians, Trump says "As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do" ... WOW! Open huh? Then why was the US media shut OUT of the meeting, whereas the Russians brought their own people?
What an idiot! This President lives in his own Virtual World ... if he's going to run this country, he needs to leave fantasy land and join reality for a while.
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Hillary didn't intentionally share sensitive information with a non allie - just e-mailed sensitive material to someone she knew. Its pretty obvious, when Trump had a closed door meeting with the Russians, and didn't allow the press to photo his visit by the Russians, that he is in collusion with the Russians. This should put the Trump-Russian investigation into High Gear and his tax returns for the past 20 years audited. Some Republicans are already admitting that Trump is in ... wait for it ... here it comes .... you've heard it before from Republicans .... a DEATH SPIRIL!
What's good for the gander is also good for the goose. If you all are going to be so heavy handed on Trump, that's your choice. But you shouldn't let Hillary get off for her misdoings also. If you are going to send Trump to prison, make certain the next one you heavily investigate with the same fervor is Hillary. And make sure you lock her up.
If you are going to send Trump to prison, make certain the next one you heavily investigate with the same fervor is Hillary.
...There's quite a bit of difference between being careless with confidential info and intentionally giving the info out to our adversaries. I don't think Hillary shared any confidential information with our adversaries .... did she? She simply sent confidential e-mails to fellow work associates and claimed she didn't notice they were marked with the "C" for confidential. Trump intentionally shared this info with the Russians, then, arrogantly says -basically- that he'll share what HE wants to with the Russians or anyone else. Quite a bit of difference STIFF ... don't you think? Truthfully, who would you trust MORE in deciding who gets confidential info ... Trump or Clinton? Its a no brainer for me.

...I mean, he was videoed many times, in his campaign, of hounding Hillary about those e-mails and the fact they were confidential, and that she should be imprisoned ... what about him. Who do you feel is more knowledgeable of handling sensitive info .... Trump or Clinton? Trump's already proven he doesn't know crap about government, and basically doesn't care to learn. This crony/vulture capitalist is likely to do anything to make a buck or two ... he's a snake that lies with almost every breath he takes. Personally, he needs to be removed from office before he does some real damage.
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...There's quite a bit of difference between being careless with confidential info and intentionally giving the info out to our adversaries. I don't think Hillary shared any confidential information with our adversaries .... did she? She simply sent confidential e-mails to fellow work associates and claimed she didn't notice they were marked with the "C" for confidential. Trump intentionally shared this info with the Russians, then, arrogantly says -basically- that he'll share what HE wants to with the Russians or anyone else. Quite a bit of difference STIFF ... don't you think? Truthfully, who would you trust MORE in deciding who gets confidential info ... Trump or Clinton? Its a no brainer for me.

...I mean, he was videoed many times, in his campaign, of hounding Hillary about those e-mails and the fact they were confidential, and that she should be imprisoned ... what about him. Who do you feel is more knowledgeable of handling sensitive info .... Trump or Clinton? Trump's already proven he doesn't know crap about government, and basically doesn't care to learn. This crony/vulture capitalist is likely to do anything to make a buck or two ... he's a snake that lies with almost every breath he takes. Personally, he needs to be removed from office before he does some real damage.
You definitely maintain the feeling that's in vogue these days that Trump is so incompetent, but the fact of the matter is neither me nor you are privy to details of American National Security. I would think there might be enough checks and balances in your system to maintain order. After all America is not a third world country whereby if a leader does a very shitty job the general(s) step in and take over the country. And in none of the media that I have seen on CNN, Breitbart, USA Today, and a few others suggest that any US Generals are going to make any kind of coup of America anytime soon. Why? Because the top echelon of the military are privy to the kind of crap the Commander In Chief faces and they support him just like knights, bishops, rooks, pawns and a queen support their king in a game of chess. And DAESH ( more commonly known in North America as ISIS/ISIL) will take a lot of effort to stop and America would require an abundant amount of help from credible players that could help. Even if it is Russia. Ever hear of the expression: the enemy of your enemy is your friend? So even if the intelligence that Trump shared with Russia if it finds it's way to P U T I N and then both he and Trump were to perform a coordinated attack to destroy DAESH would it not be worth it? And free America to fight against other adversaries like Kim Jun-Un. Also, I don't know if you had the chance to see 60 minutes on Sunday, but there was a segment that suggested that Al-Qaeda might be coming back too. It's new charismatic leader is none other than the ******* of Osama Bin Laden (Hamza Bin Laden) and so as they said he wants revenge against America for killing his dad. So, if possible, it'd be best to eliminate DAESH so America can use it's resources to confront and wipe out Al Qaeda for good.
( http://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-bin-laden-documents-reveal-about-al-qaeda/ )

As for Hillary I feel strongly convinced she's just as filthy as what a lot of people believe Trump is if not dirtier. Beating up on Hillary might not be what people are after these days as she's thankfully not in a position of power, but all one needs to do is drill into her just as much as Trump's opponents drill into him, and you'd find a lot to lock her up even besides the 30,000+ emails that had who knows what and who it was sent to? The war on Libya that even Obama admitted was a mistake was because of at least partly by Hillary. Remember Bengazi? Perhaps doing underhanded tactics to seize the DNC nomination that debatably should have went to Bernie Sanders? And there are also disturbing thoughts about how Hillary helped fund Islamic terror too. And I am just scratching the surface with her.
( http://www.globalresearch.ca/hillar...s-hillary-clinton-should-be-in-prison/5554529 )
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I would think there might be enough checks and balances in your system to maintain order
...STIFF, I believe you're missing the point. The information Trump gave the Russians was from an informant buried deep inside ISIS ... by giving that information to the Russians, and it becoming public, it compromises the security and identity of THAT informant. Who is going to be willing to be a spy for the US when our President takes the information that spy provides and makes it public?
...Also, coming to light just TODAY ... it is now said that Trump asked Comey (who documented every meeting he had with the President) to back off the investigation of Michael Flynn ... now who's word do you take, Comey's or a known liar like Trump? Also, if the story is proven, Trump will be guilty of "obstruction of justice" and a mandatory prison sentence.
...Both the country and the Republican party are going to pay big time as more and more info starts leaking out. If you recall, practically everyone who tried to cover for Richard Nixon back in the early '70s went to jail ... everyone BUT Nixon. So, I don't think the lying and coverups are going to hold very long as Trump continues tossing people under the bus to cover his own lies.
...Stay Tuned!
Hi @MacNfries I find it interesting with your response you chose not to defend Hillary? But addressing what you said that informant, whoever he/she is, took that role to get that information cognizant that their life would be in jeopardy for sake of the public good just as a police officer defending the streets knows in the back of their mind that he/she might be shot at, and just as a fire fighter knows that he/she will eventually go inside of a burning building. Those roles compromise their safety too but they do those tasks as they undertook a certain degree of training and / or have a special set of skills and there might be a certain degree of success that they would come out of those very bad scenarios unscathed. Just as in my chess analogy I made before, it's all about your king and you know that pieces will die in order to protect it and to ******* your opponent's king. Similarly, the same would apply to that informant undertaking the dangerous position to be a double spy with DAESH. Again there might be certain intelligence that Trump is getting where he's ****** to do what he's doing. And only the future can vindicate him where all these possibly bad scenarios can be de-classified and then you can either say he was wrong or you were wrong and that Trump did the right thing during his presidency with the various curve balls thrown at him by his CFR's or other classified scenarios that could not be publicly aired with the media for reasons of national security. As loathsome you find Trump, what situation would you rather see, work with someone who is trying to help your nation like Trump, or glue to Trump's hands together so he can do nothing to defend your amazing nation from the upcoming potential onslaught by Hamza Bin Laden who effectively declared war on America on the last episode of 60 minutes? And whoever else? I think that choice is obvious?
they do those tasks as they undertook a certain degree of training and / or have a special set of skills and there might be a certain degree of success that they would come out of those very bad scenarios unscathed. Just as in my chess analogy I made before, it's all about your king and you know that pieces will die in order to protect it and to ******* your opponent's king
....Maybe to you, and to the Trumpster, this is a "game with sacrifice" but I don't see viewing the men & women who serve our country or the men & women who truly ally with our country as "chess pieces" to be sacrificed for a more strategic benefit. Our country went down this road in the '60's in Vietnam ... the wall is full of names of those who gave that so-called, chess piece sacrifice ... all for NOTHING. To add insult to injury, Trump, himself had 3 medical waivers to keep from serving during those years ... he's not a hero ... he's a coward, a vulture capitalist that takes advantage of the weaker/ more defenseless individuals for his OWN self gain. He looks at our citizens as "lint on his $$8-10 thousand blue suits"; something to be swept away. He doesn't look at this country the way most look at it ... he sees his position as an opportunity to enrich himself with whatever sacrifice THAT takes. Sorry Charlie ... I don't buy this "chess piece theory" of yours.
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....Maybe to you, and to the Trumpster, this is a "game with sacrifice" but I don't see viewing the men & women who serve our country or the men & women who truly ally with our country as "chess pieces" to be sacrificed for a more strategic benefit. Our country went down this road in the '60's in Vietnam ... the wall is full of names of those who gave that so-called, chess piece sacrifice ... all for NOTHING. To add insult to injury, Trump, himself had 3 medical waivers to keep from serving during those years ... he's not a hero ... he's a coward, a vulture capitalist that takes advantage of the weaker/ more defenseless individuals for his OWN self gain. He looks at our citizens as "lint on his $$8-10 thousand blue suits"; something to be swept away. He doesn't look at this country the way most look at it ... he sees his position as an opportunity to enrich himself with whatever sacrifice THAT IS. Sorry Charlie ... I don't buy this "chess piece theory" of yours.
The king not only represents Trump but it is analogous for society as a whole. Like I stated earlier with such sacrifices made by police officers or fire fighters on their worst days where they surrender their lives for the public good for safe streets and not to have people trapped in burning buildings. Or like the brave souls that died during 9/11? They knew such sacrifices had to be made once they joined the police colleges or studying to be a fire fighter. Just like that informant knew the risks when he/she went undercover within DAESH to extract whatever secrets he/she could. Such a low opinion of yours would not go too well at their funerals if you felt the same way about them? Even with his mistakes I genuinely feel Trump is trying to help. Otherwise he could have easily stayed in his Trump tower sitting on his ass making millions allowing Hillary raze America to the ground on a much faster pace. You are right about Vietnam conflict as well as probably Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea, The Bay of Pigs, WWII, WWI, and so forth back into history. As the CFRs, Bohemian Grove and a secret cabal of others like arms dealers tell what the presidents what to do or else he/she might retire from their presidencies like JFK did. As for Trump not being a hero everyone has their own strengths I wouldn't expect Dr. Stephen Hawking to serve on a battlefield with his Lou Gehrig's disease is wasting his body away? He can serve society much better writing books about Physics and working as a professor. Similarly Trump has a set of skills that he uses where he employs thousands of people directly or indirectly through his businesses. Like it or lump it Trump has a role for society too, and he stepped his game much further to be president. Again you can hold him account to his mistakes, but if the time should come where collectively bad guys like Kim Jun-Un or Hamza Bin Laden should show up at your doorstep and attempt to destroy your amazing country, it would seems as if you would prefer them to have their way in an effort to wreck it instead of supporting your president and your commander-in-chief in an effort to kick their asses? Moreover, I could see you directing them to the Trump Tower or Maralago and raze them to the ground, hopefully without anyone inside of it, in a similar way Hillary would wreck America had she won.
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As for Trump not being a hero everyone has their own strengths I wouldn't expect Dr. Stephen Hawking to serve on a battlefield with his Lou Gehrig's disease is wasting his body away?
Dr. Hawking has a "real disability" STIFF ... as for Trump .... are you sitting down? Hold onto the sides of your chair because here it comes ... heel spurs ... a 20-30 minute 'outpatient' surgical procedure. Now listen up, the draft was going on in those days, so the Trumps did what they could to keep their little boy out of the military.
Similarly Trump has a set of skills that he uses where he employs thousands of people directly or indirectly through his businesses.
...Yeah, he's a liar, a crook, an embezzler, a money launderer, a vulture capitalist as well as a crony capitalist, an adulterer, and from what's being heard in Russia (check out their internet to see them) ... he's been involved on *******. Russia doesn't inforce their ******* laws ... its the world's leading producer of illegal pornography. If you think for a second that this guy is into it to "Make America Great, Again" ... you're as naïve and ignorant as Trump was when he walked into the White House.
...Trump will be removed from office THIS YEAR, but it won't be from intentionally divulging highly classified material or collusion. He'll probably go the same route as an Al Capone .... tax evasion, money laundering, possibly taking indecent liberties with minors ... a host of civil charges which can't be counted. THIS TIME he has the FBI pissed off at him.
...So, how many of his "promises" has he fulfilled thus far for America? Tax cuts ... Health Care ... Boarder Wall ... etc etc etc. Let's face it, if there were no Executive Orders or Golf Courses, he would have done NOTHING AT ALL thus far. STAY TUNED!
Dr. Hawking has a "real disability" STIFF ... as for Trump .... are you sitting down? Hold onto the sides of your chair because here it comes ... heel spurs ... a 20-30 minute 'outpatient' surgical procedure. Now listen up, the draft was going on in those days, so the Trumps did what they could to keep their little boy out of the military.

...Yeah, he's a liar, a crook, an embezzler, a money launderer, a vulture capitalist as well as a crony capitalist, an adulterer, and from what's being heard in Russia (check out their internet to see them) ... he's been involved on *******. Russia doesn't inforce their ******* laws ... its the world's leading producer of illegal pornography. If you think for a second that this guy is into it to "Make America Great, Again" ... you're as naïve and ignorant as Trump was when he walked into the White House.
...Trump will be removed from office THIS YEAR, but it won't be from intentionally divulging highly classified material or collusion. He'll probably go the same route as an Al Capone .... tax evasion, money laundering, possibly taking indecent liberties with minors ... a host of civil charges which can't be counted. THIS TIME he has the FBI pissed off at him.
...So, how many of his "promises" has he fulfilled thus far for America? Tax cuts ... Health Care ... Boarder Wall ... etc etc etc. Let's face it, if there were no Executive Orders or Golf Courses, he would have done NOTHING AT ALL thus far. STAY TUNED!
Strictly anonymous sources (the left's favorites) have also said he hates Santa clause, drowns kittens and has an ancestor who sold out Custer to the Indians. Oh and also, he is still in treatment to recover from his disappointment over the u.s., soviet 1980 Olympic hockey result.
Dr. Hawking has a "real disability" STIFF ... as for Trump .... are you sitting down? Hold onto the sides of your chair because here it comes ... heel spurs ... a 20-30 minute 'outpatient' surgical procedure. Now listen up, the draft was going on in those days, so the Trumps did what they could to keep their little boy out of the military.

...Yeah, he's a liar, a crook, an embezzler, a money launderer, a vulture capitalist as well as a crony capitalist, an adulterer, and from what's being heard in Russia (check out their internet to see them) ... he's been involved on *******. Russia doesn't inforce their ******* laws ... its the world's leading producer of illegal pornography. If you think for a second that this guy is into it to "Make America Great, Again" ... you're as naïve and ignorant as Trump was when he walked into the White House.
...Trump will be removed from office THIS YEAR, but it won't be from intentionally divulging highly classified material or collusion. He'll probably go the same route as an Al Capone .... tax evasion, money laundering, possibly taking indecent liberties with minors ... a host of civil charges which can't be counted. THIS TIME he has the FBI pissed off at him.
...So, how many of his "promises" has he fulfilled thus far for America? Tax cuts ... Health Care ... Boarder Wall ... etc etc etc. Let's face it, if there were no Executive Orders or Golf Courses, he would have done NOTHING AT ALL thus far. STAY TUNED!
We'll have to agree to disagree and let history judge Trump. And I don't think you can equate Trump to a known mobster? Trump's businesses are legal and he was voted by millions of American whereas Capone was unelected and he was responsible for the deaths of many and of course Capone's enterprises were illegal. There is no comparison. As Trump's policies come into ******* those who benefit from them would probably be too scared to admit to it because of the extreme negativism about Trump as they would be beaten up because of their good fortune. It's in the recent news that ex-FBI director Mueller is going to undertake the job of investigating Russia's impact (if any) with Trump as well as these allegations of Trump's wrongdoings (if any). So I hope he can clear the air and exonerate Trump and allow him to remain as president. If I am wrong, he can impeach Trump and then send him to prison for any crimes that you believe are warranted and good luck to President Pence. However, Mueller should soon after undertake the same task with Hillary and you can even toss Bill too for the questionable things that I mentioned and how soon we forget about Whitewater and Miss Monica Lewinsky (again just to scratch the surface)? And whatever guilt they are found guilty of they too should be tossed into the same abyss you quite possibly thrown Trump into as well ( provided Trump was found guilty of course by Mueller ).
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Trump's businesses are legal
Really? Read on ...

Money laundering? Don't you think this is a bit suspicious? Never mind, I don't expect you to answer logically ...

.... and THEN, the Russian tore the home down and subdivided the property.
There's this old saying ... "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck ... its a damn DUCK!..................gif_duck2.gif
No brainer here, STIFF ... what is it with you Trumpsters?
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Really? Read on ...

Money laundering? Don't you think this is a bit suspicious? Never mind, I don't expect you to answer logically ...

.... and THEN, the Russian tore the home down and subdivided the property.
There's this old saying ... "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck ... its a damn DUCK!..................View attachment 1276277
No brainer here, STIFF ... what is it with you Trumpsters?
View attachment 1276267..........
Again not a word in defense of Hillary or Bill? What's with it with you Democrats? That's very interesting. What is said in the media nowadays sounds suspicious, but once again with regard to the Russian allegations it's Mueller's job now to sift through all of that and arrive at a conclusion, provided you will accept it whether it condemns or exonerates Trump? Should it vindicate Trump get off his back and let him do his job, otherwise impeach him and sentence him for whatever he is found guilty of. Is that not a logical response? Moreover, don't forget Bill's and Hillary's crimes too. And watch out for all other opponents I mentioned earlier too that by intention want to do harm to your amazing nation like DAESH, Hamza Bin Laden through Al Qaeda and Kim Jun-Un that you also do not reflect with your responses too?

Furthermore, with regard to Dmitry Rybolovlev's acquisition of Donald Trump's Maison de L'Amitie, Rybolovlev's purpose is most clear on a wikipedia article (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maison_de_L'Amitie) but never mind as I don't expect you to answer logically either. The key portion of that article states:

"Rybolovlev said in 2013 that he wanted to demolish the house. He described it as an opportunity to divide the land into smaller plots.[9] A plan to demolish the residence was approved by the Palm Beach architectural commission in April 2016.[6] The Palm Beach Town Council approved a proposal to subdivide the property into three parcels of around two acres each.[2] One parcel of 2.35 acres (0.95 hectares) sold for $34.34 million.[3]"

And the house was demolished in 2016. So it was a real estate holding for Rybolovlev where he could make more money sitting on it and subdividing it, that's all.

By the way the second link to the Chicago Tribune did not focus on anything Trump? As it was just a general section for real estate?

Moreover, mistakes were made with the Trump Taj Mahal as seen by the wikipedia article (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Taj_Mahal) but I will highlight key words said of it:

"In February 2015, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network settled an investigation of Trump Taj Mahal...".

Meaning that the investigation is ended and it's over unlike the Clintons.

Would you have the courage to defend the Clinton's in your next response? Defend Bill and Hillary with Monica Lewinsky? And who knows how many others Bill and / or Hillary might have cheated with each other with? Whitewater? Bengazi? Abu Ghraib prison? The 30,000+ emails of Hillary of who knows what, that went to who knows where, and who received it? Hillary's underhanded tactics to seize the DNC nomination that debatably should have went to Bernie Sanders? And how Hillary helped fund Islamic terror too? And ALOT more!

Trump might not walk on water, but Bill and Hillary certainly don't either. If Trump gets an anal examination, don't forget to do the Clinton's right afterward too.
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Trump might not walk on water, but Bill and Hillary certainly don't either. If Trump gets an anal examination, don't forget to do the Clinton's right afterward too.
...I've never particularly "liked" Hillary Clinton, but she was definitely the best option compared to the many losers the Republicans offered during the GOP debates, particularly President Chump".
...But, that's all in the past, we're talking in the CURRENT ... and Democrats paid a hefty price this election by allowing the Republicans to obtain a trifecta election. We're not talking about Benghazi and e-mails (more political smear than anything else), we're talking about an arrogant, self-serving capitalist who has done many dealings with Russian politicians and American friends who have dealings with Russian politicians who he's named to his administration. In fact, if rumors and stories hold true has allowed the Russians to infiltrate, corrupt, and undermine our political & democratic way of life.
...Trump could have easily taken the pressure off himself if he would have divulged his tax records for the past 10 years. He wouldn't do that because he DOES have something to hide. His history is filled with lawsuits after lawsuits, and divorce after divorce showing the true Donald Trump. He doesn't have his constituents interests in mind, or his Party's interests in mind, or even the Country's interests in mind ... he has Donald J Trump's interests in mind ... PERIOD! The guys a lowlife snake and crook ... and now that there is a special prosecutor appointed, possibly a lot of dirt that has been hidden will finally come out in the open. Even Republicans say he's in a death spiral and that this investigation appears to be becoming bigger than Watergate. Unlike Watergate, where everyone went to jail but Nixon, all Trump's cronies are going to start abandoning ship and talking soon ... so stay TUNED!
...I've never particularly "liked" Hillary Clinton, but she was definitely the best option compared to the many losers the Republicans offered during the GOP debates, particularly President Chump".
...But, that's all in the past, we're talking in the CURRENT ... and Democrats paid a hefty price this election by allowing the Republicans to obtain a trifecta election. We're not talking about Benghazi and e-mails (more political smear than anything else), we're talking about an arrogant, self-serving capitalist who has done many dealings with Russian politicians and American friends who have dealings with Russian politicians who he's named to his administration. In fact, if rumors and stories hold true has allowed the Russians to infiltrate, corrupt, and undermine our political & democratic way of life.
...Trump could have easily taken the pressure off himself if he would have divulged his tax records for the past 10 years. He wouldn't do that because he DOES have something to hide. His history is filled with lawsuits after lawsuits, and divorce after divorce showing the true Donald Trump. He doesn't have his constituents interests in mind, or his Party's interests in mind, or even the Country's interests in mind ... he has Donald J Trump's interests in mind ... PERIOD! The guys a lowlife snake and crook ... and now that there is a special prosecutor appointed, possibly a lot of dirt that has been hidden will finally come out in the open. Even Republicans say he's in a death spiral and that this investigation appears to be becoming bigger than Watergate. Unlike Watergate, where everyone went to jail but Nixon, all Trump's cronies are going to start abandoning ship and talking soon ... so stay TUNED!
We shall see what Mueller finds and hopefully it will settle things whether it benefits Trump or it hurts him.
We shall see what Mueller finds and hopefully it will settle things whether it benefits Trump or it hurts him.
"Country ... God ... Party ... Self" That's the order in which most tax paying Americans want ALL our politicians to follow!
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