Really? Read on ...
Money laundering? Don't you think this is a bit suspicious? Never mind, I don't expect you to answer logically ...
.... and THEN, the Russian tore the home down and subdivided the property.
There's this old saying ... "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck ... its a damn DUCK!
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No brainer here, STIFF ... what is it with you Trumpsters?
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Again not a word in defense of Hillary or Bill? What's with it with you Democrats? That's very interesting. What is said in the media nowadays sounds suspicious, but once again with regard to the Russian allegations it's Mueller's job now to sift through all of that and arrive at a conclusion, provided you will accept it whether it condemns or exonerates Trump? Should it vindicate Trump get off his back and let him do his job, otherwise impeach him and sentence him for whatever he is found guilty of. Is that not a logical response? Moreover, don't forget Bill's and Hillary's crimes too. And watch out for all other opponents I mentioned earlier too that by intention want to do harm to your amazing nation like DAESH, Hamza Bin Laden through Al Qaeda and Kim Jun-Un that you also do not reflect with your responses too?
Furthermore, with regard to Dmitry Rybolovlev's acquisition of Donald Trump's Maison de L'Amitie, Rybolovlev's purpose is most clear on a wikipedia article ('Amitie) but never mind as I don't expect you to answer logically either. The key portion of that article states:
"Rybolovlev said in 2013 that he wanted to demolish the house. He described it as an opportunity to divide the land into smaller plots.
[9] A plan to demolish the residence was approved by the Palm Beach architectural commission in April 2016.
[6] The Palm Beach Town Council approved a proposal to subdivide the property into three parcels of around two acres each.
[2] One parcel of 2.35 acres (0.95 hectares) sold for $34.34 million.
And the house was demolished in 2016. So it was a real estate holding for Rybolovlev where he could make more money sitting on it and subdividing it, that's all.
By the way the second link to the Chicago Tribune did not focus on anything Trump? As it was just a general section for real estate?
Moreover, mistakes were made with the Trump Taj Mahal as seen by the wikipedia article ( but I will highlight key words said of it:
"In February 2015, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
settled an investigation of Trump Taj Mahal...".
Meaning that the investigation is ended and it's over unlike the Clintons.
Would you have the courage to defend the Clinton's in your next response? Defend Bill and Hillary with Monica Lewinsky? And who knows how many others Bill and / or Hillary might have cheated with each other with? Whitewater? Bengazi? Abu Ghraib prison? The 30,000+ emails of Hillary of who knows what, that went to who knows where, and who received it? Hillary's underhanded tactics to seize the DNC nomination that debatably should have went to Bernie Sanders? And how Hillary helped fund Islamic terror too? And ALOT more!
Trump might not walk on water, but Bill and Hillary certainly don't either. If Trump gets an anal examination, don't forget to do the Clinton's right afterward too.