Politics, Politics, Politics

Hi @MacNfries unfortunately this is the type of bad outcome ( I recently mentioned by the way ) I was thinking of when you focus too much on Trump and not on the bad guys around the world that would truly want to do harm to your amazing country:

I fear this is just the beginning and I hope I'm wrong.
Thankfully with continued news on the topic it was not terror related, but it could have been. So with this as a lesson focus more on America's enemies instead of beating up on Trump.
I fear this is just the beginning and I hope I'm wrong.
...Its way too early to start pointing the finger at foreign terrorists, STIFF, if that's what you're implying. I've been keeping up with this sporadically in the news ... saw it for the first time during my morning coffee break. If conservatives are prematurely implying this, then all they're doing is continuing their MO of forecasting bad things to happen with THEM always being the 'only ones' that can FIX IT.
...This could be a copycat, it could be home terrorists, it could be someone with mental illness & depression, etc etc etc. My initial feeling is it was a copycat or someone with mental illness. Otherwise, it would been in a very huge crowd of people, a bigger & faster vehicle, and if foreign, a huge explosion. So, before you begin your doomsday "Trump predicted this", let's settle back a day and let this age a bit, ok? My understanding is the driver was not comprehended ... if it was a foreign terrorist, they have very little concern for their own lives and actually think this gets them into their Magic Kingdom.

...Let's not try to deviate away from the discussion at hand ... ok? The topic is on the current administrations involvement in Russian hacking of our voting system ... I would THINK that both parties would be truly concerned with this ... but conservatives are still talking about Hillary's e-mails, Benghazi, and the 3 million votes Hillary got that were fraudulent. :rolleyes:
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I don't think you can equate Trump to a known mobster
You're right ... my apologies. That would be insulting Al Capone and mobsters and I don't want them putting me in cement boots. Trumps benefitting a lot more in money than Al Capone and all the 20's & 30's mobsters added together.
Thankfully with continued news on the topic it was not terror related, but it could have been. So with this as a lesson focus more on America's enemies instead of beating up on Trump.
You mean "ignore the obvious" and create a "concern" that really hasn't happened since 9-11 under the Bush administration? If we're going to go after terrorists, don't you think we should focus on our OWN homegrown terrorists first?
You're right ... my apologies. That would be insulting Al Capone and mobsters and I don't want them putting me in cement boots. Trumps benefitting a lot more in money than Al Capone and all the 20's & 30's mobsters added together.
So why not lock up Warren Buffett? Bill Gates? And Bloomberg? And every other billionaire in America that profited by creating some form of enterprise? I wish I numbered among them but it would seem you feel every billionaire seemed to get to their position as if they were Walter White from Breaking Bad?
You mean "ignore the obvious" and create a "concern" that really hasn't happened since 9-11 under the Bush administration? If we're going to go after terrorists, don't you think we should focus on our OWN homegrown terrorists first?
I would concur, but I hope you don't think Trump is a terrorist now? Unless you suspect Trump is an arms dealer, the only reason why he'd need explosives is if he'd desire to demolish a building in order to erect a better one in it's place?
So why not lock up Warren Buffett? Bill Gates? And Bloomberg? And every other billionaire in America that profited by creating some form of enterprise?
...But they haven't been under multiple investigations, or sued in court umpteen million times, or businesses closed or fined for illegal/misleading reasons. Why do you think Trump has had such involvement in casinos? Could it be because it provides the perfect way to money laundering? Trump has a major credibility problem and its growing by the DAY!
but I hope you don't think Trump is a terrorist now?
...Was I talking about Trump in that paragraph? Nooooooooo! Do you have a comprehension problem? I was referring to Republicans always creating and fabricating a crisis that imply Democrat involvement, THEN coming up with solutions that they say THEY are the only ones able to FIX. Do you need a list of examples? Its worked lots of times, but with the Republican health care plan ... almost 7 years in the making, and Paul Ryans budget proposal, Republicans are now being exposed for what they are ... a party for the WEALTHY ... gooooooood oooooold Trickle Down.

If we're going to carry on a conversation, you're going to have to stick with the topic and quit trying to misdirect away from the discussion. Either that or I'll simply ignore your remarks like I do one of the bobbleheads.
Yeah, something says you probably DO need a list of the Republican's fabricated crisis list .... oh don't our memories slip us when trying to lead away from the issues ...
  • Fast & Furious
  • Jade Helm
  • Benghazi
  • Ebola
  • Sharia Law
  • Obama's birth certificate
  • Death Panels
  • Death Spirals ... which Republicans are saying Trump is in now
  • FEMA trailers
  • gun confiscation
Of the list, above, how many of those have Republicans FIXED and claimed they fixed them. Name ONE! They fabricated these crisis ... how did they fix 'em?
Hell, the list goes on and on and on. And once they got in power, they do NOTHING but continue talking and continue to do NOTHING for the country. :sleep:
Its worked many times; as one fabrication is proven a LIE, they just generate ANOTHER FABRICATION ... the Republican 21st century MO of politics.
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...But they haven't been under multiple investigations, or sued in court umpteen million times, or businesses closed or fined for illegal/misleading reasons. Why do you think Trump has had such involvement in casinos? Could it be because it provides the perfect way to money laundering? Trump has a major credibility problem and its growing by the DAY!

...Was I talking about Trump in that paragraph? Nooooooooo! Do you have a comprehension problem? I was referring to Republicans always creating and fabricating a crisis that imply Democrat involvement, THEN coming up with solutions that they say THEY are the only ones able to FIX. Do you need a list of examples? Its worked lots of times, but with the Republican health care plan ... almost 7 years in the making, and Paul Ryans budget proposal, Republicans are now being exposed for what they are ... a party for the WEALTHY ... gooooooood oooooold Trickle Down.

If we're going to carry on a conversation, you're going to have to stick with the topic and quit trying to misdirect away from the discussion. Either that or I'll simply ignore your remarks like I do one of the bobbleheads.
Mac you have a way of suggesting things and assuming the worst of Trump short of being the devil himself:devil:. So I thought you were going there. I'm glad I'm wrong.:bounce:
Mac you have a way of suggesting things and assuming the worst of Trump
I do assume the WORST from Trump, because I know, as millions of others who have been impacted by him know ... he's a lying snake. Stay in denial if you desire ... you're in Canada ... you aren't directly impacted by his incompetence. But, please, stay tuned in to the TV and news ... craps gonna start hitting the fan rather fast in a week or so, I suspect.
...But they haven't been under multiple investigations, or sued in court umpteen million times, or businesses closed or fined for illegal/misleading reasons. Why do you think Trump has had such involvement in casinos? Could it be because it provides the perfect way to money laundering? Trump has a major credibility problem and its growing by the DAY!

...Was I talking about Trump in that paragraph? Nooooooooo! Do you have a comprehension problem? I was referring to Republicans always creating and fabricating a crisis that imply Democrat involvement, THEN coming up with solutions that they say THEY are the only ones able to FIX. Do you need a list of examples? Its worked lots of times, but with the Republican health care plan ... almost 7 years in the making, and Paul Ryans budget proposal, Republicans are now being exposed for what they are ... a party for the WEALTHY ... gooooooood oooooold Trickle Down.

If we're going to carry on a conversation, you're going to have to stick with the topic and quit trying to misdirect away from the discussion. Either that or I'll simply ignore your remarks like I do one of the bobbleheads.
Not that I am familiar with aspects of money laundering :angel:, but I recall once an episode of (I think?) the Sopranos where Tony Soprano and his acolytes were at a casino to play poker in a private room. One of his lieutenants at the table folded on a royal flush because it was a means for Soprano to win the game and he won every game as it was a means to transfer their dirty money to Soprano and make it look legal. From the perspective of Trump and especially his workers at the casino (as I can't imagine Trump personally working there), how could they stop that? If men desire a private room to play poker and they are respectful and pay whatever fees to the casino for renting a private room and not shoot up the place with bullets, how can that form of money laundering plot be thwarted? Only way would be to have a running database of troublemakers and if they are not on that list how can they be stopped? I judge you to be a lawful God fearing man, but if you know of other forms of money laundering that a casino should be aware of through the media or fiction or possibly through other credible means, how else would a casino be a victim to such forms of money laundering as Trump's Taj Mahal once was?
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I do assume the WORST from Trump, because I know, as millions of others who have been impacted by him, know ... he's a lying snake. Stay in denial if you desire ... you're in Canada ... you aren't directly impacted by his incompetence. But, please, stay tuned in to the TV and news ... craps gonna start hitting the fan rather fast in a week or so, I suspect.
We'll see, and we'll see what Mueller digs up.
The FBI finds, today, 18 more contacts between the Russians & Trump administration that were not reported by the Trump administration ... oh my ... every day a new puzzle piece appears.

Well, let's see, from start to finish I believe it took 18 months to take Nixon and his clowns down. It appears Trump may be accomplishing another first ... going down within a year would definitely be impressive. Something hints to me that Trump doesn't have the loyalty of his staff like Nixon had of his. In fact, Flynn has already squealed "a deal" for immunity.
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But they haven't been under multiple investigations, or sued in court umpteen million times, or businesses closed or fined for illegal/misleading reasons.

If they were under public scrutiny - there would be plenty of "questionable things" going on. I work directly with a lot of the companies Warren Buffet owns. Their interactions aren't exactly peaches and cream.
I don't think Trump was given a fair chance to do his job - although he himself did not help in that matter either. He kind of shot himself in the foot. Trump had a golden opportunity. . .

I wonder now if the GOP is setting him up in an effort to get him out. This info he "gave the Russians" Would it be possible Trump was told this info knowing that he would spill the beans? It is quite obvious that it would not be hard to trick Trump into taking enough rope to hang himself.

Personally I think Paul Ryan is more of a threat than Trump.

The Media is no help in the matter either. When Obama was in office, North Korea was the "Bad Guy". NK leaders were "nuts" and "insane" and NK is a threat to the entire region. Now with Trump the USA is suddenly the "bully" and the media paints NK as some docile lamb that we are "picking on". Even Russia has asked us to stop being "aggressive" to NK. WTF?? What is even worse is the sheepeople are eating this ******* up and are now defending NK! Like I mentioned before, if NK launches a nuke for any reason, it will be our fault.