Politics, Politics, Politics

Trump doesn't have the loyalty of his staff like Nixon had of his.
trump just gave his whole staff a jab last night...and again backed the Russians
he mentioned that there was no collusion between his staff and the Russians... then he said at least I can speak for myself and the Russians....what he is not backing anyone else?... to include his ******* in law?

this morning there was an article that there was at least 40 different conversations between his staff and the Russians ... paving the way for future....?

the man is his own worst enemy... even spicer now has quit trying to defend just says I don't know you have to ask the pres!
during the election he was more than happy when that all of this was putting him in office..... you reap what you sew
....Ahhhhhhh, Trump flip-flops yet again ... twice in one week, now. That "wooooosh" you just heard was Trump handing $110 billion of tax payer money, in an arms deal, with the Arabs.
First he criticized Obama for bowing to the Arabs, then Trump goes to the Arabs a $110 billion arms deal to pay them back for their expenses in 9/11.

I think every tax paying voter, who's unhappy with Donald Trump by this Christmas, should send him a $1 pair of Flip-Flops from the Dollar Tree this Christmas. The "Flip-Flopper" President ...
hat "wooooosh" you just heard was Trump handing $110 billion of tax payer money, in an arms deal, with the Arabs.
Opps, once again you have your facts off. this time you're 180 degrees off! That deal isn't $110 billion in US taxpayer money going to the arabs. It is $110 billion in arab money coming TO THE US to buy arms....which of course means support for JOBS in the US to manufacture the materials.




From that last article:

The $110 billion deal for Saudi purchases of US defense equipment and services

Looks like you may be 180 degrees from the truth more often than I realized Mac...just found a pic of you driving on Reality Road :bounce:

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Opps, once again you have your facts off. this time you're 180 degrees off! That deal isn't $110 billion in US taxpayer money going to the arabs. It is $110 billion in arab money coming TO THE US to buy arms....which of course means support for JOBS in the US to manufacture the materials.

that is only partially true!
yes he made a huge arms deal worth a lot of money.... but also pissed off Israel... to the point several wanted to boycott his arrival... Nhet had to order his cabinet to attend!
but the other part of that deal was to help them start manufg things in their own country so they would not be so dependent on imports..... Mmmmm where do a lot of those imports come from you suppose?

again only partial facts there HH
If anyone cares to pay attention, deals with the Saudis were made by presidents on both sides, Bush, Clinton, Obama's camping was mostly paid for by the Arabs. It's not about Political parties any more - its about Money, Period. As long as the government can keep us all distracted and pointing fingers, they will continue to steam roll the public.
for someone who was going to drain the swamp and clean things up...... he just turned the country over to those that are to big to fail!
next time we may not be so lucky!.... a lot of the "well off" are predicting financial trouble coming and this will not help!

While You Weren't Looking, Trump Basically Killed Dodd-Frank

As the nation’s capital has been consumed by the frothing chaos of President Donald Trump’s administration — botched Muslim bans, sudden personnel changes and the chief executive’s erratic behavior — a steady current of traditional right-wing orthodoxy is sweeping through the federal government. Whatever happens with Russia or the FBI, this tide is washing away former President Barack Obama’s second-greatest legislative achievement: Wall Street reform. And it’s all happening while you’re paying attention to something else.

Trump campaigned on conflicting promises about big banks. One minute, he was going to stick it to the corrupt financial insiders who had wrecked the middle class. The next, he’d vow to liberate our benevolent princes of capital from crushing regulations Obama had cruelly imposed.
Some of Trump’s populist rhetoric followed him into office. But the actual governing has been pure deregulation. Last week, a council of top regulators quietly met to discuss the future of the Volcker Rule ― the most important structural change Obama established for the financial system. A few days later, a freshly installed Trump official went further, threatening to defang the rule “unilaterally” by “reinterpreting” its entire purpose.

The rule is basically dead, Keefe Bruyette & Woods analyst Brian Gardner wrote in a note to clients Monday: “Examiners can start giving banks the benefit of the doubt regarding compliance with Volcker almost immediately.”

The Volcker Rule was conceived as an update to the Depression-era Glass-Steagall law, which banned traditional banks from engaging in risky, high-stakes securities ventures, which became the domain of investment banks, hedge funds and other firms that didn’t rely on federal support. Until its repeal in the 1990s, Glass-Steagall put an end to many conflicts of interest that had plagued banking during the Roaring Twenties, and prevented government subsidies from flowing into speculative securities schemes, which made it harder for big crazy asset bubbles to accumulate.

more republican propaganda?
a lot of that is history... the rest pure bullshit.... Kennedy and Johnson did more for civil rights than anyone!

put out around campaign time when fake news was the highest by the republican party
would be my guess that Flynn's ******* did that one..... he did a lot of the fake news!
but any 10 year old could watch and know better... well except for a few that are brainwashed
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Trump’s Proposed Budget Will Decimate Entitlement Programs For The Needy

Say it isn't so !

This poll shows Donald Trump is a BIG problem for Republicans

Widespread opposition to President Trump and his policies has heightened the challenge for Republicans hoping to retake the Virginia governor’s mansion this year, with GOP front-runner Ed Gillespie trailing both Democratic contenders by double digits in a new Washington Post-Schar School poll. The Virginia governor’s race offers a significant test of how much Trump’s sagging job approval ratings could hurt Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections and gauges whether anti-Trump activism will benefit Democrats. Although the general election isn’t until November, the poll suggests a hostile environment for Republicans. Republican favorite Gillespie, who has a wide lead in the party’s three-way primary race, trails both Democratic candidates by almost identical margins: Tom Perriello by 50 percent to 37 percent, and Ralph Northam by 49 percent to 38 percent among registered voters. ...

Frustrated Republicans try to rewrite Congress’ rules

Republicans are increasingly eager to rewrite the rules of Congress to push through their agenda — never mind any potential long-term damage to the institution. Senate Republicans nuked the filibuster on Supreme Court nominees to install Neil Gorsuch, and House Republicans blew past the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office in their rush to repeal Obamacare. Now rank-and-file GOP senators are pushing to further erode congressional norms as they take up their own health care plan, eye massive tax cuts and confirm a new slate of lifetime appointees to the federal courts. Story Continued Below “It is a growing sense among Republican senators, and I’m one of them, that we’ve got to make the Senate ...
