Politics, Politics, Politics

...Ah, Trump eliminates the leader of the Trump team/Russian investigation by firing Dir. Comey today ... not even having the balls to call Comey to fire him. Comey hears of his termination on the news while in a California office. As Trump feels threatened, he simply fires the people that he thinks are threatening him ... just one step off the Russian tactic of simply killing them. I'm sure Trump will NOW appoint someone as head of the FBI who will cover his back for him.
...Its time to appoint a special prosecutor and subpoena Trumps tax returns.

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My wife and I combined now pay about $800.00 per month in insurance
TwoBi, if you're only paying $800 a month for health care coverage for you AND your wife, you either have the best and lowest rated health plan premium in the US OR the worst coverage. Health care premiums for standard coverages have been around $600-1,400 a month. ;)
...Its time to appoint a special prosecutor and subpoena Trumps tax returns.

food for thought.... we proved and along with the French... that Russia did try to hamper with the French election... talk all over the free world.... and yet not one comment from trump?????

also add to that... the FBI just asked for (last week) the tax records and other papers on Flynn.... maybe getting a little to close

and Sessions was supposedly stepping out of the investigation.... and yet recommends that the guy in charge of the investigation be fired?????

Comey was fired for the handling of Hillary's emails... and yet during the campaign trump was praising him on that?????

sure doesn't add up....
TwoBi, if you're only paying $800 a month for health care coverage for you AND your wife, you either have the best and lowest rated health plan premium in the US OR the worst coverage. Health care premiums for standard coverages have been around $600-1,400 a month. ;)

What point are you trying to make? That $600-$1400 is better???? My individual plan is $400/m and it is crap. My wife is through her employer - 10 years ago I insured my entire family of 4 for less than $300/m, and it was decent insurance - Then Obama came along...
My point is that ACA is not affordable nor is it sustainable, arguing that the standard is $600 - $1400 simply make my point stronger.
Comey was fired for the handling of Hillary's emails...

Just heard on the news that the investigative committee is requesting documents from the IRS on Trump ... the walls are starting to close and Trump has acquired private counsel.
Maybe KARMA is fixing to return to Trump what he's been dishing out. I think the voters may take care of Congress in the mid-terms.
What point are you trying to make? ..... My point is that ACA is not affordable nor is it sustainable, arguing that the standard is $600 - $1400 simply make my point stronger.
...Then you have no clue as to what the cost of individual health care policies cost. Obama gave the country a "guarantee issue" health plan with no pre-existing conditions, and a slew of essential health benefits that require no deductibles or co-insurance as a "standard policy". I doubt you even know what those e-h-b are or taken the time to read them. You never had that under your old plan ... no time in history has the health insurance industry ever provided health insurance under guarantee & no pre-x.
...The health insurance rates went up primarily because of the Republican obstruction to the plan, the refusal to allow Exchanges to create competition, or the expansion of Medicaid for the poor, and refusal to allow the plan to be modified and adjusted. The Republicans contributed and caused many of the issues and openly said they wanted it to fail. So, don't go blaming Obama ... your conservative leaders are just so pissed because of the way the liberals went about delivering the plan to the country. Everyone in Massachusetts is quite happy with their health plan, which Obama used to model the ACA. Hell, the Republicans are now being given credit for promoting the ACA a lot better than the democrats.
...The thing is, the conservatives are not offering ANYTHING even remotely competitive, and are lying out their teeth about covering pre-existing conditions ... it only takes one state opting OUT of covering pre-existing conditions and no one will be covered for pre-existing if the insurance companies and employers have anything to do with it. You best read what is going on. Paul Ryan and company are lying to the country and they know it.
But no worry, we're fixing to get rid of the asshole that brought all this hate to the country.
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food for thought.... we proved and along with the French... that Russia did try to hamper with the French election... talk all over the free world.... and yet not one comment from trump?????

also add to that... the FBI just asked for (last week) the tax records and other papers on Flynn.... maybe getting a little to close

and Sessions was supposedly stepping out of the investigation.... and yet recommends that the guy in charge of the investigation be fired?????

Comey was fired for the handling of Hillary's emails... and yet during the campaign trump was praising him on that?????

sure doesn't add up....
So you already heard I'm flummoxed? :confused: I hope Trump has an excellent reason for firing Comey?:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: But I do know from Comey's perspective he was in a zugzwang because if Hillary won she'd fire him for investigating her too.
sure raises a lot more questions... that is for sure
As you know I support Trump and this news stuns me. I'm not sure if it was here or on the "Trump wins" thread, but even a Breitbart article I shared seems to agree with you. Hopefully your Senate and your Congress won't get fired too?
like any dictator.... and he seems to admire all of those shady characters.... he fires/tries to intimidate anyone who speaks against him

for him.... the end is near... and I think he knows it!
This reality with Trump is resembling the TV show Quantico more than real life as in the series an unsavory man kicked out the female president without an election and the FBI and the CIA are trying to get rid of him too.
Republicans use Russia hearing to defend Trump, talk about Hillary Clinton’s emails
ThinkProgress Mon, May 8 2:15 PM PDT

Instead of pursuing the facts, Republicans spouted Trump talking points. It was easy to forget the Senate hearing on Monday featuring former acting Attorney General Sally Yates and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper was supposed to be about Russia’s meddling in the election. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) got things started with a line of questioning that echoed Trump talking points about “unmasking” — a talking point rooted in Trump supporters’ desire to defend the president’s baseless accusation that President Obama wiretapped him. The “unmasking” claims have been thoroughly debunked. Last month, both Republican and Democratic sources told multiple news outlets that the intelligence ...

Majority of Americans want Democrats in control of Congress, poll finds
Emily Shugerman,The Independent 2 hours 57 minutes ago

Republicans may hold the majority in both chambers of Congress today, but most Americans wish it were the other way around.
According to a new Quinnipiac University Poll, 54 per cent of Americans wish the Democratic Party had control of the House of Representatives. Only 38 per cent feel the same about the Republicans. In fact, more than 41 per cent of Americans feel the country would be better off if the Democrats had won in 2016.

Democratic leaders also win higher marks than their Republican counterparts: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi gets a 31 per cent favourablity rating, while Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan gets 24 per cent.

.Then you have no clue as to what the cost of individual health care policies cost.

I DO have a clue - MAC. I know because I PAY for an individual health care plan. It is $403.98 to be exact, shall i have them start sending you the bill? Regardless of what Obama has included - it is far less coverage than what I use to have. If you care to pay attention - there are all sorts of pissed off people lost their good health care coverage and now must pay more for less coverage as defined by the ACA. My coverage now does not cover scripts, my coverage now does not cover doctor visits - what part of that do you not understand? it is less coverage and I am paying more for it.

The health insurance rates went up primarily because of the Republican obstruction to the plan,
The rates went up because the plan has no real "reform" in it. Expanding medicaid would increase the cost even further in the form of more taxing on the middle class (because lets face it, we are the only ones that actually pay taxes). The insurance companies simply jacked up rates because now we are ****** to buy it, there is nothing in place to protect the individual from price gouging, with mass sales the cost should be cheaper - why is it with insurance, car, home and now health mass sales mean higher cost? Because they can get away with it and the law allows it. The laws and your beloved ACA still allows denial of coverage and cancellation for any reason. The whole Pre-existing condition BS is just that - BS. They have to insure pre-existing conditions, but their is no law that says they have to insure you to begin with. If we are required to buy it then insurance companies should be required to sell it to us. I have already been dropped by one company 8 months of paying them. I never made a single claim during that time. Would it make sense if they drop me they should have to pay most of that back? What did I pay them for? That is money I could have placed in a saving account or paid for a new pair of glasses or a new crown - wtf!

There is nothing reformatory or affordable about the ACA and there will be nothing reformatory or affordable about Trump care either - but hay - as long as you get your "entitlement", it's a good thing right?

It's funny, 9 years ago liberals hated insurance companies just as any other big business, now liberals seem worship them and will defend them (even violently if needed). Interesting how a few cow chips thrown to the sheople can change peoples opinions.
won't get any sympathy from me that's for sure.... republican PAC's screwing republicans..... how sweet it is!

What We Know About the FBI Raid on a Republican Consultancy Firm

On Thursday, federal authorities raided the Annapolis offices of a political consulting firm that has worked with Republican candidates in both local and national elections.

The firm, Strategic Campaign Group, was founded in 2010, and promises to connect candidates with “Republican voters and supporters. Whether they’re throughout town, across the state, or across the entire country, our engaging political strategies inform them of your campaign or organization’s goals.

Local television station WBAL-TV first reported the raid early Thursday, with a reporter at the station posting a picture online of agents covering the office windows as they searched the premises.

An FBI spokeswoman confirmed to the Washington Post that agents were “conducting law enforcement activity in Annapolis, off Main Street,” where the Strategic Campaign Group’s headquarter offices are located.

GOP strategists Kelley Rogers, who founded the firm told local newspaper Capital Gazette that six FBI agents had raided the office to gather computer files and documents related to the firm’s direct mail and fundraising practices

The raids followed the sacking of FBI director James Comey, who had been leading an investigation into alleged links between Trump officials and Russia during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign.

It prompted speculation on social media that the raids were linked to the ongoing investigation, but Rogers told the Gazette that the raids were connected to the work the company did on candidate Ken Cuccinelli’s failed 2013 gubernatorial race.

Cuccinelli, the former Virginia attorney-general, sued the Strategic Campaign Group in 2014, alleging the group had formed a political action group (PAC) taking donations to help fund his campaign, but he did not see a dollar of the money.

The lawsuit was settled for roughly $85,000. Cuccinelli told Fox 5 he was glad to hear about the raid, and alleged the firm was one of a series of “scam PACS” that had operated fraudulently.

“This is a political fundraising swamp,” he said. “The scam PACs are real and they exist all over the country and they pray on people's intense feelings about politics.”

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the organization has close ties to Republican consultant Scott B. Mackenzie, who was allegedly associated with several political action committees accused of steering money from candidates towards political consultants.
In an interview with CBS last year in which he was quizzed about the allegations, Mackenzie said he takes "all the heat for decisions that other people make," while serving as a treasurer for about two-dozen PACs.

Newsweek has attempted to reach MacKenzie for comment.

The FBI has declined to comment on the reason for the raid to several media organizations.

Intentionally leaking classified material .... Ohhhhhhh Myyyyy!
KARMA sure is HELL when it comes back around, isn't it?.......gif_yellowball-laughing3.gif

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