Politics, Politics, Politics

more Trump/republican tyranny?... or just rewriting the constitution to suit them selves!
guess this administration is just above the law!

GOP chairman warns agencies about requests for records
WASHINGTON (AP) — A House Republican chairman has told a dozen government agencies to exclude communications with his committee from requests made by news organizations, advocacy groups and others through the Freedom of Information Act.
In a series of letters, Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas said communications the agencies had with members of his panel and committee staff should not be released, arguing that it often includes sensitive and confidential information.
"All such documents and communications constitute congressional records not 'agency records' for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act, and remain subject to congressional control even when in the physical possession of the" agency, Hensarling wrote in one April 3 letter to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.
Records and material from the executive branch are subject to requests under the 1967 Freedom of Information Act. Congress, which wrote the law, has exempted itself.
I would imagine Kansas and a few others following suit also...... good job republicans!

Scott Walker floats dropping pre-existing condition rules
The Hill
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) says he would consider opting his state out of rules governing pre-existing condition coverage, after the House GOP passed a healthcare bill allowing such a move. The American Health Care Act, which passed the House on Thursday, would allow states to opt out of what are known as essential health benefit requirements — rules that ******* insurers to not charge people more because they have pre-existing conditions and cover minimum health services. Walker on Friday told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel he would consider applying for a waiver. He noted that the final version of the bill when it goes through the Senate may be very different from what the House passed. ...

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you don't have to know or understand anything about health care to know and understand..... when you take out $880million dollars of funding and turn most of the rest over to the state... when most states are already bankrupt.. to know this is no good deal!
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'Most of benefits go to millionaires': George Stephanopoulos grills Paul Ryan over Republican healthcare bill

ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos grilled House Speaker Paul Ryan on Sunday over the American Health Care Act, which narrowly passed the House of Representatives on Thursday.

In an interview on "This Week," Stephanopoulos first asked the speaker why the AHCA, House Republicans' replacement for President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act, allowed states to opt out of mandating that insurers not raise insurance costs for Americans with preexisting conditions.

"Even if you used all $138 billion that you all put in for high-risk pools, that would still cover only a fraction of those with preexisting conditions," Stephanopoulos said.

Ryan defended a provision in the bill that barred insurers for charging more for preexisting conditions as long as individuals did not have a lapse in their health insurance coverage, arguing that "you can't say for healthcare in America one size fits all."

"Under this bill, no matter what, you cannot be denied coverage if you have a preexisting condition," Ryan said. "And under this bill, you cannot only not be denied coverage."

"But you can charge people more," Stephanopoulos interjected.

"Let me finish my point," Ryan said. "You can't charge people more if they keep continuous coverage. The key of having a continuous coverage provision is to make sure that people stay covered and they move from one plan to the next if they want to. It's kind of like waiting until your house is on fire to then buy your homeowner's insurance. You want to make sure that people stay covered to keep the cost down."

Stephanopoulos also pressed the speaker to answer critics who asserted that the bill unfairly benefited the wealthy by rolling back the taxes on high income earners that helped fund the Affordable Care Act, the law better known as Obamacare.

The ABC anchor said the AHCA cuts $900 million in taxes for individuals who earn over $200,000 annually, while also cutting $1 trillion in subsidies for Medicaid.

"Most of benefits go to millionaires," Stephanopoulos said.

Ryan characterized the bill as a "a rescue operation," touting hypothetical benefits of block-granting Medicaid, which gives states a lump sum rather than a per-person amount.

"We're giving states the ability to run their own Medicaid program," Ryan said, arguing that block-granting Medicaid was "hardly draconian."
"So, you don't think anyone will be hurt when you're taking $880 billion out of the system?" Stephanopoulos asked.

"No I don't, because I think the micro-management of Medicaid by the federal government," Ryan replied. "The Medicaid system isn't working. Doctors aren't taking Medicaid, hospitals can't survive with Medicaid alone. So by giving the states the ability to customize their Medicaid population their program to work for them."

Though Ryan defended the House plan, he acknowledged that the Senate version is likely to differ significantly.

Several top Republicans in the senate have voiced skepticism of the House plan, which they say places too many costs on older, poorer Americans and would burden some states with high healthcare costs. The Senate plans to draft its own healthcare legislation in the coming weeks.


the main reason most Dr's and hospitals won't take Medicaid is that Medicaid will only pay about half what the Dr's and hospitals charge
mmmm McConnell a little smarter than the avg republican..... won't be a new health care bill until AFTER the midterm elections.... very good....knowing it will cost a lot of seats if something done before
..... won't be a new health care bill until AFTER the midterm elections.
...Which now means that Republicans will have had more than EIGHT YEARS (basically 2 presidential terms) to show the "excellent health plan" they will propose replacing PPACA ... the one they ridiculed and obstructed for 8 years.
As I keep saying, there is NOT going to be a legit, real health plan from the ReTards ... all they're doing is trying to cover up the costs of their Tax Cut Plan for the wealthy & corp ... same ole "Trickle Down" Voodoo Economics at the expense of everyone else. I would say that the Trump administration was as dumb/crooked as the GW Bush administration, but that would be insulting the GW Bush administration. GW took us into the Abyss, Trump is determined to take us to the bottom of the Abyss.
Well there are 2 things for sure with ANY plan form EITHER party - 1. We will be ****** to buy it what ever ******* they put out, and 2. Cost will continue to rise. remember - it's all about the money.
I just read the Senate is putting one together... with a dozen Senators working on it... and they are in no hurry... that several senators sem to think stands a good chance of getting support from others
the only nice thing is congress only has to please the members in their district AND there are/were a lot that just wanted ACA gone for whatever reason..... but the Senate has a larger group to please.... time will tell
this is NOT a good sign.......

The leader of the House's hardline conservative caucus is trying to get a 'grand compromise' with the Senate on healthcare
Rep. Mark Meadows and the hardline conservative House Freedom Caucus are working to help craft the Senate's version of the Republican healthcare bill. Meadows told HuffPost that he has been working with the Senate on the bill for it to reflect the more conservative elements that the Freedom Caucus worked to add to the American Health Care Act, which passed through the House last week. A source close to the Freedom Caucus confirmed to Business Insider on Monday that Meadows has met with the Senate steering committee on healthcare over the past month about the chamber's legislation. "He believes there’s a grand compromise to be made if negotiating partners are willing to come to the table," the ...
McConnell: Senate health bill ‘will be a simple majority-vote situation’

The Hill Sun, May 7 2:47 PM PDT .

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
Mitch McConnell said Saturday that the Senate does not expect any help from Democrats as it tries to pass legislation to repeal and replace ObamaCare. “We don’t anticipate any Democratic help at all, so it will be a simple majority vote situation,” McConnell told The Associated Press. McConnell’s comments come after the House on Thursday narrowly voted to pass the American Health Care Act, which repeals elements of ObamaCare. Not a single Democrat supported the House measure. The legislation will now move to the Senate, which is conducting a working review ...


what happened to the senate wanting no part of the house version and going to wait until after the midterms!
guess trump is in a hurry to fuck us!

damn.... seems like every hour there is a change to this
...The old saying, "before you can ******* the man, you must first ******* his legend" holds true with Trump's hate of Obama. He'll never be the President Obama was, and both HE and Republicans know it. Besides having a fragile ego, Trump knows nothing about Washington, and he's endeavored others (who he thought knew something about Washington) to take point in so many important decisions. But his "bully pulpit" isn't working so well. They're all doomed to fail, and in rather short fashion. Hell, he's yet to even fill half of his Washington posts. Too busy twittering and playing golf, I guess. He better be picking out his wardrobe for prison ... if any of the half dozen investigations/charges bear fruit, his ass is headed for a 12x10 "free room & board" in a federal prison.
...Now I hear Mitch McConnell is willing to go the "nuclear" route on getting AHC pushed through congress; it was so easy the first time he's going to the same well again ... simple majority rules. This is very bad precedence for a party that complains that Democrats won't work with them. It will be the stake that goes straight to the heart of the party in the mid-terms and the 2020 election. They better get it while they can, as their life expectancy and control in Washington may very well be very short lived.
...The party keeps feeding their zombies fresh alt-facts ... Fast & Furious, Jade Helm, Benghazi, Ebola, Sharia Law, death panels, death spirals, Fema trailers, gun confiscation ... and on and on and on it goes ... while lying out their asses as to what they're going to do for the middleclass ... NONE of which comes true. They just come up with fresh BS and their drones keep picking it up and eating it like candy.
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anyone see this.... it was funny
video of it

Ted Cruz tried to lecture Sally Yates about constitutional law. It didn't go well for him
Sally Yates batted off cross-examination from Senator Ted Cruz during a testy exchange over Donald Trump's proposed travel ban during her Senate testimony on Russian meddling in the election.

Mr Cruz tried to challenge the former acting Attorney General's decision not to enforce Mr Trump's ban - the original version of which would have restricted travel from seven Muslim-majority countries - only to find that she had come prepared.

Ms Yates determined the executive order violated the “fundamental” right to freedom of religion and so stuck by the decision, which would eventually lead to her dismissal from her job.


once an ass.... always an ass!

Ted Cruz Tried To Corner Sally Yates On The Law. He Failed.
I like this gal.... she puts them in their place... to bad she can't stick around
but under the trump dictatorship.....

This GOP senator tried to shame Sally Yates for opposing Trump's travel ban. She demolished him.
Becca Stanek,The Week (RSS) 22 hours ago

Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates fired back Monday when Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) attempted to corner her over her opposition to President Trump's immigration executive order.

At a Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing, Cornyn informed Yates that he found it "enormously disappointing" that she "somehow vetoed the decision of the Office of Legal Counsel with regard to the lawfulness of the president's order" just because she happened "to disagree with it as a policy matter." Yates refused to let Coryn to reduce the debate to just a "policy matter." She pointed back to her confirmation hearing, during which Cornyn and his colleagues asked Yates if she would push back on something the ...

while lying out their asses as to what they're going to do for the middleclass ... NONE of which comes true. They just come up with fresh BS and their drones keep picking it up and eating it like candy.

This equally applies to the Democrats as well, Obama did what for the middle class? - besides raise taxes and ******* us to buy over priced crappy insurance. My wife and I combined now pay about $800.00 per month in insurance - that is more than my house payment. I paid 3 times in tax year end than under any other president. I have had to raise the cost of my services because of this so called "Affordable health Care" that is not helping the middle class. Is Trump going to be any better? - I highly doubt it but I am not trying to compare - only bring to light that more people need to wake up and see that the side they are on - are not on their side.

As far as I am concerned over the past 10 years both parties have really shown their ass and why people keep voting the same crap time after time is mind boggling. Defend it any way you want to Mac, but both parties are a ******* show. I here people complain all the time on both sides, I always ask them "What are you going to do about it?" The answer is always the same, "nothing I can do", and that is why we are in the position we are today.