Politics in 2022

I heard steel mills fireing back up to full capacity

just the one Russian owned

How a Russian Steel Oligarch and Putin Ally ... - DeSmogBlog
Feb 12, 2017 · DeSmog has uncovered that 40 percent of the steel created so far was manufactured in Canada by a subsidiary of Evraz, a company 31-percent owned by Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, who is a close ally of Putin and a Trump family friend.

Under Trump, Made in America Is Losing Out to Russian Steel
Oct 25, 2017 · Under Trump, Made in America Is Losing Out to Russian Steel An oligarch-owned steel company is winning pipeline contracts, and foreign steel imports are up 24 percent this year. By
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She'll make a great Attorney General once Biden is elected. I love a feisty woman.

I agree - however think more probably they’ll put her on ticket as VP if Biden gets the nomination - the fact she wants to end private health insurance will ******* her and anyone else in that pack that goes that way. She might do better against Trump in debates cause she’s a woman, sharp as a tack and black though - never know.
Her views on guns and healthcare don’t fly well.
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Age in this election is kinda a factor - Trump is a powerhouse for his age - Joe Biden as likeable a guy as he is - is showing his age - he has definitely slowed down and you can see him struggling a little - the other Dems are gonna go after him and what’s left Trump will chew up and spit out IMHO - the Dems shoulda run him back in 2016.
Age in this election is kinda a factor - Trump is a powerhouse for his age - Joe Biden as likeable a guy as he is - is showing his age - he has definitely slowed down and you can see him struggling a little - the other Dems are gonna go after him and what’s left Trump will chew up and spit out IMHO - the Dems shoulda run him back in 2016.

are you watching the cartoon network on Fox again?

I saw him practically run up the steps and onto the stage about a week ago at some rally
I agree - however think more probably they’ll put her on ticket as VP if Biden gets the nomination - the fact she wants to end private health insurance will ******* her and anyone else in that pack that goes that way. She might do better against Trump in debates cause she’s a woman, sharp as a tack and black though - never know.
Her views on guns and healthcare don’t fly well.
I would rather see her as the AG and warren as VP

although pissed me off last night attacking biden….her AND Booker trying to improve their standing at the expense of Biden!

If you don't have enough credentials to promote yourself....and have to cut down others to promote yourself......have no time for them

hopefully not turning the blacks against him....although his campaign chair is black and doing a good job....so...

I don't remember if sanders attacked Biden or not...…..and he is one sneaky little *******!
are you watching the cartoon network on Fox again?

I saw him practically run up the steps and onto the stage about a week ago at some rally

In all honesty you can see his mind trying to work - he stumbles a little - no big deal - but those mfers will go after anything they can - sucks but true - Trump has already started on him - I feel bad for Biden - wrong place wrong time seems his fate - he is prolly the one guy that could get both sides working together again :|
I would rather see her as the AG and warren as VP

although pissed me off last night attacking biden….her AND Booker trying to improve their standing at the expense of Biden!

If you don't have enough credentials to promote yourself....and have to cut down others to promote yourself......have no time for them

hopefully not turning the blacks against him....although his campaign chair is black and doing a good job....so...

I don't remember if sanders attacked Biden or not...…..and he is one sneaky little *******!

Geez - I agree with just about everything ya put down - course it’s 90 here and I’m prolly suffering from heat stroke ;}

Iron and steel industry in the United States

n 2014, the United States was the world’s third-largest producer of raw steel (after China and Japan), and the sixth-largest producer of pig iron. The industry produced 29 million metric tons of pig iron and 88 million tons of steel. Most iron and steel in the United States is now made from iron and steel scrap, rather than iron ore. The United States is also a major importer of iron and steel, as well as iron and steel products.
Employment as of 2014 was 149,000 people employed in iron and steel mills, and 69,000 in foundries. The value of iron and steel produced in 2014 was $113 billion.[1]
As of 2015, major steel-makers in the United States included: ArcelorMittal USA, AK Steel, Carpenter Technology, Commercial Metals Company, Nucor, Steel Dynamics, and U.S. Steel.[2]

I just love trying to educate you....but sometimes think I would have better luck teaching a door to jump
In all honesty you can see his mind trying to work - he stumbles a little - no big deal - but those mfers will go after anything they can - sucks but true - Trump has already started on him - I feel bad for Biden - wrong place wrong time seems his fate - he is prolly the one guy that could get both sides working together again :|

you know him and trump are the same age!
you know him and trump are the same age!

No there’s a slight difference in age - Trump is a coupla years younger I think - but Trump is way sharper - clearly in his mental acuity - I know you don’t wanna hear that - but it shows and all those sharks will go after him - too bad
We shouldn't feel threatened by Harris's attack on Biden. Its "early" and we need to see how they all takes criticism. If Biden can't take it, we need to know NOW. And, that spat will be long forgotten by election time. As far as Trump goes, he has so much trash in his closet, a good 6th grader with the knowledge of Trump's background could easily take him down in debates. Recall, it was Trump who limited the debates with Clinton. All he had and still has are rhetoric and lies. He's accomplished very little other than signing executive orders reversing Obama's accomplishments. He's actually jealous of Obama; he knows the people don't like him near as much as Obama, and his ego lets it bother him. Biden could have one term in office and mentor Harris as the first female President in 2024.
And I can just see Pence debating either Warren OR Harris ... lol No contest!
Iron and steel industry in the United States

n 2014, the United States was the world’s third-largest producer of raw steel (after China and Japan), and the sixth-largest producer of pig iron. The industry produced 29 million metric tons of pig iron and 88 million tons of steel. Most iron and steel in the United States is now made from iron and steel scrap, rather than iron ore. The United States is also a major importer of iron and steel, as well as iron and steel products.
Employment as of 2014 was 149,000 people employed in iron and steel mills, and 69,000 in foundries. The value of iron and steel produced in 2014 was $113 billion.[1]
As of 2015, major steel-makers in the United States included: ArcelorMittal USA, AK Steel, Carpenter Technology, Commercial Metals Company, Nucor, Steel Dynamics, and U.S. Steel.[2]

I just love trying to educate you....but sometimes think I would have better luck teaching a door to jump
changing since Tarrifs
Well it just popped up on my Yahoo feed that Biden won’t win the nomination because of Harris’ attacks on him.

You seem to forget 16 substantial candidates took on Trump in his own party debates and he made mincemeat out of them. Try to be open minded - I know it’s hard - but Trump fights to win - getting interesting now I must say. Still think Biden is the guy that could bring the country back together but the sharks are definitely gathering.