Politics in 2022

Carter is a decent guy - was a terrible President - how would he know any of that???

former president...they all get briefed on what is going on...well everyone but trump...he seems to know already...but I read over a month ago that they found one county if florida where the voting machine had been hacked and a lot of Dem votes changed to republican

Two Florida Counties Hacked By Russians During 2016 Election
May 14, 2019 · The hack did not change the outcome of the election. ... addresses and party affiliation. ... The Mueller report had disclosed that one Florida county was hacked, but this is the first time the .
First I’ve heard of this - you’d think it would be bigger news if something to it.

A lot of news commentators are saying the big winner in the 2 Democrat debates was Donald Trump - even Morning Joe Scarborough.
First I’ve heard of this - you’d think it would be bigger news if something to it.

A lot of news commentators are saying the big winner in the 2 Democrat debates was Donald Trump - even Morning Joe Scarborough.

probably true....no one really jumped out on anything....not enough time for anyone to really speak up and make themselves shine.......need to weed out a few so that others got more time to either make it or break it

as for the Russian hacking thing...….think they might have just tried to drop that....so as to not erode voter confidence....but you have to know if they found those two.....are there more......maybe that's why Carter said what he did
Don’t see anyone I would vote for on the left.
Biden is prolly their best candidate.

I like the way the country is headed - planning on staying the course. GO Trump!!!!!!

You like the way the country is ran under a scam artist, crook and the world best lair? And you are a man of color?

forgot about this little tidbit....although I have never heard of her before and wondered who in the hell she was

Marianne Williamson At Democrat Debate: She’ll Use Love To ...
Jun 27, 2019 · Author Marianne Williamson had Twitter in stitches when she said during the Democrat debate that she’d use the power of love to win the 2020 presidential election. When self-help author
must be a few people interested to see who will be the …..????????

Democratic Debate Ratings Exceed NBC’s Expectations, at 15 ...
1 day ago · Democratic Debate Ratings Exceed NBC’s Expectations, at 15.3 Million Viewers Image The audience for the debate on NBC, MSNBC and Telemundo on Wednesday nearly equaled the record for a Democratic ...

TV Ratings: First Democratic Debate Draws 15.3 Million ...
1 day ago · The first Democratic primary debate, which featured Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Cory Booker and Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke among others, posted solid ratings

I would guess....Trump was one of them
TRUMP wins easily the economy is growing every day . Tariffs Are working. Dems want to give everything away for free Health care for illegal immigrants. Free college. These are just ploys for votes . Im used to hearing this crap in ma but never thought id here it on national stage .
TRUMP wins easily the economy is growing every day . Tariffs Are working. Dems want to give everything away for free Health care for illegal immigrants. Free college. These are just ploys for votes . Im used to hearing this crap in ma but never thought id here it on national stage .

same nightmare...…..different chapter today?

Economy...numbers always can be made to look like what you want...but again how many see anything in their pockets?...that like trump wanting to lower interest rates......make things look even better with people putting more on that charge card...what happens when they can't pay that charge card?

tariffs working.....where did you hear that?

Trump's new tariffs will cost Americans about $500 per ...
May 10, 2019 · Trump's new tariffs will cost Americans about $500 per household, by one estimate Published Fri, May 10 2019 12:42 PM EDT Updated Fri, May …

Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs cost GM a billion ...
Dec 02, 2018 · Steel and aluminum tariffs imposed by the Trump administration have cost Ford Motor Co about $1 billion in profits, its chief executive officer said on Wednesday, while Honda Motor Co said higher steel prices have brought “hundreds of millions of dollars” in new costs.

Health care...….we are the only country that DOESN"T have some form of health care

United States Comes in Last Again on Health, Compared to ...
Nov 16, 2016 · Most US children do not meet standards for cardiovascular health. The group surveyed 26,863 adults from Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States. It found 43 percent of low-income Americans went without medical care because of costs.

And we have been slipping on education for a long time...used to lead the world....now getting workers from other countries to do high tech jobs because our ******* don't have the education

US 17th In Global Education Ranking; Finland, South Korea ...
US 17th In Global Education Ranking; Finland, South Korea Claim Top Spots. Finland and South Korea grabbed first and second places, respectively, in a global league table published by the education firm Pearson, while Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore ranked third, fourth and fifth, respectively.

that's the problem....you have heard all this before......but have you done anything to help with the problem......outside of vote for a party that keeps cutting it!....you have decent schools and etc where you live......but in these red states that are all right wingers…...they keep giving these cuts.....scamming the money...avoiding doing what is necessary…..and to pay for all that....they take money away from education....here they promote home schooling...teachers lowest paid in the nation....teachers have a strike and GOV tells them to go back to work they can't have a new car?....tells you what they think of education here
TARIFFS BOOST DEMAND FOR DOMESTIC PRODUCT. Even foster new business here remember when we made stuff here . There is more money in my pocket every week
TARIFFS BOOST DEMAND FOR DOMESTIC PRODUCT. Even foster new business here remember when we made stuff here . There is more money in my pocket every week

yes tariffs do boost demand for domestic products...won't argue that....except in the example of your steele mills.....we just are not set up anymore to produce......sent EVERYTHING overseas....technology...all of it....we have become a nation of retailers!

and under your man more jobs going overseas than ever before!...look at the auto industry for one

had trump had any brains at all....he would have went to the WTO and got others involved....a lot of other countries have the same issues with China...just not to the extent we do......instead......the average American is paying for something a bunch of other countries could have chipped in and done the same thing...….ever hear about more power with numbers?

then add the tariffs to the rising cost of inflation...….the stagnant wages...that the right likes to keep down....how long can the average American stand for all these benefits?

and new biz has been on the decline for a while now...Obama tried to help them....but the obstructionist party blocked everything he tried to do …..wanting the country to fail so they would vote red!
The decline of American entrepreneurship — in five charts ...
Jun 24, 2019 · The decline of American entrepreneurship — in five charts ... New research shows that the country’s rate of new business creation, which peaked …

U.S. startups near a 40-year low - money.cnn.com
Sep 08, 2016 · Historically, new businesses were doing most of the hiring in the U.S. Related: Hiring slows: America gains 151,000 jobs in August Key reasons behind the decline

Bills That Republicans Have Blocked Since Obama Took ...
Nov 04, 2012 · Here's just a short list of some of the bills that Republicans have blocked, or attempted to block, since Obama became President: Tax on Companies that ship jobs overseas- A bill that would have eliminated a tax break that companies get when they ship jobs overseas. Republicans blocked this, allowing companies to keep the tax break they receive when they ship jobs to other countries.

Republicans Blocked Bill to Aid Small Businesses
Jul 31, 2014 · Senate Republicans blocked a bill to increase small business lending, dealing a setback to President Barack Obama’s jobs agenda. The bill would create a $30 billion government fund to help community banks increase lending to small businesses, combining it with about $12 billion in tax breaks aimed at small businesses.

you might want to take another look at those Dems running for president
We are producing steel how could you ever defend your country depending on others for supplys.

that's very true ….makes you wonder just what the right is thinking when they send all this stuff overseas so they can put more money in their own pockets

but just like with Ammo......china and Russia make all the ammo you and I shoot.....but the gov still makes it for the military

steel.......we get most of that from Canada.....as long as they are still our ally and trump doesn't fuck that up
that's very true ….makes you wonder just what the right is thinking when they send all this stuff overseas so they can put more money in their own pockets

but just like with Ammo......china and Russia make all the ammo you and I shoot.....but the gov still makes it for the military

steel.......we get most of that from Canada.....as long as they are still our ally and trump doesn't fuck that up

Don’t believe Winchester and Remington is made anywhere but the good ole USA - there are a few more USA ammo manufacturers - I have some Russian 7.62 I bought in bulk but everything else is American made and I try to buy American whenever I can no matter what I’m buying - everyone should.