Politics in 2022

"I think that's kind of ageism, to tell you the truth," said Sanders when asked about the criticism that he and Biden, 76, are too old to lead the country.

"Judge people on the totality of who they are: what their ideas are, what their experience is, what their record is," said Sanders, who at 77 is the oldest candidate running for president.

It's so fun to watch them eat their own :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO: "ageism" ROTFLMAO, Whats next? Baldism?
Yeah - pretty sure he will - the Dems platform sucks - the majority of Americans won’t go for it. Biden is their best and I think would make the best President of that crew but his own party is getting ready to go take him down and Trump would assuredly the way things are going.
Yeah - pretty sure he will - the Dems platform sucks - the majority of Americans won’t go for it. Biden is their best and I think would make the best President of that crew but his own party is getting ready to go take him down and Trump would assuredly the way things are going.

well like I said...we have several good candidates...problem is all running at the same time for one.....another ...they will ******* each other off until nothing left...and trump wins!

Count Draculump can suck more life out of the country

and hell allforwifey is slowing down on the go trump post...so maybe he is getting that Biden fever also
Yeah - pretty sure he will - the Dems platform sucks - the majority of Americans won’t go for it. Biden is their best and I think would make the best President of that crew but his own party is getting ready to go take him down and Trump would assuredly the way things are going.
I said before I didn't think the Dems would allow a white man to win their election, this is the party of guaranteed outcomes after all. When I see Biden I always think of him telling a black audience that Romney would put them all in chains. Just don't see how race baiting, a left wing specialty will unite anybody.
Pretty soon Harris will start feeling the heat over the Willie Green stories, see how she deals with that.
Guess I'll just sit back and see who can promise the most free stuff. If I can get a govt. Paid dd chest I might change loyalties and start a movement to put all white men in red baseball hats in concentration camps. Too bad about the baseball season.
The issue that is gonna ******* the Dems is single payer healthcare and getting rid of 160 million people’s private insurance that don’t wanna give it up - gun issue - 3rd trimester abortion - green new deal - socialism - etc etc etc
Don’t have a platform that will fly and after they beat the living shite outta each other - then they gotta face Trump - they’re pretty well fucked and doing it to themselves.
O and providing their Universal Heathcare to illegal aliens that’s gonna REALLY sink em too - it’s like they don’t understand regular Americans :|
The issue that is gonna ******* the Dems is single payer healthcare and getting rid of 160 million people’s private insurance that don’t wanna give it up - gun issue - 3rd trimester abortion - green new deal - socialism - etc etc etc
Don’t have a platform that will fly and after they beat the living shite outta each other - then they gotta face Trump - they’re pretty well fucked and doing it to themselves.

well all of that is not going to make it!

health care and education......after that?
O and providing their Universal Heathcare to illegal aliens that’s gonna REALLY sink em too - it’s like they don’t understand regular Americans :|

wellllllll let me give you a little news flash.....Carter says with all we know now about the Russian interference and the hacking in Fl and elsewhere....trump did not win the election!

Jimmy Carter: Trump 'Didn't Actually Win the Election'
Jun 28, 2019 · Former president Jimmy Carter took aim at sitting president Donald Trump Friday morning, suggesting his presidency is illegitimate and that he did not actually win the 2016 election.

Jimmy Carter claims Russia won Trump the White House | FOX59
3 hours ago · Panel moderator and historian Jon Meacham asked Carter if he believed Trump was “an illegitimate president.” Carter replied: “Based on what I just said, which I can’t retract, I’d say
guess America should get a refund of some kind....question is...how do we retract all those insults he has given to world leaders

going to be interesting to hear trumps reaction to that
Kamala Harris rocked! Smart, well spoken and polished. I used to be republican but I’ve gone dem for the last severa presidential elections. I think a Biden/Harris ticket could beat Trump. I love what the economy is doing but he’s got to go.
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I said before I didn't think the Dems would allow a white man to win their election, this is the party of guaranteed outcomes after all. When I see Biden I always think of him telling a black audience that Romney would put them all in chains. Just don't see how race baiting, a left wing specialty will unite anybody.
Pretty soon Harris will start feeling the heat over the Willie Green stories, see how she deals with that.
Guess I'll just sit back and see who can promise the most free stuff. If I can get a govt. Paid dd chest I might change loyalties and start a movement to put all white men in red baseball hats in concentration camps. Too bad about the baseball season.
saw where there is one of them promising $1,000.00 to everyone......talk about buying votes
Kamala Harris rocked! Smart, well spoken and polished. I used to be republican but I’ve gone dem for the last severa presidential elections. I think a Biden/Harris ticket could beat Trump. I love what the economy is doing but he’s got to go.

well I wouldn't say she rocked......have no time for someone who can not promote them self...instead have to try and lower the position of others

Biden is just a well liked politician on both sides of the isle...and around the world......not really promoting anything....which is good really...the others going over board......and polls show people want a moderate

will admit right now warren seems to have a lot of answers on things that need work...but she never really handled the Pocahontas comment that well

Sanders has the youth all rallied behind him...mostly on education......but his tax thing raises taxes on the middle class......not going to fly at all....which doesn't bother me...don't care for the guy

I like O'Rourke and Castro...but they are not getting off the ground....everyone else....a no show
The issue that is gonna ******* the Dems is single payer healthcare and getting rid of 160 million people’s private insurance that don’t wanna give it up - gun issue - 3rd trimester abortion - green new deal - socialism - etc etc etc
Don’t have a platform that will fly and after they beat the living shite outta each other - then they gotta face Trump - they’re pretty well fucked and doing it to themselves.

would like to see them get off that gun issue...maybe do something a little different or ???? but get off the gun issue...abortion....just leave it alone and protect what is already there...green deal will never fly as it was brought up

funny story...….years ago when I was a young pup and full of politics I was running for delegate in my district....made it all the way to state...and they were working on what to put in the platform....started in on guns.....a friend who was there knew I was pretty hot on that topic...so I went up put my name down to speak on stage.....the friend told me I was committing suicide if I went up....didn't listen ….got my turn on stage to propose what I wanted in the platform.....instead I brought up the fact that most workers are Dems....and most hunters are workers.....why are we trying to take the guns away form the people that support this party...he was right....got no applause...no comments...and didn't make it past state primaries