Politics in 2022

not sure I agree there....I think a lot of them go to wash thinking they can change the world and make a difference...….and then see they really can't do much on their own......lobbyist start giving them money....then the corruption kicks in and they are just like the rest

ever see a politician retire that wasn't extremely wealthy?......not very damn many!

Yeah - we’ll ya nailed that - bunch of corrupt politicians on both sides - SUX :|
Every dem by that account is moved on to screwing us

every Dem?....you want to take a count of the number of republicans in jail right now?...and add another to the list...the one from Calif using campaign funds to pay his mistress...if you would like there are numbers on just who is in jail and what party...posted it once before....trump right now has raised the corruption bar to the ceiling...it was already bad enough
That's not my quote . I didn't say that some asshole changed it to fit their agenda. Mmmm dare I say a democrat

pretty sure I read it that way.....unlike what trump tells you people to believe......I believe my eyes

the only thing I see wrong with your statement is you left off friendly in front of democrat
BTW what are you rethuglicans going to do if he should start impeachment hearings or end up in deep ******* before the election?....run Pence?....that would be easy pickins for the Dems

you know he keeps postponing and doing what he can to forestall the inevitable....sooner or later time's up and he will have to face the music...he has to know that....what the hell is going through that pumpkin anyway
every Dem?....you want to take a count of the number of republicans in jail right now?...and add another to the list...the one from Calif using campaign funds to pay his mistress...if you would like there are numbers on just who is in jail and what party...posted it once before....trump right now has raised the corruption bar to the ceiling...it was already bad enough
i meant those running they have all been politicians to long
BTW what are you rethuglicans going to do if he should start impeachment hearings or end up in deep ******* before the election?....run Pence?....that would be easy pickins for the Dems

you know he keeps postponing and doing what he can to forestall the inevitable....sooner or later time's up and he will have to face the music...he has to know that....what the hell is going through that pumpkin anyway
What are you going to do when nothing happens
i meant those running they have all been politicians to long

well I agree there.....need term limits and to end the lobbying.....but they are not going to ******* the golden goose...and they could care less about what you think...they just have to have enough to get re-elected
look at McConnell...hated in his state...big voter turn out last time...and somehow he still squeeked it out...this time his wife got a bunch of legislation through trump that favors Kentucky so he should be in better shape this time...funny if they still voted his ass Out!
What are you going to do when nothing happens

I already have a plan B......supposed to happen this year and din't….I bought a lake lot...and let some local talk me into letting another local do the house..on his time and terms.....at the time we were in no hurry...but was sure it would be done by now.....anyway...moving to the lake...do some fishing...all kinds of timber all around do a little deer hunting...and never look at a computer or newspaper
I already have a plan B......supposed to happen this year and din't….I bought a lake lot...and let some local talk me into letting another local do the house..on his time and terms.....at the time we were in no hurry...but was sure it would be done by now.....anyway...moving to the lake...do some fishing...all kinds of timber all around do a little deer hunting...and never look at a computer or newspaper
So typical of the left to generate their own FAKE NEWS

Faked quotes - why am I completely NOT surprised