Politics in 2022

The dems have a very large problem among women voters, who are the largest demographic of the electorate.

It is no secret that married women broke over 55% for Trump. Married women see things differently than single women.

It's also well known that single women between 18 and 50 tend to view the government as a replacement provider (Obama's Julia campaign) and it certainly doesn't hurt when the candidate is a young handsome Black man who is viewed as urbane and hip.

While single women have the numbers to impact an election, there is an enormous gap between older single women (2nd wave feminists) and younger single women (3rd wave feminists). Hillary made this gap 1000 times worse, by being dismissive of the young third wavers. Older feminists feel that younger ones didn't do the work and should just shut up and get on board. Older single women also have lost their sexual power over men and it makes them angry and resentful of the younger ones. Younger single feminists still command male attention and see older women as has-beens. This is a female rivalry that is epoxied into women's circuit boards.

While Bernie has a strange hold over the young white male Bernie-bots, he is a turn-off to women in general and particularly young feminists.

Elizabeth Warren has largely the same problem Hillary did; her appeal to 2nd wavers puts off the 3rd wavers.

And Joe Biden...hoo-boy. Feminists will tolerate Slick Willie getting his cigar polished in the Whitehouse by a fawning adult woman, but they aren't going to excuse Creepy Joe pawing at little girls.

To unite younger and older single women, dems need a good-looking, younger, hip man -- and he can't be too white or he'll anger the intersectional crowd who are pushing dems hard left.
I wonder if you people are really just blindly devoted to this anti-Christ.....or are you afraid of what you have created?

Trump's tactics are taken from playbook of cult leaders ...
Oct 09, 2019 · Hassan maintains the president sounds like cult leader Jim Jones, who directed a mass suicide and ******* of more than 900 followers at Jonestown in Guyana in 1978 ... The author likens Trump

‘Drinking the Orange Kool-Aid’: Cult expert says Trump is ...
Ross replied with a number of emails and voice messages mounting up similarities between Trump and notorious cult leaders like Jim Jones and David Koresh. Nelson dug deep into the material and ...

Ex-cult member imagines terrifying end game to Trump’s ...
Oct 14, 2019 · “Worse still is the possibility that, if feeling sufficiently threatened, Trump might, like (cult leader Jim) Jones, try to take everyone with him, using his access to the nuclear codes ...
You calling Trump supporters cult members is totally uncalled for and clearly shows your ignorance, most people that are in support of Donald Trump are good hard working,moral people. Well educated through schooling or life in general, none violent, driven by common sense and have proven that they made the only correct choice in the 2016 election. We are not a cult, we are the real America and anyone that calls us a cult in any manner at all is evil, and will be held accountable. Another thing David Koresh and his followers were murdered, he may very well have been a cult leaded, but the other people following him were executed like rabid dogs, and they harmed no one.

The Corruption of the Republican Party - Schwartzreport
Why has the Republican Party become so thoroughly corrupt? The reason is historical—it goes back many decades—and, in a way, philosophical. The party is best understood as an insurgency that carried the seeds of its own corruption from the start.

How Did the Republican Party Get So Corrupt? - The Atlantic
Dec 14, 2018 · The Corruption of the Republican Party The GOP is best understood as an insurgency that carried the seeds of its own corruption from the start. December 14, 2018

The GOP has become the Soviet party - The Washington Post
Jan 21, 2019 · The GOP has become the Soviet party Vice President Pence and President Trump visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington on Monday. (Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images)

The GOP has become the Soviet party - The Washington Post
Jan 21, 2019 · The GOP has become the Soviet party Vice President Pence and President Trump visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington on Monday. (Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images)
You calling Trump supporters cult members is totally uncalled for and clearly shows your ignorance, most people that are in support of Donald Trump are good hard working,moral people. Well educated through schooling or life in general, none violent, driven by common sense and have proven that they made the only correct choice in the 2016 election. We are not a cult, we are the real America and anyone that calls us a cult in any manner at all is evil, and will be held accountable. Another thing David Koresh and his followers were murdered, he may very well have been a cult leaded, but the other people following him were executed like rabid dogs, and they harmed no one.

A Cult Expert Finds Familiar Patterns of Behavior in Trump ...
Jun 21, 2018 · Trump is happily making these pronouncements and expecting everyone to go along with him, and he's not getting much flack. Most of his followers have bought into his fear-mongering, which creates an us vs. them mentality that is typical of a cult. Is that emphasis on real or perceived enemies one way cult leaders keep control over their adherents?

Is Donald Trump a cult leader? Expert says he "fits the ...
Mar 06, 2018 · Is it possible to free Trump's supporters from his Rasputin-like control over them? What is the source of his charismatic power? Is he really akin to a cult leader, or merely an old-fashioned …

5 Ways In Which Trump Supporters Are Like Cult Followers
5 Ways In Which Trump Supporters Are Like Cult Followers ... It's been stunning to watch this election season going back to last July when Donald Trump entered the race. ... things have been amped up for sure so here are five ways Trump supporters behave as though they are part of a cult: 1. Donald Trump can do no wrong – There is an excuse ...

10 Signs You've Joined The Trump Cult | The Daily Wire
    • Absolute Authoritarianism. Certainly the Trump campaign tends toward this standard. Today, …
    • No Tolerance For Questions. Asking tough questions about Trump merely demonstrates, according …
    • No Meaningful Financial Disclosures. Trump says he’s worth $10 or $11 or $100 billion. All of these …
    • Unreasonable Fear About The Outside World. This is Trump’s entire campaign platform. While …
    See all full list on dailywire.com
The dems have a very large problem among women voters, who are the largest demographic of the electorate.

It is no secret that married women broke over 55% for Trump. Married women see things differently than single women.

It's also well known that single women between 18 and 50 tend to view the government as a replacement provider (Obama's Julia campaign) and it certainly doesn't hurt when the candidate is a young handsome Black man who is viewed as urbane and hip.

While single women have the numbers to impact an election, there is an enormous gap between older single women (2nd wave feminists) and younger single women (3rd wave feminists). Hillary made this gap 1000 times worse, by being dismissive of the young third wavers. Older feminists feel that younger ones didn't do the work and should just shut up and get on board. Older single women also have lost their sexual power over men and it makes them angry and resentful of the younger ones. Younger single feminists still command male attention and see older women as has-beens. This is a female rivalry that is epoxied into women's circuit boards.

While Bernie has a strange hold over the young white male Bernie-bots, he is a turn-off to women in general and particularly young feminists.

Elizabeth Warren has largely the same problem Hillary did; her appeal to 2nd wavers puts off the 3rd wavers.

And Joe Biden...hoo-boy. Feminists will tolerate Slick Willie getting his cigar polished in the Whitehouse by a fawning adult woman, but they aren't going to excuse Creepy Joe pawing at little girls.

To unite younger and older single women, dems need a good-looking, younger, hip man -- and he can't be too white or he'll anger the intersectional crowd who are pushing dems hard left.

do you ever have any idea of what ******* you are pushing...…..61% of women AGAINST trump!

Are Suburban Women Donald Trump's 2020 Achilles Heel?
Aug 24, 2019 · They disapprove of Trump (61% to 35%) and are heavily-tilted toward supporting a Democrat for Congress (51% to 33%). Moreover, nearly a third of the women said that preventing gun violence should be the nation’s top priority, believing that stricter laws will help prevent gun violence.
..…..61% of women AGAINST trump!

You're citing a poll posted on far-left, automatically disregarded ThinkProgress, from an unnamed mystery polling firm.

I'm citing the only polling that matters, the 2016 election: about 55% married women for Trumpster, about 55% unmarried women for Hitlery.

(And I won't even glance at the next death-wall of links you're feverishly enlarging, coloring and pasting.)
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The dems have a very large problem among women voters, who are the largest demographic of the electorate.

It is no secret that married women broke over 55% for Trump. Married women see things differently than single women.

It's also well known that single women between 18 and 50 tend to view the government as a replacement provider (Obama's Julia campaign) and it certainly doesn't hurt when the candidate is a young handsome Black man who is viewed as urbane and hip.

While single women have the numbers to impact an election, there is an enormous gap between older single women (2nd wave feminists) and younger single women (3rd wave feminists). Hillary made this gap 1000 times worse, by being dismissive of the young third wavers. Older feminists feel that younger ones didn't do the work and should just shut up and get on board. Older single women also have lost their sexual power over men and it makes them angry and resentful of the younger ones. Younger single feminists still command male attention and see older women as has-beens. This is a female rivalry that is epoxied into women's circuit boards.

While Bernie has a strange hold over the young white male Bernie-bots, he is a turn-off to women in general and particularly young feminists.

Elizabeth Warren has largely the same problem Hillary did; her appeal to 2nd wavers puts off the 3rd wavers.

And Joe Biden...hoo-boy. Feminists will tolerate Slick Willie getting his cigar polished in the Whitehouse by a fawning adult woman, but they aren't going to excuse Creepy Joe pawing at little girls.

To unite younger and older single women, dems need a good-looking, younger, hip man -- and he can't be too white or he'll anger the intersectional crowd who are pushing dems hard left.

Well said.
I find it funny and Ironic. Most feminist will vote based on how a person looks and age rather than their capabilities as president and what they plan to do for the country. Feminist - who are mostly feminist because they are tired of being judged based on their sex and how they look, not their capabilities. :unsure:
You're citing a pole posted on far-left, automatically disregarded ThinkProgress, from an unnamed mystery polling firm.

I'm citing the only polling that matters, the 2016 election: about 55% married women for Trumpster, about 55% unmarried women for Hitlery.

(And I won't even glance the next death-wall of links you're feverishly enlarging, coloring and pasting.)
you seem to have a lot of "facts?" with no dcumentation

It is no secret that married women broke over 55% for Trump. Married women see things differently than single women.

your post above....see nothing about 2016....you want to make rash statements....link!

you didn't say I think or if I remember right......you stated your OPINION as fact

instead of saying no this is what I said....what you said is in print above
but even that statement doesn't appear to be accurate

Donald Trump Didn't Really Win 52% of White Women in 2016
Oct 18, 2018 · The idea that 52% of white women voted for Trump—compared to 43% who supported Hillary Clinton—comes from the 2016 exit polls, an in-person …

exit polls also had Hillary running away with it

Are Suburban Women Donald Trump's 2020 Achilles Heel?
Aug 24, 2019 · They disapprove of Trump (61% to 35%) and are heavily-tilted toward supporting a Democrat for Congress (51% to 33%). Moreover, nearly a third of the women said that preventing gun violence should be the nation’s top priority, believing that stricter laws will help prevent gun violence.

Poll: Women Less Likely to Support Trump, but Many Are ...
Jul 26, 2016 · Only about one-third (36 percent) of women surveyed in June and the first two weeks of July said they supported Trump, while 44 percent of men

Why Women Support Impeachment More Than Men - The Atlantic
Oct 31, 2019 · If women in general are “far, far more critical of Donald Trump than men,” Lake added, “this is particularly true among independent women and white women.”
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Well said.
I find it funny and Ironic. Most feminist will vote based on how a person looks and age rather than their capabilities as president and what they plan to do for the country. Feminist - who are mostly feminist because they are tired of being judged based on their sex and how they look, not their capabilities. :unsure:

Exactly. Consider Rose McGowan; smokin' hot in her youth, but now a bitter has-been, going nuclear on all the men she perceives to have wronged her.

There is a big problem coming for the older 2nd wave feminists. Their party is signalling total approval of the transgender movement -- which is eliminating private women-only spaces and putting women in direct physical competition with faster, stronger trans-girls -- many of whom don't even try to be girly :rolleyes:. They have "male-bodied women" in their bathrooms, and female athletics is losing trophies and scholarships to half-assed trans-women.

The transgender agenda is barrelling down Main St, knocking people aside -- like Lena Dunham when triple banana splits are on sale and the Ice Cream Shoppe closes in 5 minutes.

The 2nd wavers certainly aren't going to vote for The Donald. He is the poster boy for the Rich White Patriarchy that they hate. And any leading democrat who speaks up for 2nd wave women's rights will be labeled a bigot and shouted down.

They have no one to vote for and may sit out in protest.
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you seem to have a lot of "facts?" with no dcumentation

That's "doc-u-men-ta-tion". You're welcome.

you didn't say I think or if I remember right......you stated your OPINION as fact

instead of saying no this is what I said....what you said is in print above
but even that statement doesn't appear to be accurate

Oh sorry. I forgot to mention that it was married mail-order-bride Ukrainian fem-bots, who were voting on phone apps, that were hacked into the US system by an alien spaceship hovering over Siberia.

I had a
link, but the Russians deleted it.
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That's "doc-u-men-ta-tion". You're welcome.

Oh sorry. I forgot to mention that it was married mail-order-bride Ukrainian fem-bots, who were voting on phone apps, that were hacked into the US system by an alien spaceship hovering over Siberia.

I had a
link, but the Russians deleted it.
Is it possible on here to receive IM's back and forth even from those who have private profile, I would maybe like to pick your brain some.
The Cult of Trump? What "Cult Rhetoric" Actually Reveals ...
Oct 29, 2019 · And most notably, professional anti-cultist Steven Hassan, known for his support for deprogramming and career built around combatting groups he considers destructive cults, will shortly be releasing a new book, The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control. The publisher’s blurbs and advertising copy emphasize concepts like indoctrination, blind …

Donald Trump is like a cult leader, says religious studies ...
Nov 14, 2017 · Donald Trump is akin to a cult leader and his supporters are reminiscent of disciples of a sect, according to a religious studies scholar. Reza Aslan, …

Escape From the Trump Cult | The New Republic
We can understand Donald Trump’s rise as a civil religion giving way to its cultic expression. Con man, cult leader, populist politician: Trump is all of these, rolled into one. He has become ...

10 Signs You've Joined The Trump Cult | The Daily Wire
No answers are necessary – Trump says it is so, and thus it is so. Mentioning Trump’s routine lies simply demonstrates that you are “establishment.” No Meaningful Financial Disclosures. Trump says he’s worth $10 or $11 or $100 billion.