Politics in 2022

Bloomberg going to run...….he will really fuck things up...a lot....he is right about 2 things...….Sanders and Warren are doing ok in some state polls.....but nation wide...never get the votes....and probably can't beat trump....a lot of independents do not like all the giveaways.....he thinks trump might be hurting Biden....and the right to show support for trump will just beat Biden to death....Biden HAS the minorities and the working class...and has not seemed to lose them yet.....Bloomberg.... big on minorities and has shown he takes care of them....and may pull some away from Joe...but Bloomberg big on GREEN....spent bunches on it.....not so bad....trump sure letting it go to *******...….but what will ******* Bloomberg and he just doesn't seem to see it....guns......he wants to take a bunch of them...he thinks people are all for that now because he gets support on it....but he better look at the number of people in America that have guns....hope he changes his mind....but doesn't look like it....if anything he will pull voters away from Biden...giving the ticket to sander or warren....and the independents won't support them....even though the polls say they will...I don't see it!
Anonymous author writes Trump's decision-making is eroding ...
12 hours ago · President Donald Trump's behavior can be so erratic that most top administration officials have pre-written resignation letters ready to submit, an anonymous author claiming to be a …

Anonymous tell-all book likens Trump to '12-year-old in ...
11 hours ago · The anonymous author of a widely anticipated book on the Trump White House has described the US president as spiraling from crisis to crisis “like …

Anonymous Op-Ed Author From Trump White House To Publish ...
Oct 22, 2019 · The author, known only as a senior White House official, is credited as “Anonymous” on the cover of the book, titled “A Warning.” Whoever is behind the project ― miraculously, that person kept their identity secret for more than a year ― will elaborate on the New York Times column titled “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration.”
the guy is just a con artist and doesn't like being shown for what he is

Trump ‘violates all recognized democratic norms,’ federal judge says in biting speech on judicial independence

In an unusually critical speech that lamented the public’s flagging confidence in the independence of the judicial branch, a federal judge slammed President Trump for “feeding right into this destructive narrative” with repeated attacks and personal insults toward judges he dislikes.
U.S. District Judge Paul L. Friedman of the District of Columbia said Trump’s rhetoric “violates all recognized democratic norms” during a speech at the annual Judge Thomas A. Flannery Lecture in Washington on Wednesday.

“We are in unchartered territory,” said Friedman, 75, an appointee of President Bill Clinton. “We are witnessing a chief executive who criticizes virtually every judicial decision that doesn’t go his way and denigrates judges who rule against him, sometimes in very personal terms. He seems to view the courts and the justice system as obstacles to be attacked and undermined, not as a coequal branch to be respected even when he disagrees with its decisions.”

The White House did not immediately return a request for comment early Friday on Friedman’s speech.

Other judges have raised similar concerns about Trump’s rhetoric and the increasingly partisan interpretation of judicial rulings, but as a senior judge and secretary of the American Law Institute, Friedman’s criticism carries weight.
Trump has denounced judges who have halted some of his administration’s most hotly debated policies, including his threats to withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities and his attempt to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which protects from deportation young undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children. The president also has attacked judges over rulings that negatively affect him personally.

In 2017, Trump tweeted how a judge’s decision not to imprison Bowe Bergdahl, an Army sergeant who was captured by the Taliban in 2009 after walking away from his battalion in Afghanistan, was a “total disgrace to our Country and to our Military.” On the campaign trail, then-candidate Trump had suggested Bergdahl was a “dirty rotten traitor” who should be sentenced to death.

Trump also attacked U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, when the federal jurist from the Southern District of California was assigned to preside over a fraud case involving Trump University, a real estate seminar program. Trump suggested Curiel, an appointee of President Barack Obama, could not remain impartial in the case because of his Mexican heritage, despite the fact that the federal judge was born in Indiana and the case had nothing to do with immigration or foreign affairs. Trump ultimately settled the suit, which alleged the seminars used false advertising to ensnare attendees, for $25 million.

YFS - YOU’RE FULLA ******* - already here ;}
He is simply one of these die hard Democrats that don't have a clue what they are talking about. Most of this is not a democrat vs a republican issue anymore. Trump is neither really, he is fighting for America by revealing to the people just how corrupt we have allowed our government to become. All these so called true online facts that are suppose to be evidence against our President Donald Trump, like we try to tell certain posters on here, are FALSE propaganda and the media can't be trusted about anything. The democrats were totally stupid to support Hillary Clinton to be their candidate in 2016 after their hero Barry Obama destroyed the evil witch in 2008. Our Thoughts and Opinions are worth more then any of the articles that get posted on here. Why would anyone want to read all the garbage found online ? It is all Bias toward one party or the other and Donald Trump, how can we have a discussion like people that have lived our lives and learned from them.
He is simply one of these die hard Democrats that don't have a clue what they are talking about. Most of this is not a democrat vs a republican issue anymore. Trump is neither really, he is fighting for America by revealing to the people just how corrupt we have allowed our government to become. All these so called true online facts that are suppose to be evidence against our President Donald Trump, like we try to tell certain posters on here, are FALSE propaganda and the media can't be trusted about anything. The democrats were totally stupid to support Hillary Clinton to be their candidate in 2016 after their hero Barry Obama destroyed the evil witch in 2008. Our Thoughts and Opinions are worth more then any of the articles that get posted on here. Why would anyone want to read all the garbage found online ? It is all Bias toward one party or the other and Donald Trump, how can we have a discussion like people that have lived our lives and learned from them.

I wonder if you people are really just blindly devoted to this anti-Christ.....or are you afraid of what you have created?

Trump's tactics are taken from playbook of cult leaders ...
Oct 09, 2019 · Hassan maintains the president sounds like cult leader Jim Jones, who directed a mass suicide and ******* of more than 900 followers at Jonestown in Guyana in 1978 ... The author likens Trump

‘Drinking the Orange Kool-Aid’: Cult expert says Trump is ...
Ross replied with a number of emails and voice messages mounting up similarities between Trump and notorious cult leaders like Jim Jones and David Koresh. Nelson dug deep into the material and ...

Ex-cult member imagines terrifying end game to Trump’s ...
Oct 14, 2019 · “Worse still is the possibility that, if feeling sufficiently threatened, Trump might, like (cult leader Jim) Jones, try to take everyone with him, using his access to the nuclear codes ...

I saw that....and I'm she is well aware that a lot of republicans are considering her to run.....especially if trump gets dumped....she is just keeping her name out there and interest up....although she wasn't that good a Gov and may not have got re-elcted if trump hadn't pulled her up...but she has always been popular with the right

plus you should realize....she is trying to sell a book

Nikki Haley's 6 years as SC governor: much good, much bad ...
Jan 21, 2017 · In that claim, she explained her entire six years as governor. Nikki Haley was not, as she so long seemed to be, Mark Sanford in a skirt, someone who was largely incapable of …

Nikki Haley's troubled economic record in South Carolina ...
Jan 12, 2016 · Haley is the youngest and one of the most popular governors in the country. As U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan gushed on CNN, "If you want to hear an inclusive leader who's visionary, who's got a path for the future, who's brought people together, who's unified, it's Nikki Haley."...….(typical republican...can't manage a check book)

my guess the reason trump liked her......she has had affairs and din't care what was said...….and her own party accused her of being a racist.....although what is funny...she is friends with Hillary!
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