Politics in 2022

Funny I feel exactly the same way about radical Dems - one lies and they ALL swear to it.

Sensitivity training - you are such an OBVIOUS HYPOCRITE - calling nanci whiteboy an “it” - thank God only about 20% of the country are rabid Dems!!!

I just liked them better silent and in the closet....I have no problem with them having all the rights as anyone else.....I am just not into....being around them openly....ok so I'm a country fuck!.....the only thing going in my mouth is FOOD...…..and the my ass is exit only
Most trans are toooooooo in your face about it - I am with you on that - however it’s kinda your party that gave them all their power of late it seems.
Most trans are toooooooo in your face about it - I am with you on that - however it’s kinda your party that gave them all their power of late it seems.

won't argue that...and I support it to a point...if they want what they want ...fine...….I just don't want it thrown in my face.....there are all kinds of perversions going on in the world.....whatever trips your trigger......just keep it to your self!

when I worked for the airline.....saw a lot of it....stayed away from them...….the ones I did get along with...….never mentioned anything in any way.....I don't tell them when I fucked my wife....and I don't want to know about them sucking some cock!

"it" went on and on about whatever it is on the political thread for just about a full page.....then brought it up again on another thread....."it" can be whatever "it" wants to be....this is a hetro site...….and this is the political thread on a hetro site!

as for "it's" politics...….not really any different than hotobe's….just uses a lot of 10dollar words and a mindfucking speech...…..that says nothing more than some of the other right wingers...and no facts to back up anything....so anyway you look at it..... "it"....not my cup o tea
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won't argue that...and I support it to a point...if they want what they want ...fine...….I just don't want it thrown in my face.....there are all kinds of perversions going on in the world.....whatever trips your trigger......just keep it to your self!

when I worked for the airline.....saw a lot of it....stayed away from them...….the ones I did get along with...….never mentioned anything in any way.....I don't tell them when I fucked my wife....and I don't want to know about them sucking some cock!

"it" went on and on about whatever it is on the political thread for just about a full page.....then brought it up again on another thread....."it" can be whatever "it" wants to be....this is a hetro site...….and this is the political thread on a hetro site!

as for "it's" politics...….not really any different than hotobe's….just uses a lot of 10dollar words and a mindfucking speech...…..that says nothing more than some of the other right wingers...and no facts to back up anything....so anyway you look at "it"....not my cup o tea
You don't know me in the least, I suggest you stop getting on Nanci's case at least not at like you are judging. I do not condon transgenders, homosexuals, lesbians, or anything other the men and women being together. I will not agree with them, but I will accept them as God's children and let him decide what their fate in the end is. As for my politics, we people that know the end is coming are just trying to keep our heads above the flood of the Evil submerging those including you all around us. Enjoy my wisdom little man.
You don't know me in the least, I suggest you stop getting on Nanci's case at least not at like you are judging. I do not condon transgenders, homosexuals, lesbians, or anything other the men and women being together. I will not agree with them, but I will accept them as God's children and let him decide what their fate in the end is. As for my politics, we people that know the end is coming are just trying to keep our heads above the flood of the Evil submerging those including you all around us. Enjoy my wisdom little man.
wisdom…….if I wanted ass gas I would fart!

I see your posts all the time....not a factual statement in them.....pure right wing propaganda been passed around from one right winger to another.....you might pass that off to some of your republican cronies and they buy it...…….but not here.....where there are "search engines" available....although you have no interest in the facts at all....posted a bunch which should alarm most normal people.....but those that live in a cult cave....facts mean nothing

Why facts don’t matter to Trump’s supporters | KWOTABLE
Aug 04, 2016 · By David Ignatius, How did Donald Trump win the Republican nomination, despite clear evidence that he had misrepresented or falsified key issues throughout the campaign? Social scientists have some intriguing explanations for why people persist in misjudgments despite strong contrary evidence. Trump is a vivid and, to his critics, a frightening present-day illustration of this […]

as for YOUR friend Nancie....same as you or anyone else....you post bullshit I will call you on it!...as for the sexual thing...have you heard me or anyone else on here talk about our sexual preferences…..NO....so why is "it" any different? and we are supposed to be so supporting....I have not mentioned my perversions nor has anyone else.....keep it to your self...I for one am NOT interested....this is a political thread......whatever "it" wants to do elsewhere...I could care less more power to it

your politics...…..bullshit....you have just posted nothing more than crazy opinions....I have been trying to just let it slide because I believe you really belive the ******* you are spouting and again...not interested in the facts

you are right....there is evil all around us.....and you are supporting it
I personally don't agree with the sissy lifestyle but I find Nanci quite intelligent.

no waaay.....and I'm like....sooo totally....well like yeaaah. 🥴😜

Mentally ill ! Maybe a distorted opinion of oneself that is in the mind.

ill !? distorted!? But I really am John Lennon trapped in Audrey Hepburn's body; all poetry inside and lithe, regal beauty outside.

Or wait; sometimes I'm Vladimir Lennon trapped in Eva Braun's body; all angry, stupid and childish. (Those are the days I identify as a democrat.)

But on Wednesdays, I'm General Hap Arnold in Marilyn Monroe's body. Hap and Marilyn -- together we can rule the universe!

Which reminds me of Star Wars. Oh Leia, Leia -- the Jedi Returned over a decade before I was born, but she was my young role model. While other boys were ******* their slug to Leia, I just wanted to kick ass and look hot in her metal bikini.

See. Nothing distorted. 🙄
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......just an biz oriented right wing thinking...

The first accurate bit of gibberish he has ever yammered.

Yes, attending uni for business training and stepping into the family travel business. Providing a valuable service that benefits working people:
  • Conservative community boosting instead of leftist tearing down.
  • Paying taxes instead of draining taxes.
  • Making payroll so our team's families can have nice things.
Nothing a gibberish spouting yokel would understand.
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The first accurate bit of gibberish he has ever yammered.

Yes, attending uni for business training and stepping into the family travel business. Providing a valuable service that benefits working people:
  • Conservative community boosting instead of leftist tearing down.
  • Paying taxes instead of draining taxes.
  • Making payroll so our team's families can have nice things.
Nothing a gibberish spouting yokel would understand.

just more insults from a blowhard....funny how the right dishes them and thinks nothing about it.....return them and real pissed
no waaay.....and I'm like....sooo totally....well like yeaaah. 🥴😜

ill !? distorted!? But I really am John Lennon trapped in Audrey Hepburn's body; all poetry inside and lithe, regal beauty outside.

Or wait; sometimes I'm Vladimir Lennon trapped in Eva Braun's body; all angry, stupid and childish. (Those are the days I identify as a democrat.)

But on Wednesdays, I'm General Hap Arnold in Marilyn Monroe's body. Hap and Marilyn -- together we can rule the universe!

Which reminds me of Star Wars. Oh Leia, Leia -- the Jedi Returned over a decade before I was born, but she was my young role model. While other boys were ******* their slug to Leia, I just wanted to kick ass and look hot in her metal bikini.

See. Nothing distorted. 🙄
I meant no offence, If your biologically male, I don't see where else your Transsexual desire comes from other then your Brain.
My obstruction of your so-called justice ;}

Like what you guys did to Obama...an American elected legitimate president.....you started with his birth certificate.....then signed a pledge to do nothing....even if it was to help the country.....did everything you could to fuck with him....and you want sympathy...…