Politics in 2022

You are soooooooooo delusional like the rest of your sick ilk - the behavior of the Democrat party is unconscionable - I was amused by it all for a long time - now I’m PISSED - and just about everyone I talk to about this impeachment bullshit is PISSED - you f’n sore LOSERS pushed it TOO far - now the wrath of the American voter will befall you in 2020 - I have no doubt.

damn....3 sentences?....how will we ever react.....with the same head shaking we do with just one....I know ...we are picking on your hero and it just hurts to be shown how stupid you were/are.....check the polls lately.....impeachment numbers climbing......trump still at 40% at best......I'm sure you can figure out that if trump only has 40% for him....the rest must not be

Donald Trump ranked worst president in US history by ...

The president ranks even below Richard Nixon. Nearly 200 of America's top political scientists have voted Donald Trump the worst president in US history. According to the 2018 Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey, Mr Trump ranks even lower than disgraced President Richard Nixon – even among conservatives.

and that is who you throw your support behind?

Americans really hate Trump - The Washington Post

Oct 14, 2016 · It’s the opposite for Trump, as 63 percent think he lacks the temperament and 56 percent say he isn’t qualified. For 49 percent, he is “not at all” qualified.

Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump

Jan 11, 2018 · A Quinnipiac poll says 66 percent of American voters view the economy as "excellent" or "good." But only 36 percent say they approve of President Trump's performance. A larger percentage of …
President Trump has turned the corrupt Democratic party into an insecure, desperate mob of scurrying disease ridden rodents. The media that is bias and holds the strings to these puppets are just what he knows they are and calls them the producers of created fake news. Many very intelligent people consider Donald Trump the best President in their lifetime, I agree. Why, because he isn't part of the swamp, He is a man that has used his 70+ years of life making mistakes and learning from them. Is he a jerk? Yes he can be, to those that he understands are total fakes that are destroying America without concern for anyone but their own slimy corrupt selves, along with all the millions of dollars they have magically earned by having the only real jobs in there lives being politicians.
President Trump has turned the corrupt Democratic party into an insecure, desperate mob of scurrying disease ridden rodents. The media that is bias and holds the strings to these puppets are just what he knows they are and calls them the producers of created fake news. Many very intelligent people consider Donald Trump the best President in their lifetime, I agree. Why, because he isn't part of the swamp, He is a man that has used his 70+ years of life making mistakes and learning from them. Is he a jerk? Yes he can be, to those that he understands are total fakes that are destroying America without concern for anyone but their own slimy corrupt selves, along with all the millions of dollars they have magically earned by having the only real jobs in there lives being politicians.

just trying to get the head disease ridden RAT!
damn....3 sentences?....how will we ever react.....with the same head shaking we do with just one....I know ...we are picking on your hero and it just hurts to be shown how stupid you were/are.....check the polls lately.....impeachment numbers climbing......trump still at 40% at best......I'm sure you can figure out that if trump only has 40% for him....the rest must not be

Donald Trump ranked worst president in US history by ...

The president ranks even below Richard Nixon. Nearly 200 of America's top political scientists have voted Donald Trump the worst president in US history. According to the 2018 Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey, Mr Trump ranks even lower than disgraced President Richard Nixon – even among conservatives.

and that is who you throw your support behind?

Americans really hate Trump - The Washington Post

Oct 14, 2016 · It’s the opposite for Trump, as 63 percent think he lacks the temperament and 56 percent say he isn’t qualified. For 49 percent, he is “not at all” qualified.

Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump

Jan 11, 2018 · A Quinnipiac poll says 66 percent of American voters view the economy as "excellent" or "good." But only 36 percent say they approve of President Trump's performance. A larger percentage of …

Keep believing your horseshite polls - please keep believing them.
How soon you forget 2016’s polls.
McCain fell on his sword, but if he didn't it would have been someone else. The Republicans knew they had to oppose the ACA to appeal to the base, but that if they actually succeeded in repealing it, there would have been serious fall-out. People don't like it when you throw them or their ******* off their insurance. You think the press is mean now, imagine a "Cancer Survivor March" on Washington of people who can't get insurance anymore because of pre-existing conditions.
If you think about it, even insurance is based on Socialize based on Capitalism. Why would any insurance company be expected to cover preexisting conditions? Insurance Companies are not government welfare programs. They are a perfect example Capitalism paying for Socialism, Most people pay thousands of dollars to have insurance and never get use it, thus people that become unhealthy might have paid in a good amount of money, but when they become very ill, receive a great deal more than they invested, so those that don't use their insurance pay the bills for them that do. Haves paying for have not's.
All the whining is of Democrat origin - I understand your projection - you people ALWAYS accuse your opposition of that which you are doing.

The fact is both parties have lost touch. They are all crocked as fuck, and if they are not they won't be in politics for very long. The difference is that most people on the right recognize this fact and are willing to come to the table. Those on the left refute it and insist of total control as the worlds problems are all someone else's fault. As a result we are stuck in a two party system we can not break out of. I know a lot of "used to be Republicans" that want to vote third party but at the same time don't want to give that vote to the left.
Yeah Dems having a problem getting to picking out which bozo to get behind they’re all so bad - really banking on their impeachment ploy now.
As a result we are stuck in a two party system we can not break out of. I know a lot of "used to be Republicans" that want to vote third party but at the same time don't want to give that vote to the left.
Quite a legitimate concern. I don't think Trump has any particular love for the Republican party, as they have little backbone and are too quick to roll belly-up when some some hysterical dem calls them RAAACIST. But the Trumpster is pragmatic enough to understand that a Trump party would split the Repubs. We are stuck with them for now and it is up to Trump (and us) to drag polite Repubs out into the street-fight that dems have made politics into.