Politics in 2022

I don't think he Promised anything......but had Graham speaking for him...he and Graham used to be pretty tight.....McCain would really be pissed to see where Graham is now......But it really was more about trump hating McCain...started with his prisoner comment....and then kind of a little known fact...Cruz and Rubio were the first to finance the steele report...and then dropped it when they lost the nomination and ended up with Hillary footing the final bill for it......and then she didn't need it anymore after she lost.....But it was Mccain that took it to the feds and opened the door for all the other
Yeah I know what you’re sayin but McCain had told his constituents that he was going to vote with the Republicans on healthcare and then at the last second didn’t - all I’m saying.
Yeah I know what you’re sayin but McCain had told his constituents that he was going to vote with the Republicans on healthcare and then at the last second didn’t - all I’m saying.

you might be right...I don't remember......but I just don't see anyone dying and needing all the health care he can get.....voting against it....besides McCain didn't like trump any better than trump liked McCain.....McCain is the one that really put the dogs on him and he knows it!
The dems have a very large problem among women voters, who are the largest demographic of the electorate.

It is no secret that married women broke over 55% for Trump. Married women see things differently than single women.

It's also well known that single women between 18 and 50 tend to view the government as a replacement provider (Obama's Julia campaign) and it certainly doesn't hurt when the candidate is a young handsome Black man who is viewed as urbane and hip.

While single women have the numbers to impact an election, there is an enormous gap between older single women (2nd wave feminists) and younger single women (3rd wave feminists). Hillary made this gap 1000 times worse, by being dismissive of the young third wavers. Older feminists feel that younger ones didn't do the work and should just shut up and get on board. Older single women also have lost their sexual power over men and it makes them angry and resentful of the younger ones. Younger single feminists still command male attention and see older women as has-beens. This is a female rivalry that is epoxied into women's circuit boards.

While Bernie has a strange hold over the young white male Bernie-bots, he is a turn-off to women in general and particularly young feminists.

Elizabeth Warren has largely the same problem Hillary did; her appeal to 2nd wavers puts off the 3rd wavers.

And Joe Biden...hoo-boy. Feminists will tolerate Slick Willie getting his cigar polished in the Whitehouse by a fawning adult woman, but they aren't going to excuse Creepy Joe pawing at little girls.

To unite younger and older single women, dems need a good-looking, younger, hip man -- and he can't be too white or he'll anger the intersectional crowd who are pushing dems hard left.
Anyone called Nanci Whiteboy ought to keep their opinions to themselves. Or accept the consequences of putting you in your place. Which is nowhere. You're mentally ill ans confused who and what you are..yet you feel compelled to tell others what YOU think. Wrong.
I personally don't agree with the sissy lifestyle but I find Nanci quite intelligent. The posts Nanci shares show a high education and a sharp, open mind. Mentally ill ! Maybe a distorted opinion of oneself that is in the mind. The question is why? I can't judge and caste the first stone. Jesus say's let who is among-st us that is not a sinner caste the first stone.
I personally don't agree with the sissy lifestyle but I find Nanci quite intelligent. The posts Nanci shares show a high education and a sharp, open mind. Mentally ill ! Maybe a distorted opinion of oneself that is in the mind. The question is why? I can't judge and caste the first stone. Jesus say's let who is among-st us that is not a sinner caste the first stone.

"it".....just posts opinions...no facts...opinions are like assholes....everyone has one.....what is needed is the correct opinion on what is going on....and "it" has yet to have that......just an biz oriented right wing thinking....not necessarily the correct one.....some of you just share that thinking.....doesn't make it the correct one
Yeah - we know - only you know what’s what ;}

wrong again...….I am just smart enough to use my computer to fact check what I say instead of just blowing things out my ass

you guys post something....I fact check it...….and majority of the time find out you guys are full of *******....I don't claim to be smart at anything...….just know when to speak and when not to!
Gee cause from my perspective buying into to all the biased media reporting you post - makes you seem fulla shite to me :]

yes...but who are you.....an already confirmed cult member....they have never been the sharpest knives in the drawer

I will be around more today if you need me to repair that mind fucking you have been getting over the last couple of years

and in the words of Sgt Joe Friday....."just the facts ma'am just the facts"
Gee cause from my perspective buying into to all the biased media reporting you post - makes you seem fulla shite to me :]

read the top of the page....you are picking on me

Reasonable Political Discussions
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Place for global political debate and discussion. This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally.

although that should be amended to exclude trump cult members
Anyone called Nanci Whiteboy ought to keep their opinions to themselves. Or accept the consequences of putting you in your place. Which is nowhere. You're mentally ill ans confused who and what you are..yet you feel compelled to tell others what YOU think. Wrong.

And that folks, is a textbook example of leftist response to opposing views:
  • Never use valid argumentative techniques.
  • Always vilify and name-call.
  • Then consider the dispute ended.
Because leftists hate the individual and are programmed collectively, it is easy for them to dehumanize individuals they disagree with. Leftists are always so angry and sputter insults because they cannot persuade anyone who thinks freely.
And that folks, is a textbook example of leftist response to opposing views:
  • Never use valid argumentative techniques.
  • Always vilify and name-call.
  • Then consider the dispute ended.
Because leftists hate the individual and are programmed collectively, it is easy for them to dehumanize individuals they disagree with. Leftists are always so angry and sputter insults because they cannot persuade anyone who thinks freely.

EXACTLY !!!!!!!
I have noticed one particular thing about the cult of commies......and it goes through out the cult.....when one lies...the other swears to it.....just wish that when one went to jail they all did.....as for the "minions"....all need to start out with sensitivity training......schooling...…..reading and comprehension skills.....so much they need
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I have noticed one particular thing about the cult of commies......and it goes through out the cult.....when one lies...the other swears to it.....just wish that when one went to jail they all did.....as for the "minions"....all need to start out with sensitivity training......schooling...…..reading and comprehension skills.....so much they need

Funny I feel exactly the same way about radical Dems - one lies and they ALL swear to it.

Sensitivity training - you are such an OBVIOUS HYPOCRITE - calling nanci whiteboy an “it” - thank God only about 20% of the country are rabid Dems!!!