Politics in 2022

Naturally they are going to say no votes compromised.....they are a red state.....and they don't want to scare off future voters

Gov. DeSantis: Russians hacked voting databases in two ...
May 14, 2019 · Gov. DeSantis: Russians hacked voting databases in two Florida counties The GOP governor said the incidents took place in 2016 and no election results were compromised.

Florida Governor Says Russia Hacked Into 2 Counties ...
May 14, 2019 · Florida Governor Says Russia Hacked Into 2 Counties' Election Systems In 2016 Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday that the FBI told him that two Florida counties had ... voting machines were ...

Russians accessed voter records in 2 Florida counties, FBI ...
Russians accessed voter records in 2 Florida counties, FBI confirms. ... Russian hackers had a successful “intrusion“ into the voting registration files of two Florida counties in 2016, Gov ...
Diebold Indicted: Its spectre still haunts Ohio elections

It's not who votes that counts.....it's who counts the votes
......Joseph Stalin

Diebold: the controversial manufacturer of voting and ATM machines, whose name conjures up the demons of Ohio’s 2004 presidential election irregularities, is now finally under indictment for a “worldwide pattern of criminal conduct.” Federal prosecutors filed charges against Diebold, Inc. on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 alleging that the North Canton, Ohio-based security and manufacturing company bribed government officials and falsified documents to obtain business in China, Indonesia and Russia. Diebold has agreed to pay $50 million to settle the two criminal counts against it. This is not the first time Diebold’s been accused of bribery. In 2005, the Free Press exposed that Matt Damschroder, Republican chair of the Franklin County of Elections in 2004, reported that a key Diebold operative told Damschroder he made a $50,000 contribution to then-Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell's “political interests” while Blackwell was evaluating Diebold's bids for state purchasing contracts. Damschroder admitted to personally accepting a $10,000 check from former Diebold contractor Pasquale “Patsy” Gallina made out to the Franklin County Republican Party. That contribution was made while Damschroder was involved in evaluating Diebold bids for county contracts. Damschroder was suspended for a month without pay for the incident. Despite the scandal, he was later appointed as Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted's Director of Elections.

you are being obtuse...…...

Russians “used sophisticated cyber techniques to hack into computers and networks used by the Clinton campaign. They stole private information and then released that information through fake online identities and through the organization WikiLeaks. The releases were designed and timed to interfere with our election and to damage a presidential candidate.”
The Kremlin’s goal was to impede Hillary Clinton and, consequently, boost Trump.

These Are the Ads Russia Bought on Facebook in 2016 - The ...
Nov 01, 2017 · They made for a wildly varied slide show, designed by Russia to exploit divisions in American society and to tip the 2016 presidential election in favor of Donald J. Trump and against Hillary Clinton.

How Russian Bots Rallied on Election Day to Smear Hillary ...
U.S. Donald Trump Hillary Clinton 2016 election Russian ... Twitter and Facebook have since estimated the full reach of Russian influence during the ... How Russian Bots Rallied on Election Day to …

Senate: Russia interfered to boost Trump against Clinton ...
Oct 09, 2019 · WASHINGTON – A new report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee on Russian interference in the 2016 election has concluded that Russia acted to boost Donald Trump at the expense of …

Twitter Bots Distorted the 2016 Election—Including Many ...
Oct 12, 2017 · Twitter Bots Distorted the 2016 Election—Including Many Likely From Russia ... accounts that campaigned against Hillary Clinton likely were ... issued a report on Russian influence during

How Russian Facebook Ads Divided and Targeted US Voters ...
How Russian Facebook Ads Divided and Targeted US Voters Before the 2016 Election. Business; ... on Facebook in August of 2016—while Hillary Clinton was still leading the polls ... Russian Bots ...

How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The ...
Apr 03, 2017 · How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The 2016 Election : All Tech Considered Clint Watts, a former FBI agent, describes a diffuse network of Russian
so they lied
Donald Trump is the best candidate running 2020

opinion...to bad it doesn't match the rest of the country!
he does have a 75% approval rating among republicans...BUT only 40% among the country

you do the math.....what does that say about the republican party...…..shrinking?

It has ALWAYS been the independents that make the election anyway
When people get in both and think who is better for the country the marks hoing for Trump no matter what poll says

he is at the bottom in about everything....even the economy he inherited and a lot of economists say we are heading for bad news....his job creation....still doesn't beat Obama...stock market compare the avg when he has it compared to Obama...he is till second rate....the only good thing about this guy....I hope he can stop a bullet!......that's what happens when you try on that treason coat!
he is at the bottom in about everything....even the economy he inherited and a lot of economists say we are heading for bad news....his job creation....still doesn't beat Obama...stock market compare the avg when he has it compared to Obama...he is till second rate....the only good thing about this guy....I hope he can stop a bullet!......that's what happens when you try on that treason coat!

I don't like him...I think he is a crook.....and nothing he has done will change that....he could crrect some of it...but he won't...he is happy with the money HE is making....the right only cares what he does for biz...allowing them to make more without passing it down
Obama sucked

the problem with both of your opinions......they don't match how the rest of the country feels....think that might tell you something?
Obama and Clinton two of the most popular pres and a long time......trump has yet to reach 40% approval rating ( that means that 60% of the country doesn't like him)

hate to hurt your feelings...not sure if you are just a devoted republican......or actually believe trump is doing something...but whatever the reason.….trump is just bad news for the country as a whole

That's Rand Paul talking. He drinks the ultra-libertarian Kool-Aid. This is Rand Paul's ideal society

Bernie and AOC want the same thing that an average Northern European country has: a medical system that isn't broken, protections for working people, and a college system that you don't have to go into decades of debt to graduate from. Maybe if we're lucky, and end to private prisons which are a modern legal form of slavery.

Our medical system is especially broken: you have to pay twice, sometimes three times. You pay for Medicare out of FICA, then you have to pay for for-profit insurance on top of that. The amount you pay for Medicare is already higher than any single-payer country, and you've got private insurance on top of that deciding which doctors you can see. If you ever use it you go into claims hell trying to track down EOBs and negotiate with the hospital and the insurance company at the same time. Odds are you pay out of pocket yourself anyways despite the US having Medicare and you having private insurance on top of that.
K - now enlighten us as to how they intend to pay for it !!!!

Hell they even can’t or won’t.

The same way Denmark does? We raise the marginal income tax rates and capital gains tax rates to something closer to what we had under Nixon.

And that's not even getting into the MMT economic arguments.

Aside from this, Trump passed a $1.5T tax cut not that long ago and nobody asked how he'd pay for it. Why is that?
Yeah sounds good but most experts say it would require way more money than could be raised that way. Prolly why no one can get a straight answer from Warren or Bernie.

Plenty of people asked how he’d pay for it.
A booming economy tends to help and that was the intent - course you being an obvious lefty - prolly socialist - only see the rich gain side of it - not the overall benefits.
I'm not sure Warren would actually try to pass M4A. Bernie 100% would. He's said in interviews that he would primary Democrats who wouldn't vote for it. As far as the financial details, we did Medicare really fast, but I think a roll-out of M4A would be more like a 10-year timeline.

The "how we pay for it" question gets complicated, because we stupidly overpay for a lot of stuff right now. Medicare isn't allowed to negotiate prices on prescription ******* for example, and allowing that would save hundreds of billions. Insurance companies themselves are a huge cost to the economy. If we take a look at Anthem's SEC filings, we can see that they're spending about 20% of their premium revenue on administrative overhead, aside from the tens of millions they keep for profits. Between the insurance companies and the hospital billing infrastructure that has to exist to support them all, that's another few hundred billion we pay now for no good reason.

As far as Trump's tax cuts helping the economy -- the biggest economic boom the US ever had was after WW2, when the top marginal tax rate was 90%. Trickle-down economics never works, it just benefits a really small number of people with massive political influence. I'm a 1%-er by income, but I'm a complete nobody to the actual ultra-rich.

edit: I hope some finance intern at Anthem is one day looking at where traffic on the SEC filings page is coming from, and sees a bunch of referral links from blacktowhite.net lolol
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