Politics in 2022

Donald Trump, the con man - The Boston Globe
Donald Trump, the con man. Indeed, Trump’s entire business model as an entrepreneur seems built on his telling people that he’s great at business, and people believing him and then putting his name on lots of products (steaks, wines, airlines, universities, casinos, etc.) that further inflate the image of Trump as some sort of capitalist master.

You didn't read this article did you? You might want to avoid using articles from 2016 based on discredited tax returns. Didn't Rachel Maddow get totally embarrassed by the "leaked 1995 tax return that was only a few pages stolen from the wrong file? This article is bogus propaganda. Yes I read it.
All based on the same source, AP, Reuters or the committed for progress.

This is a dead false story. He is a billionaire and has licensed his band for 100s of millions alone.

Is it possible that President Trump has a negative net ...
Jan 24, 2017 · I would be very surprised if Trump’s total holdings were not so highly leveraged that his debt to asset ratio is fairly high, even though he controls a lot of cash flow. That’s how the real estate business works. In fairness to him, he is far from...

Trump still owes D.C. $7 million in inauguration costs as ...
Jun 14, 2019 · The Trump administration and Congress owe D.C. more than $7 million in expenses from Trump’s inauguration, according to federal and city financial records.

Trump has stiffed 10 cities that he owes money after they ...
Jun 13, 2019 · The unpaid invoices only account for some of the costs incurred by the dozens of cities Trump has visited. Many of the more than 60 cities where he has held rallies since his inauguration have ...

Donald Trump’s campaign still owes El Paso $569,204 | The ...
Aug 05, 2019 · El Paso says Donald Trump still owes $569,204 for his February rally The city attempted to charge him $470,417.05 for services related to his February rally and …

Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 ...
Jan 06, 2017 · Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 different institutions, new study suggests President-elect faces more questions about …

A Guide to Donald Trump’s Huge Debts—and the Conflicts ...
Dec 12, 2016 · Below is a list of all the financial players that Trump owes money to and how much Trump directly has borrowed from each one. This roster is based on publicly available loan documents. According to his own public disclosure, Trump, as of May,

The myth and the reality of Donald Trump’s business empire ...
Feb 29, 2016 · Federal Election Commission disclosures have shown that 15 companies associated with Trump owe more than $270 million to banks. Trump responds to these critiques by saying that he doesn't use Wall...
Is it possible that President Trump has a negative net ...
Jan 24, 2017 · I would be very surprised if Trump’s total holdings were not so highly leveraged that his debt to asset ratio is fairly high, even though he controls a lot of cash flow. That’s how the real estate business works. In fairness to him, he is far from...

Trump still owes D.C. $7 million in inauguration costs as ...
Jun 14, 2019 · The Trump administration and Congress owe D.C. more than $7 million in expenses from Trump’s inauguration, according to federal and city financial records.

Trump has stiffed 10 cities that he owes money after they ...
Jun 13, 2019 · The unpaid invoices only account for some of the costs incurred by the dozens of cities Trump has visited. Many of the more than 60 cities where he has held rallies since his inauguration have ...

Donald Trump’s campaign still owes El Paso $569,204 | The ...
Aug 05, 2019 · El Paso says Donald Trump still owes $569,204 for his February rally The city attempted to charge him $470,417.05 for services related to his February rally and …

Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 ...
Jan 06, 2017 · Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 different institutions, new study suggests President-elect faces more questions about …

A Guide to Donald Trump’s Huge Debts—and the Conflicts ...
Dec 12, 2016 · Below is a list of all the financial players that Trump owes money to and how much Trump directly has borrowed from each one. This roster is based on publicly available loan documents. According to his own public disclosure, Trump, as of May,

The myth and the reality of Donald Trump’s business empire ...
Feb 29, 2016 · Federal Election Commission disclosures have shown that 15 companies associated with Trump owe more than $270 million to banks. Trump responds to these critiques by saying that he doesn't use Wall...

I will go with Forbes all of these left wing propaganda sources. Really mom Jones. Next to NY Times mom Jones is one of the most discredited "news" sources ever.

Try to mount a logical argument instead of raiding your favorites file you have saved since Trump was elected? Hell half of this is sourcing from a decade ago.
this guy is going down for multiple charges...

A $50 Million Loan Trump Has Never Explained
Sep 05, 2019 · But for years, one Trump loan has been particularly mystifying: a debt of more than $50 million that Trump claims he owes to one of his own companies. According to tax and financial experts, the loan, which Trump has never fully explained, might be part of a controversial tax avoidance scheme known as debt parking.”

Oh no a Rich Person used legal loop holes, created by Dem congress. Oh no he didn't break the law.
facts are....he owes more than he has!

doesn't matter who says it....still comes out the same.....that's why he is fucking America out of big bucks...…..tried to do it some more with the next g7 meeting at his place.....but several republicans stepped up also and said no.....he makes more than enough off every golf outing

Well you keep asserting that your sources say he owes more than he has. Then you post biased left wing sources who have been trying to bring him down. How would they know? Aren't the Dems trying to get his tax returns? Didn't they try to use 1995 tax return pages and look foolish.

Then you post a story saying he has a loan of 50 million to avoid taxes. that would mean he has 100s of millions to protect. Opps just shot your own argument.
there you go with that dem congress again.....you can't be that dense to think that the dems create all those loop holes to hide their money

and with him being pres and trying so hard to hide everything....that just opened the door to looking....and looking and finding they are!
and now NY just got their hands on the last 8 years......going down!

The points you keep referencing and tax issues your stories keep referencing were from when the Dems ran Congress, part when they had all of Congress and the White House, and Charlie Rangel bragged he wrote the tax code and then it was found out he avoided taxes and broke the laws to cover it up and he all he got was congressional censure. You would have gone to prison.

You should get a better breath of knowledge.
had he not run for office....he might have got away with a lot for a long time...…..but not now....just like his foundation....his money laundering and on and on...the guy is a crook and it is coming to light

Wait was that the time he had one of the highest rated show on TV and selling his interests in hotels around the world to the tune of $600 Million?
well you could look it up yourself....but you won't....it doesn't say what you want it to say....as for 1995...….once they start digging there is no clause that says they can only look at these and not these....they will go as far back as they want....just that many more charges against him

you didn't shoot anything except in your own mind...I just answered it

Trump faces myriad investigations in New York despite ...
Mar 31, 2019 · Trump faces myriad investigations in New York despite Mueller closing up shop without charges against the president ... deals and has subpoenaed records from Deutsche Bank and

Why One of Trump’s Biggest Legal Threats Is New York’s ...
Jan 17, 2019 · New York has jurisdiction over Trump’s family businesses ... There’s even been a push to amend New York’s double jeopardy laws to make it ... But New York officials could be waiting until ...

t Appears That Donald Trump’s Family Will Be Indicted Soon
The fact that no indictments of Trump’s children have yet been unsealed is very strong evidence that New York State is waiting for the SDNY. ... of Trump's family, New York Attorney ...

What would happen if Trump is impeached/removed from ...
Sep 28, 2019 · The State of NY Federal Court has a Grand Jury waiting on him on Rico Act Charges, Fraud, Tax evasion and a few more little tidbits. Barr won't be able to do a thing about that. In order to get anything overturned, it will have to go to the Supreme Court and I doubt if Rump wants to be in front of those people anytime soon since hasn't had ...

You really have no idea what your posting do you? Just the headlines huh?
I have that....you just don't like what you are hearing.....and still just ranting on

I know what it is saying. And you don't. For example the 1990s write down is 100% legal. It is called carry over. He had a loss and can write it off against his tax bill for up to 10 years. He still paid taxes because there are limits he can write off each year. He was audited and it was passed.

Oops, another failure by Dems. That is why they let it go and hung their hopes on Muller and now the Ukraine call and both of those failed. Only uninformed people like you think this is a crime
and just how low can one person go.....

How Donald Trump Shifted *******-Cancer Charity Money Into ...
Jun 06, 2017 · Donald Trump is one of the least charitable billionaires in the world. Eric Trump is far more altruistic. In a clash of values, the president directed hundreds of thousands of …
you just don't like what you read...seems to be a big problem with trumptards

and again.....you are just ranting now.....with nothing to say

Not a big Trump guy here. I love what he does to people like you. Good ole Trump Derangement Syndrome. In three years he has exposed and laid bare the leftist (and your) hypocrisy with Twitter.

No I am calling you on your bogus stories that you don't even read. You falsely believe copious data dumps backs you up, Information is information, understanding, processing and understanding the information in context separates the logical from the manipulated.
and just how low can one person go.....

How Donald Trump Shifted *******-Cancer Charity Money Into ...
Jun 06, 2017 · Donald Trump is one of the least charitable billionaires in the world. Eric Trump is far more altruistic. In a clash of values, the president directed hundreds of thousands of …

So what. It is his money. If he wants to donate he can. It is a free country.

Why do you leftist statist think you get to decide how people think, act and utilize their property?
still just ranting on.....and now all of a sudden you are not a big trump fan...….

that will break poor little hottobe's heart

as for the bogus stories....try reading the whole articles sometime...…..most don't get to the good stuff until the end....and you have shown you can't take things that far

I have you been posting the same ******* over and over. You see the headlines and post them in hopes we won't read them. The first paragraph says what you hope and that is where you stop. By the end they are hedging and changing the story. You quoted a 'skeptical blog' awhile back you should try being a skeptic.
still just ranting on.....and now all of a sudden you are not a big trump fan...….

that will break poor little hottobe's heart

as for the bogus stories....try reading the whole articles sometime...…..most don't get to the good stuff until the end....and you have shown you can't take things that far
I am far from little
you sound like you may have won something....just like all your other posts....they amount to nothing except some. vain thing you have in your head...…...try facing reality I'm sure you will find you are more than lacking

I have won. You admitted you post tons of articles without logic or even reading them. You just admitted you are exactly what I said you are.

Every one of my responses address and countered your stories. Note I didn't say argument. You have never mounted one of those. You need leftwing articles to make your argument for you, because you are nothing more then a reposter that tosses weak ass insults between posting articles that do not say what you think.