Politics in 2022

talk about mad.....apparently you have read none of the mueller report...or are just completely disregarding it.....and I guess the at least 4 laws and maybe more he broke on the Ukraine racket he had going and Ukraine pres would still not buckle to his blackmail/////and talk about killing a bunch of people....what did trump just do in Syria..;...and do you know just how many politicians are paid to speak elsewhere......like chuck Grassley getting that nice speaking chunk from the pharmaceutical comp...before voting on the ACA.....or how about the money Russia paid Micheal Flynn to speak......just a little bit one sided...and completely fucking nuts!

First- He stopped our involvement in a foreign war Obama started. That is what Trump did in Syria. That, and stopped sending American Boys to die for Globalists' Corporate interests in a religious tribal war that has been raging for thousand years.

Second- Name the laws and how do they differ from what Biden did? You do know Biden is on video bragging he told the Ukrainians to fire the prosecutor on his *******'s case or no billion dollars? You do know Hunter was given a job at $50,000 a month with zero qualification other then being the ******* of Joe Biden at that same company.
my back-up....you have done nothing but run your opinions....with NOTHING to even come close to any kind of back up.....
incase you might not have known....and being a whacky right winger I'm sure you didn't...opinions are not considered facts of any kinds......if you are so strong in your beliefs go to the trump thread and show me where just one of those facts are wrong....and those facts you post need to come from the appropriate dept....not some independent company...….facts are....the right hasn't done ******* for the country in 70 years....and even right now they are trying to clean up a mess made by the right

I will answer just this one...…..the only one wanting an impeachment vote right now is trump....to stop the *******......new witnesses coming forward everyday with more information...….his noose gets tighter....and could end up hanging several others....the reason for it not being right now....still trying to determine just how many others might go to jail

Actually I challenged your opinions and asked you logical questions, which you avoided backing up with logical counter arguments. You clearly have no clue how to mount an argument or have any depth of knowledge.

The rule of law and the congressional rules, mostly written by the dems, requires the Dem in the house to hold a vote to impeach before they can violate Executive Privilege. There is precedents set in the law. The only reason they won't vote to hold a public impeachment TRIAL is dems know they have nothing. So it is propaganda and lib political porn to keep the base angry. What they are doing now is Unconstitutional and wasting money so they can fail at grandstanding. If you believe what you are saying you would want an full public impeachment trial, not secret hearing where the dems can hid their incomitance and feed the left wing propaganda

A person like you should want a public trail. You know some one who believes in the rule of laws. Who believes in their desire to hold all corrupt elected officials accountable for using their offices to abuse their power.
No. I asked you several questions and you avoided everyone. That would be challenging. Once I challenged you, like everyone else who challenges you, your only response is make feeble attempts at insulting me and the others.

I am not the 'right' I am an American taxpayer challenging your tired old leftist assertions and propaganda. Answer the questions or is your cognitive dissidence too much for you to handle?

You're an ideologue anchoring your world view in a scary genocidal ideology with the inability to see both sides of a topic. All you have is labeling and insulting.
no you stated several opinions.....those don't require an answer....you just want me to agree with you....wrong!

as for the rest.....well if the shoe fits.....

There you go projecting again.

I don't care if you agree. I am challenging your ideology and hypocrisy so people realize your ideology is not as wide spread as you play. All I have to do is ask you a question and you, your hubris, and your cognitive dissidence does the rest.
There you go again, labeling and bashing some mythic "right wing." Your boogie man,

So far you have avoided answering why you don't want a public impeachment trial, why Biden, after admitting he did it, shouldn't stand trial, and avoided the Syrian response.

The funniest, you talking about winning at all cost for the "right wing." That is you to the t.
wrong.....I just describe what I see and you couldn't handle it......couldn't give a good answer or reason......so took your right wing way of winning one step further....win at any cost no matter what

Repost to make sure you see it:

Lets see something. What are 2 things the "right" does that is good? And what is some stuff the "left does wrong?
Boy is subhub out of his league with you cpl2010co ! I love it, Name calling don't seem to work in this situation Huh Sub? If a person has the ability to retain information in the Brain, we don't need a constant amount of propaganda off the internet, we are alive, we can see, we can hear, we can use common sense to form judgments. Okay hear comes the vulgar language and name calling!
well you lack on all that....as for cpl2010co wining....at what ...stated a bunch of opinions with no links to anthing...so all they are is opinions.....and even then it has all been brought up several times and answered several times

as for the name calling and vulgar language ….I just call them like I see them...…...don't you wish you could even get involved in an intelligent conversation?
Go ahead insult all you want, yes I like an intelligent conversation, you have yet to provide one.
and you would get a little "testy also if it was continuously 4 or 5 against one...…...you show the facts to one....2 days later another will make the same statement...few days later another one.....for people to stupid to look at past posts...….or to dumb to look at the posted facts…..what other way is there to describe it!
and most of you could really care less what the truth or the facts are....you just follow the words of your false god....and he is going down soon

if you can't figure out how to open the link....you can just read the headlines.....but doubt you will do that either because it is not what you WANT to hear

New Poll Shows A Majority Supports Trump Impeachment ...
Sep 26, 2019 · While support for impeachment hasn’t yet reached a majority threshold, Americans are supportive of efforts by Democratic lawmakers to see if impeachment should happen. Only 33 percent of respondents in the poll are against the impeachment inquiry announced by Pelosi this week, while 53 percent are in favor of them.

US majority: Trump is 'not the kind of leader' we need | MSNBC
US majority: Trump is ‘not the kind of leader’ we need. Despite Trump’s lead in the polls since the summer, 53% of residents agreed with the statement “He is not the kind of leader the country needs right now.” Of the Latino residents polled, 69% agreed with the statement. Additionally, 52% said Trump is hurting the image of the Republican Party.

USA Today/Suffolk Poll: Half of Americans Agree Trump is a ...
Mar 18, 2019 · “You don’t need a report to see it. It’s in our face.” Despite this result, 51.7% of the people said they have little of no trust in Trump’s denial that collusion happened between his campaign and Russia. Only 13% said they had a little trust in him and 30.4% …

Most Americans don’t want to re-elect Trump in latest poll ...
In the Monmouth University poll, 57 percent of registered voters said they opposed giving Trump a second term, while 38 percent, supported his re-election.

Wow did you even read these? These are all conjecture based on left biased opinion polls. Why do you keep posting these? These are manipulated opinions on top of manipulated opinions, aka Bullshit. Do you know what a fact is? Who cares that MSNBC surveyed likely Dem voters on the extreme hard left Upper East side NYC.

Well if you don't want to argue with people in a free arena stay out or don't reply. May I suggest move to China. You come on her and post left wing propaganda and then make a weak ass argument from 'authority' play and lose. Really MSNBC, NJ, Guardian, USA Today. Where is the Communist Times link?
now you are just babbling……….

Why do TrumpCult membersignore facts?- #resist ...

Jan 02, 2019 · Make no mistake here, the cult of Trump ticks all these boxes are more. It is not a political movement, instead it is a political cult that instills fear to draw people in and utilises emotional manipulation via propaganda to keep people in line. Why does knowing this matter?

Oh so now you are going to CNN sourced BS to make insults.

Oh no the costal statist trust fund babies think the middle of the country is cult or uneducated. Oh no
keep talking you might say something that makes sense
I rest my case.
Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds

Dec 04, 2015 · Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds. US Politics. Aric Mitchell. Donald Trump supporters did not have a very flattering picture painted of them by a new CNN/ORC poll. Take it for what it’s worth, but respondents in the poll of Republican voters were found to be largely less college-educated. …
more of your trumptards fake news...…..would you like the same thing from several different sources......I really doubt you do

Why do Republicans always deny the truth when you show a ...
Aug 26, 2011 · Best Answer: They vote for a party that claims to be fiscally responsible, but has outspent the Dem party every time they've been in power. They claim to support the Constitution, but flat out don't believe in the 1st, the 4th, the 14th or 16th amendments to the Constitution. Who knows why they do what they ..

What is this your post to yahoo answers? No source data to actual republican bills, posts or source data directly from the repubulicans backing this. Just more left wing bias opinion.
and still just running at the mouth....with nothing really to say...now you are just like hottobe….and I didn't really didn't think there could be 2 like that

So you think posting articles from the lowest rated cable far left wing news networks who are avowed democrats some how proves your point. That is call confirmation bias not a counter argument.

You should stop reading this trash and check out a book on logic and get a tutor to help you understand it. It will be very challenging for you.
Did Michael Bloomberg Say Donald Trump Is a 'Con Artist ...
Sep 23, 2016 · Michael Bloomberg did call Donald Trump's candidacy a "con," but he didn't refer to Trump as a "con artist" and a "cheat.". CLAIM. Michael Bloomberg said that Donald Trump was known among millionaires as a 'con artist,' and among business owners as a 'cheat.'.
So captain dictator Bloomberg is someone you think is a valid opinion?
Donald Trump, the con man - The Boston Globe
Donald Trump, the con man. Indeed, Trump’s entire business model as an entrepreneur seems built on his telling people that he’s great at business, and people believing him and then putting his name on lots of products (steaks, wines, airlines, universities, casinos, etc.) that further inflate the image of Trump as some sort of capitalist master.
