Politics in 2022

HEY Sub - just a thought - if all your “links”
are so correct - why is it like 5 to 1 in this thread against you??? Especially in view of the fact that this site consists prolly by far and away of more liberals than conservatives. If the ratio of President Trump support in here is even close to what it is in the country the Dems are totally screwed. Stiff’s poll showed a 3 to 1 ratio of support for our President and this thread is like 5 to 1 - you might just want to consider what’s going on in the REAL world now. People are FED up with Dem bull shite and whining!!!!
you are not qualified for anything!.....and there you go with your "opinion facts"....oh wait for a trumpie it is alternative facts

Is your ass jealous of the amount of ******* that just came out of your mouth?

Oh really. I am having a slow day at work. I think I will make you squeal again. First you are absolutely unqualified to speak to the articles you didn't read. Since I read them and dismantled you weak assertions with them I can say I am qualified, mostly to laugh at you. I am also going to guess, based on your lack of logic, you are unqualified for most endeavors.

Did you notice that almost every one of your articles has one or more of the words in the title or summary, "Opinion, Potential, Possible or Could Face."

So you rail against "right" people sharing their opinion as if opinions are disqualifiers but all you do is share the opionis of the leftwing media. Sad really how blind you are
you have done nothing but ramble on for an entire day....saying nothing!

already replied to that several times....and you continue to bring it up...lack anything appropriate to say....or just more blunderings of an idiot?...told you once and several more times...I check the first one to see if it is what I am looking for....the rest is for people like you that insist that article is fake...so I give you people several other choices......if I had the time I would go back through and point out how many times you have made that statement.....looking for something to start something with?...I won't have an argument with an unarmed...IT!

you didn't read anything....at most you defended trump taxes because they were audited in the late 90's...and I had to inform you that there is NOT a time limit on taxes....so you shot off your mouth without having any knowledge of the subject!

guessing is about all you can do...….that and try and con some poor sucker on here into believing something you are not

well ...lets see you spent most of the day yesterday defending your man trump....and then when cornered said you wasn't a trump lover anyway…..just shows you are completely mind fucked and just wanting to argue.....
end of conversation!

No I spent time yesterday making you look like a bumbling fool. I got you to admit you don't even read your articles you post. That pretty much ended any credibility you have. Then I started today reviewing and calling you out for only using opinion articles and calling them facts.

Also today I took your point and destroyed it. You tried to post that Russia is influencing elections narrative. I countered and showed Big Left Wing Tech companies are actually censoring to influence elections and actually breaking the law.

So again all you have is insults and false claims that you won
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not saying that at all...…..every morning if there is something on my home page I find interesting....I post it...…..someone makes some kind of statement....I keep my search engine on a tab at bottom of screen.....I check every statement some one makes...…..like your statement about trump giving away his salary......I showed you that he is making millions off being in the office...….all of that is just conversations that have been here before so I remember those

not saying I am better at anything....I just use my search engine....most republicans speak from what they have had pounded into them over they years....and usually not factual at all...….and most trumptards...will say anything because they don't like you picking on trump....so I get most of them right.....HH has got me a couple of times....but will never admit that to him

Why the ah shucks ma'am routine?

"I keep my search engine on a tab at bottom of screen.....I check every statement some one makes...…..like your statement about trump giving away his salary" You didn't refute my statement. You switch topics to say he makes millions off his office, like that is a crime or a shock. What we both know you do, is go and google the catch phrase and you grab the headlines from sources you know. You stated you don't read most of what you post. "It is just too much, I only post it so you trumptards won't say I just picked one"

"not saying I am better at anything....I just use my search engine....most republicans speak from what they have had pounded into them over they years....and usually not factual at all...….and most trumptards.." But you just implied it. And then stated it and put in an insulted 'most turmptards' And you still don't realize you do the same thing. You spit out almost word for word what the Dems are saying. No thought just repost.

You know what your base problem is. You see everyone on the other side as evil, a Nazi. It never occurs to you that your ideology and world view might be wrong. It never occurs to you that you might be saying and acting the same way the National Socialist of 30s Germany acted.
President Trump and the RNC have raised over 300 Million dollars so far for his re-election campaign - more than any sitting president in history. In fact more than twice as much as President Obama had at this point.
Think it has something to do with the rabid Dem attacks - I do. Certainly looking bad for the Dems chances in 2020 :}
President Trump and the RNC have raised over 300 Million dollars so far for his re-election campaign - more than any sitting president in history. In fact more than twice as much as President Obama had at this point.
Think it has something to do with the rabid Dem attacks - I do. Certainly looking bad for the Dems chances in 2020 :}

he needs that and more...besides already spent a bunch...on him...and lawyers....besides Obama didn't need a lot of money.....he had honesty on his side......he didn't own properties he was billing the campaign for...nor any lawyers trying to get him out of trouble

Trump's 2020 Campaign Has Already Paid Out $600K—to Trump ...
Trump's 2020 Campaign Has Already Paid Out $600K—to Trump. That means Trump can legally continue to funnel funds from donors back into his own businesses. According to the Trump campaign's self-reported FEC filings, this has amounted to about $600,000 spent at Trump-owned properties in just the first six months of his presidency.

Trump has personally made $1.1 million off his 2020 ...
Dec 06, 2018 · Trump started his re-election campaign on the day he was sworn into office — and he's been personally profiting from it ever since. Already, the Trump campaign has spent at least $1.1 million of donors' money at companies Trump owns, making him that much richer.

Trump Already Profiting From 2020 Campaign | Brennan ...
Aug 07, 2017 · Trump Already Profiting From 2020 Campaign. Yet, the campaign shelled out about $13 million to various Trump businesses. The self-dealing reduces Trump’s contribution by about 20 percent to $53 million, and shaves Trump’s personal share of the campaign’s expenses down to …

Trump Has Already Spent $500,000 In Re-election Funds On ...
Apr 18, 2017 · President Donald Trump’s re-election fundraising is going gangbusters, and so is the income his own businesses are reaping from those contributions. The president’s 2020 campaign has already spent close to $500,000 on Trump’s businesses, from golf resorts to Trump Tower rent, according to new campaign finance filings

Trump campaign paid legal fees to firm representing Jared ...
Feb 08, 2019 · President Donald Trump's campaign has spent nearly $100,000 of donor money to pay legal bills to the firm representing Jared Kushner, the latest campaign

Trump 2020 campaign spent 20 per cent of its money on ...
Apr 16, 2018 · News > World > Americas > US politics Trump 2020 campaign spent 20 per cent of its money on legal fees during the first quarter of the year. The campaign is also spending

yeah I know....all fake news
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he needs that and more...besides already spent a bunch...on him...and lawyers....besides Obama didn't need a lot of money.....he had honesty on his side......he didn't own properties he was billing the campaign for...nor any lawyers trying to get him out of trouble

Trump's 2020 Campaign Has Already Paid Out $600K—to Trump ...
Trump's 2020 Campaign Has Already Paid Out $600K—to Trump. That means Trump can legally continue to funnel funds from donors back into his own businesses. According to the Trump campaign's self-reported FEC filings, this has amounted to about $600,000 spent at Trump-owned properties in just the first six months of his presidency.

Trump has personally made $1.1 million off his 2020 ...
Dec 06, 2018 · Trump started his re-election campaign on the day he was sworn into office — and he's been personally profiting from it ever since. Already, the Trump campaign has spent at least $1.1 million of donors' money at companies Trump owns, making him that much richer.

Trump Already Profiting From 2020 Campaign | Brennan ...
Aug 07, 2017 · Trump Already Profiting From 2020 Campaign. Yet, the campaign shelled out about $13 million to various Trump businesses. The self-dealing reduces Trump’s contribution by about 20 percent to $53 million, and shaves Trump’s personal share of the campaign’s expenses down to …

Trump Has Already Spent $500,000 In Re-election Funds On ...
Apr 18, 2017 · President Donald Trump’s re-election fundraising is going gangbusters, and so is the income his own businesses are reaping from those contributions. The president’s 2020 campaign has already spent close to $500,000 on Trump’s businesses, from golf resorts to Trump Tower rent, according to new campaign finance filings

Trump campaign paid legal fees to firm representing Jared ...
Feb 08, 2019 · President Donald Trump's campaign has spent nearly $100,000 of donor money to pay legal bills to the firm representing Jared Kushner, the latest campaign

Trump 2020 campaign spent 20 per cent of its money on ...
Apr 16, 2018 · News > World > Americas > US politics Trump 2020 campaign spent 20 per cent of its money on legal fees during the first quarter of the year. The campaign is also spending

yeah I know....all fake news

Obama and the Dems spent $1.2 Billion to get him re-elected. Oops there goes all your copy and pasting.

Honesty really?

I am sure Agent Terry's Family would laugh in your face or slapped it.

Oh wait what happened to, "Premiums will go down, You like your doctor you can keep the doctor" Was that honesty?
There's still no charges

any cop on the street will tell you....no arrest until case is complete.....starting to see a few more senators start to say something about this.....and NOT in support of trump

not a lot said publicly...but a few comments from some on the hill saying the testimony of the past 2 days has really done some damage to trump
Third Republican Senator Breaks With Trump On Whistleblower

For four years now, it has been an open question of what it would take to get Republican congressmen to break with Donald Trump. As the whistleblower scandal widens, it appears that we may be reaching a point of enough-is-enough. So far, at least three Republican senators have broken with the party to criticize President Trump for requesting that Ukraine aid his personal attorney in investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.

The first Republican senator to speak out against the president’s actions was Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), a frequent Trump critic. Back in September, Sasse said that the whistleblower allegations contained “real troubling things.” Sasse added, “Republicans ought not just circle the wagons” to protect Trump.”

Earlier this week, Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), joined Sasse in breaking with the Administration. In particular, Grassley was at odds with Republican attacks on the credibility of the whistleblower based on the belief that the complaint was based on secondhand information.

“This person appears to have followed the whistleblower protection laws and ought to be heard out and protected. We should always work to respect whistleblowers,” Grassley said in Politico. “Complaints based on second-hand information should not be rejected out of hand, but they do require additional leg work to get at the facts and evaluate the claim’s credibility.”

Now, Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) is also breaking ranks. “Whistleblowers should be protected,” Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa told a constituent at a town hall yesterday. “I stand with Chuck Grassley on this. We have laws in place.”

NBC News reported that the constituent also asked, “Where is the line [that Trump would have to cross to lose Republican support]?”

“You didn’t pledge an oath to the president, you pledged it to our country, you pledged it to our Constitution. When are you guys going to start standing up and actually be there for us?” the constituent asked.

Ernst answered, “The president is going to say what the president is going to do. It’s up to us as members of the Congress to continue working with our allies making sure that we remain strong in a face of adversity.”

A lot of Americans would like to know just what it will take to break the bond between Trump and the GOP. This is not the first time that Republican officials have criticized the president’s actions. Some Republicans have criticized the president on issues such as the firing of James Comey, interference in the Russia investigation, and the trade war. However, few, if any, have gone so far as to retract endorsements of the president’s re-election campaign.

It is beginning to look like the 2020 campaign may look a lot like a mirror image of 2016. In the last election, Hillary Clinton was damaged by the constant drip of damaging information from her email scandal and WikiLeaks dumps of stolen DNC emails. This time around, it appears that the drip of damaging information may be aimed at Donald Trump.

At this point, it appears that the whistleblower scandal will continue to unfold in a slow dribble of embarrassing and possibly incriminating leaks about Donald Trump. With 13 months left to go before the election, Republicans have time to rally behind an alternative candidate, but time is running out. If the leaks are coordinated, as it appears that they are, Democrats may stage the scandal so that the most embarrassing and damaging information comes out after Mr. Trump has clinched the Republican nomination next year, leaving Republicans with both a mortally damaged candidate and an economy that is slowing due to the trade war.

While most Republicans are still standing by the president at this point, the excuse that “this is just Trump being Trump” only goes so far. If continued revelations of poor judgment and possible criminal wrongdoing, together with a slowing economy, continue to dog Trump to the point where his campaign appears to be beyond salvaging, Republicans may finally start to make a clean break with the president. By then, however, it may be too late for 2020.

any cop on the street will tell you....no arrest until case is complete.....starting to see a few more senators start to say something about this.....and NOT in support of trump

not a lot said publicly...but a few comments from some on the hill saying the testimony of the past 2 days has really done some damage to trump

One-sided selectively leaked testimony.
One-sided selectively leaked testimony.

wrong.....there are several republican senators starting to shy away from comments in support of trump...impeachment is cut and dried....just the right won't do it for their personal greed...…...but at this rate trump will take the whole party down with him