Politics in 2022

face the facts....you have done nothing but ramble on all day....giving us your opinions and trying to pass them off as facts....and even when you TRIED to point out the tax thing...you were wrong...…….

rule to remember...opinions are not facts....and you seem to be confusing that...….and your way of surrender...I'm not really a trump fan....

and getting the support of hottobe...is not saying a lot...…….you two both do the same thing with posting opinions as facts

Again posting a ton of articles you don't read does not prove you right.

Here is the simple question you keep avoiding, try to answer with your vast knowledge. Don't post an article just provide a logical statement. Why wasn't Trump Indicted after Muller spoke on his report? If it had high crimes why didn't Nanny Pelosi hold a vote?

Try this one, should Stuck and his mistress be tired for treason? If not why not?
So once again you admit you are a faker trying to bank on third party credibility without being able to formulate your own argument for your knowledge.

Saddest parts, you pick discredit sources and articles that indivertibly blow up your weak ass point when someone reads them.

Again you dodged the simplest questions. Oh and I posted all my counter arguments with 45 articles each, already. Not!
like I said several times now...I read the first one to make sure it is what I am looking for....the rest is to give you a chance to pick the source you want....we have already covered this several times.....running out of opinions and non factual statements to make?

and already covered the mueller thing with you and several others and even posted the report on here several times....let me give you Muellers answer

Mueller report: collusion findings are devastating for ...
https://www.vox.com/2019/4/18/18484965/mueller-report-trump-no-collusion · Jul 17, 2019

Mueller reported

"President Donald Trump’s actions that potentially could be charged as obstruction of justice—if Justice Department policy did not prohibit the indictment of a sitting president."

Here is another lesson. When an article uses a thesis that has, "potentially could be" the story is bogus. Here is another lesson if it comes from Vox you should probably find a different source.

Once again, no charges no impeachment vote? Once again Muller himself said he didn't have evidence to recommend a charge and it didn't even matter because of some policy not to charge a sitting President. So therefore, the Democrats wasted $38 Million of tax dollars on trying to influence an election. Something you say is illegal.
now getting worse...….just the rantings of a mad simple minded person......nurse hasn't shown up with your meds yet huh?!

discredited sources....the mueller report?...….funny....weak points...I have shown you to be the weak minded person you are on several occasions......I didn't dodge anything I gave you the answer not my problem it wasn't pleasing to you

No you used vox reporting on the Muller Report. I am going by what bumbling Muller said in his testimony. I watched that. He made it clear he didn't have evidence to charge.
No, once again you are trying to make a strawman and avoid the argument. I made it clear look at the numbers in the article and I also posted Political Facts backing up the numbers further. You forget that fact and went on a ranting and not counter argue. You want to pretend big business only owns the Republicans and not the Democrats. Just like you want to sell the idea that the Russians own Trump without any evidence based on a report paid for by Hillary to a foreign agent. That is called treason. You want to avoid that.

Vox is dog ******* and so is De Mint. The numbers were the clearest presentation for your small IQ to understand. And they proved my point Dems are owned by big business and wall street.

On Benghazi they were right, hence why Hillary destroyed emails, had her staff smash phones and computers and have her friends in the FBI to cover up. Then those same agents planed a coup on Trump and broke 25 laws and rules to tap a Democrat Presidential Competitor know as Trump.

What is that called, Oh I know illegally working with foreign agents, including Russians, to illegally influence a Presidential elections. The funny part even after all that corruption to fix the election... she lost.
again it doesn't matter who posted it....the mueller report is what it is...….mueller showed that trump lied and at the very least betrayed the US.....he just lacked a smoking gun....unlike the Ukraine call where there is a smoking gun and several witness...….it all comes back to roost sooner or later

Yeah the report was total bullshit written by a corrupt stooge and his incompetent democrat operatives. Mueller didn't show anything. Except how to waste $38 Million. Hence, no indictments for "collusion" and no Impeachment vote. If the reprot showed anything it would've happened right after.

The Ukraine call is nothing burger also. The transcript proves it. It is not like Trump sent 100s of guns into Mexico to cause crime so he could destroy the 2nd Amendment in an operation called Fast and Furious.
nothing corrupt about him at all....former head of the FBI....hired by the acting ag...….no democratic ops at all....except in your mind....38mil you remember that and yet none of the ones the right did....how odd....like I said he had no smoking gun....yet...still a couple more trials coming up on that and a few in prison...might want to negotiate their way out....like Manafort....pretty sure he will see soon trump forgot all about him or can't risk a pardon....so sooner or later will squeal like a pig...same with Stone...still playing tough guy...but lets see once those bars close in

the Ukraine call nothing....at least 4 laws broken on the phone call....and now everyday more coming out on other.....who knows could end up with Pompeao and barr…..and it is not like trump abandoned our allies and let them be slaughtered...….you have a twisted set of ideas.....and just more ranting....when you have brought all this up a couple of times...I would think a mod will come along and delete all of our conversation.....especially since for the most part you have said nothing...as for the rest ..you have said it several times

Like I said he had no evidence. He even said he had no evidence. Do you really think if he had evidence, after 2 years of hoping, the Democrats would wait to start an impeachment trial. Funny how you don't hear about the Mueller report now. Well except from desperate TDS suffers like you. The Mueller report is a "nothing burger" Van Jones.

Well they can hope for 4 laws, but transcript proves them wrong.

If the Mod read this they would be board from you puking up the same wrong points over and over.
like I said...…..you have used that same start to several of your repeated posts

transcript proves trump did break the law....and it was his own altered version of the call....but even so they have at least 3 witnesses....that have come forward already....the smoking gun!

No it clearly shows he did not do a quid pro quo. What you didn't read that either. Even if it did he can ask for that. Not against the law, just like collusion is not against the law. And their witnesses weren't in the room. And if they had anything they wouldn't be holding secret hearings there would be an impeachment vote scheduled.

The smoking gun! "I don't think that means what you think it means"
No it is called an argument. You read information from multiple sources, formulate an argument an present it. Then another reads your argument, reads other sources and formulates a counter argument. So on and So on. That is how intelligent people synesis information.

And I do believe you have been post more than me with many articles you haven't even read claiming them to be back up to your claims and insults.
wrong...just because you would like to see that happen ...she has done nothing but post opinions and bs....nothing factual and no links to anything....just because you reallllly want to see that because you can't....doesn't mean she has.....and she has yet to make any factual statements....just rambling

You keep saying that as you avoid question after questions. Counter argument after counter. And post article after article that you only read the headline.
no you are posting opinions and calling them facts....and keep repeating your same losing arguments...already answered the posts....several times...but it wan't what you wanted to hear....face it...you are a loser and just rambling on....about nothing....and have spent all day doing it....kind of hard to understand your logic...all day to say nothing and to repeat the nothing

This sounds like you're projecting again. Answer the questions. Mount a counter argument. This is deflecting and avoiding tactics.

If they have all the evidence you claim why haven't they voted for a public impeachment trial? Why are the dems holding secret hearings and then leaking bits to fuel speculation. It is all politics, political theater to sell an image of corruption and to cover up their own. They have nothing. Your dream will be dashed again. Just FYI the last two lines were opinion
wrong...just because you would like to see that happen ...she has done nothing but post opinions and bs....nothing factual and no links to anything....just because you reallllly want to see that because you can't....doesn't mean she has.....and she has yet to make any factual statements....just rambling
Links, Links and more Links! What I would like to see is you wise up, they post anything online that goes against President Trump and you eat them up like candy. Your a loser, you know it and your pride is blinding your eyes.
and that is one of your most brilliant statements?....just one loser supporting another hoping numbers will win ….but doesn't work that way...it is facts....something you have never known anything about......you have yet to say something intelligent in ….ever!...
Of course you can't see that I have said anything intelligent, you have no clue what intelligent is, it is common sense and free will, not being a false media guru.
just because you were not satisfied with the articles ...not my problem....the majority of Americans think they are factual....everyone but trumptards
1- Out of us two. I would be the only one qualified to form an opinion on your articles; since I am the only one who read them.
2- Most people don't think they are credible. That is why Cartoon Network beats MSNBC and CNN combined in prime time. There are right wing Youtubers who beat CNN in primetime and destroy MSNBC in eyeballs
Some people are just plain stupid and should be given up ...

Some people are just stupid and it’s their own fault they fail, not the fault of anyone around them. No amount of extra hard work from their teachers or tutors will make them smarter. They’ll always be stupid.

Wow you have a poor opinion of your intellect. Why would you post this about yourself in the middle of a debate your getting your ass kicked in. This just deflates what small points you may have scored.

But thank you for your honest and admitting you have a low intellect.