Politics in 2022

Yeah, Trump’s life is so fucked up he is a billionaire sleeping in the White House, a step down in opulence form his normal digs.

I am curious, could you back up your claims with actual citations from legitimate sources.

you need to pay more attention....he owes far more than he has
I have many times on here go back and look....I am not interested in repeating it everytime we get a new trumpie on here that doesn't have any idea what is going on
A- not a Trumpie. B- just laughing at you and your hyper hypocrisy. Your blind Trump Derangement Disorder has blinded you. Oh and the vast majority of your “backup” is opinion or sourced from propaganda sources.

naturally everything against your man is fake news....and you don't believe what you see and read...only what he rells you....like a good little dummy

Donald Trump ranked worst president in US history by ...

The president ranks even below Richard Nixon. Nearly 200 of America's top political scientists have voted Donald Trump the worst president in US history. According to the 2018 Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey, Mr Trump ranks even lower than disgraced President Richard Nixon – even among conservatives.

Poll shows top Dems lead Trump in matchups | Fox News

POLL SHOWS TOP DEMS LEAD TRUMP IN MATCHUPS ... “In a first look at head-to-head 2020 presidential matchups ... “Biden leads the presidential primary race with 30 percent among Democrats

Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump

Jan 11, 2018 · A Quinnipiac poll says 66 percent of American voters view the economy as "excellent" or "good." But only 36 percent say they approve of President Trump's performance. A larger percentage of …

Trump Supporters Don’t Know It, But They’re Losing The War

Jan 23, 2018 · Trump Supporters Don’t Know It, But They’re Losing The War ... Trump lost the popular vote in 2016, hardly a promising springboard to re-election. ... After Wallace lost his third-party …

Interviewing Clueless Donald Trump Supporters - YouTube
· Aug 23, 2019

Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...

May 04, 2017 · There has been a long standing belief that those that support Trump are the percentage of the country that is ignorant, naïve of politics, gullible and flat out stupid. This opinion was not developed by sheer chance, but has been based on both the behavior and the comments made by his supporters.

naturally everything against your man is fake news....and you don't believe what you see and read...only what he rells you....like a good little dummy

Donald Trump ranked worst president in US history by ...

The president ranks even below Richard Nixon. Nearly 200 of America's top political scientists have voted Donald Trump the worst president in US history. According to the 2018 Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey, Mr Trump ranks even lower than disgraced President Richard Nixon – even among conservatives.

Poll shows top Dems lead Trump in matchups | Fox News

POLL SHOWS TOP DEMS LEAD TRUMP IN MATCHUPS ... “In a first look at head-to-head 2020 presidential matchups ... “Biden leads the presidential primary race with 30 percent among Democrats

Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump

Jan 11, 2018 · A Quinnipiac poll says 66 percent of American voters view the economy as "excellent" or "good." But only 36 percent say they approve of President Trump's performance. A larger percentage of …

Trump Supporters Don’t Know It, But They’re Losing The War

Jan 23, 2018 · Trump Supporters Don’t Know It, But They’re Losing The War ... Trump lost the popular vote in 2016, hardly a promising springboard to re-election. ... After Wallace lost his third-party …

Interviewing Clueless Donald Trump Supporters - YouTube
· Aug 23, 2019

Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...

May 04, 2017 · There has been a long standing belief that those that support Trump are the percentage of the country that is ignorant, naïve of politics, gullible and flat out stupid. This opinion was not developed by sheer chance, but has been based on both the behavior and the comments made by his supporters.


Wow, you really need to learn the difference between facts and opinion polls. Are these the same “polls” that made you think Hillary was already Prez back before the election.

Got any actual evidence.
how far is the nearest jail cell....where most criminals belong

Well you have to convict him for him to be a 'criminal' and after three years your TDS leftist still haven't. They did and are still wasting millions to come up with nothing. Could've used that for something better.

Are you this mad about the cover up by Hillary with the hammers and government cell phones and 30,000 ish emails detailing corruption going missing? Are you this mad at Obama and the Fast and Furious gun running sham to steal US rights and just killed a bunch of people? Are you this mad about the FBI agents- directors planning a coup via text? Are you this mad about Bill taking $250k to speak right before Hillary allowed the sale of enriched uranium to Putin? This one was actually Treason, just FYI
talk about mad.....apparently you have read none of the mueller report...or are just completely disregarding it.....and I guess the at least 4 laws and maybe more he broke on the Ukraine racket he had going and Ukraine pres would still not buckle to his blackmail/////and talk about killing a bunch of people....what did trump just do in Syria..;...and do you know just how many politicians are paid to speak elsewhere......like chuck Grassley getting that nice speaking chunk from the pharmaceutical comp...before voting on the ACA.....or how about the money Russia paid Micheal Flynn to speak......just a little bit one sided...and completely fucking nuts!
that explains all the the charges

The rich guy pays thousands to millions each year.
The 19% person leaves $50 to $350.

If you don't write a check to the IRS quarterly or at the year end you don't pay taxes. You just gave an interest free loan to Uncle Sam.

2 fun Facts
1- The top 35% pay all of the taxes- period. That is per the IRS.
2- The bottom 50% pay almost zero in taxes yet use 80% of Government Services- IRS- check your refund against your w2.
3- This is a Democrat front Group who wrote the article and cherry picked stats from 2006 to 2012- Isn't that when Obama was in office?

When are you going to get a new talking point to hammer on?
talk about mad.....apparently you have read none of the mueller report...or are just completely disregarding it.....and I guess the at least 4 laws and maybe more he broke on the Ukraine racket he had going and Ukraine pres would still not buckle to his blackmail/////and talk about killing a bunch of people....what did trump just do in Syria..;...and do you know just how many politicians are paid to speak elsewhere......like chuck Grassley getting that nice speaking chunk from the pharmaceutical comp...before voting on the ACA.....or how about the money Russia paid Micheal Flynn to speak......just a little bit one sided...and completely fucking nuts!

Answer these.
So when did Nancy schedule the Impeachment Vote in the House based on the Muller Report? He broke 4 laws? No, and if so where is the indictments directly from the Muller Report? Oh that's right none because there were no crimes detailed in the Report. Lots of conjecture and statements starting with 'appears' 'possibly'. Even Muller came in and said there were none. Opps, there goes your argument.

What law did he break in the Ukraine call? When is the impeachment vote scheduled? Not show hearings, actual legal binding Impeachment vote? Still haven't answered why you are not demanding trials for Joe and Hunter.
I have already posted all of this several times....go back and read....I am not going to repost it everytime some trumptard comes on and gets in the middle of a conversation…..go back and read a few past posts.....educate your self before you look any more dumber than you look now

No thanks, I won't waste my time. I already destroy your whole argument with my previous post.
Wow that is a really long diatribe of nothing. Was that your feeble attempt at an insult?

So that I am clear- Your 'backup' is *******. All of it is Leftwing propaganda that is not fact just opinions that in actuality are just your confirmation bias. Hell your tax article was quoting stats from 13 years ago.

Why won't you answer the questions? Where is the impeachment vote? Where are the indictments? Oh I know because your Democrat Owners know this propaganda won't stand up to legal scrutiny, hence why they won't go on the record and vote. That is why they hold secret 'hearings'? Sounds like the German National Socialist.