Politics in 2022

Well it won't be sleepy Joe Biden he might as well lay down and rest because he is done.

maybe??????/ knocked out Joe MAYBE....but certainly looks like brought about his own impeachment doing it if he did....so you might want to rethink your retarded logic on that....cutting off your nose to spite your face!
.….your man trying to hurt him is not working as it has already been fact-checked and found to be false...….but tell me out of all the dems running....whose name do you hear all the time?....Biden....trump is pushing Biden into the news...a lot of free advertising for Joe.....so you just as well take your "bucket dumped" brain back to the right to fill with more horse *******!

just more of the same from trump...lies and lies and lies.....and the trump zombies eat it up
who knows what happens to Joe...…..but it obvious what will happen to trump

The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and ...
Sep 23, 2019 · When Biden joined Burisma’s board, both the company and Zlochevsky were already the subject of intense controversy. Zlochevsky had served as a top official for Ukrainian president Viktor...

Ukraine controversy turns into double-edged sword for Biden
Sep 23, 2019 · While the heat is on Trump over whether or not he pressured Ukraine to investigate the Bidens, that firestorm has prompted multiple news outlets to revisit the original Biden controversy in …

From a controversial phone call to impeachment calls: A ...
Oct 08, 2019 · From a controversial phone call to impeachment calls: A Trump whistleblower timeline ... on Zelenskiy during the July call. Ukraine foreign minister Vadym Prystaiko told a
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Can't win on his own without help and he knows it...….there are only so many fools in the US...but Hell even after Nixon's impeachment there was still 21% of the country that supported him...…...trump at what 38% now and slipping...

Trump is already colluding with a foreign government to ...
May 10, 2019 · Yes, Trump is trying to collude with a foreign government in an attempt to aid his campaign by creating negative stories about a potential opponent. Again. “Oh come on,” you’re saying.
Dems are ridiculous - the FACTS - speak for themselves. Hunter Biden - NO experience in the gas industry - miraculously appointed to the board of directors of a GAS company - paid crazy money while his ******* is Point man for that country. Goes to China with daddy on Air ******* 2 - 10 days later his shell Corp. gets 1.5 billion dollars from the Chinese government and again Hunter has no financial experience - only Dems can see this as innocent behavior - everyone else can see it as Biden selling us out for MONEY !!!!!!
Dems are ridiculous - the FACTS - speak for themselves. Hunter Biden - NO experience in the gas industry - miraculously appointed to the board of directors of a GAS company - paid crazy money while his ******* is Point man for that country. Goes to China with daddy on Air ******* 2 - 10 days later his shell Corp. gets 1.5 billion dollars from the Chinese government and again Hunter has no financial experience - only Dems can see this as innocent behavior - everyone else can see it as Biden selling us out for MONEY !!!!!!

BOTH parties are corrupt nowadays. And until their supporters are willing to admit this, support for third parties will keep growing.

We no longer in the era of Harry S Truman when democrat ex-presidents avoided corporate endorsements.
We can no longer find republican ex-presidents like Eisenhower who are not bound to the Military Industrial Complex.
BOTH parties are corrupt nowadays. And until their supporters are willing to admit this, support for third parties will keep growing.

We no longer in the era of Harry S Truman when democrat ex-presidents avoided corporate endorsements.
We can no longer find republican ex-presidents like Eisenhower who are not bound to the Military Industrial Complex.
Angela, What an interesting woman you appear to be. BOTH parties are corrupt nowadays. I can agree with you there! Corruption runs deep in our Government at all Federal, State and local levels. I am an independent who voted for Obama the first time only, I could not ******* myself to vote for him the second time, he showed his true colors within his first year. There was noway I could vote for Mick Rodney, first negative qualification for me was his being a Mormon, many other issues turned me off about him. The Clinton's are and always have been corrupt, possibly to the point of having people killed in their way. Hillary is a disgusting phony, she cares less for the American People or Women in general, all she cares about is herself. President Trump was not tested in politics so I studied him and decided he deserved a shot so I voted for him. I have not been disappointed but surprised by his energy and desire to drain the swamp of corruption. If he don't get reelected the next President will plunge this country so deep into Socialism that our economy will fail in a short time.
Angela, What an interesting woman you appear to be. BOTH parties are corrupt nowadays. I can agree with you there! Corruption runs deep in our Government at all Federal, State and local levels. I am an independent who voted for Obama the first time only, I could not ******* myself to vote for him the second time, he showed his true colors within his first year. There was noway I could vote for Mick Rodney, first negative qualification for me was his being a Mormon, many other issues turned me off about him. The Clinton's are and always have been corrupt, possibly to the point of having people killed in their way. Hillary is a disgusting phony, she cares less for the American People or Women in general, all she cares about is herself. President Trump was not tested in politics so I studied him and decided he deserved a shot so I voted for him. I have not been disappointed but surprised by his energy and desire to drain the swamp of corruption. If he don't get reelected the next President will plunge this country so deep into Socialism that our economy will fail in a short time.

studies him......do they have pamphlets in the nut house......you sure post every post with nothing but trump worship.....and have yet to say anything factual

and the reason corruption runs deep.....people pay no attention and let it go on.....even support it....look at trump....running the most corrupt office in Washington....and probably all time corrupt leader.....and yet you praise him and want more....there is a reason for corruption....and you are a good example with your support
Angela, What an interesting woman you appear to be. BOTH parties are corrupt nowadays. I can agree with you there! Corruption runs deep in our Government at all Federal, State and local levels. I am an independent who voted for Obama the first time only, I could not ******* myself to vote for him the second time, he showed his true colors within his first year. There was noway I could vote for Mick Rodney, first negative qualification for me was his being a Mormon, many other issues turned me off about him. The Clinton's are and always have been corrupt, possibly to the point of having people killed in their way. Hillary is a disgusting phony, she cares less for the American People or Women in general, all she cares about is herself. President Trump was not tested in politics so I studied him and decided he deserved a shot so I voted for him. I have not been disappointed but surprised by his energy and desire to drain the swamp of corruption. If he don't get reelected the next President will plunge this country so deep into Socialism that our economy will fail in a short time.

and this is the guy you are supporting for 4 more years…...wouldn't that be the height of stupidity?

Trump Administration: The Most Corrupt and Unethical in ...
“The plane is very much an extension of the Trump brand,” Donald Trump told The New York Times of the Boeing 757 he took to calling “Trump ******* One” during the 2016 presidential campaign. It was an outdated model, and, as the Times drily noted,...

The Trump presidency: On track to becoming the most ...
Jan 16, 2018 · Many would consider Richard Nixon the most corrupt president in history, but his most serious crimes didn’t involve lining his pockets.

Newsweek Declares Trump Administration the Most Corrupt in ...
Nov 08, 2017 · Newsweek Declares Trump Administration the Most Corrupt in History by Brian McNicoll on November 8, 2017 A year into his first term, Donald Trump already presides over the most corrupt...

How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns
May 08, 2018 · Blavatnik's political contributions soared and made a hard right turn as he pumped $6.35 million into GOP political action committees, with millions of dollars going to top Republican leaders

The entire Republican Party is becoming a Russian asset ...
Jul 20, 2018 · In the past few days, President Trump has given at least some Republicans reason to express displeasure over his relationship with Russia.

Republican Leadership Tainted by Dirty Russian Money | New ...
Republican Leadership Tainted by Dirty Russian Money. Blavatnik’s relationships with Russian oligarchs close to Putin, particularly Oleg Deripaska, should be worrisome for Trump and the six GOP leaders who took Blavatnik’s money during the 2016 presidential campaign. Lucky …

and then throw in this.....people pay to get what they want

Regulatory lobbying has increased under the Trump ...
Jul 11, 2018 · Keeping in mind that lobbying meetings tend to be lowest in a president’s first year, Trump’s pattern represents a continuation of this ongoing trend. Compared to Obama’s first year, meetings went from an average of 2.2 per week to 3.9 per week under Trump, an increase of about 80 percent.

Lobbying money spikes under President Trump
A major increase in spending by tech companies has been one of the biggest stories over the past few years in the lobbying world. As they gain size, power, and wealth, tech firms have seen the ...

Trump Is Waiving His Own Ethics Rules to Allow Lobbyists ...
Trump Is Waiving His Own Ethics Rules to Allow Lobbyists to Make Policy ... After repeatedly slamming DC lobbyists during the campaign, Trump used one of his first executive orders to lay out ...


Instead of draining the swamp Trump is feeding the alligators
Feb 22, 2017 · Trump promised to ‘drain the swamp’. Instead, he’s feeding the alligators. He’s serving the higher powers, even though they despise and would like to destroy him. He’s obsequious for their support; he has decided that they control the public even more than the President of the U.S. can.

Trump Has Filled, Not Drained, the Swamp - The Atlantic
Sep 21, 2017 · The Washington Post found “the State Department spent more than $15,000 to book 19 rooms at the new Trump hotel in Vancouver when members of President Trump’s …

Scaling back Dodd-Frank is just the beginning of Trump's ...
May 24, 2018 · Scaling back Dodd-Frank is just the beginning of Trump's run on deregulation "Instead of draining the swamp, the Trump administration is telling the alligators …

Feeding Frenzy in Trump’s Swamp - citizen.org
Feeding Frenzy in Trump’s Swamp Lobbyists with Close Ties to Trump or Pence Bill Nearly $42 Million To Curry Favor In ... the guys who helped him get elected now are becoming the bigger alligators. Thats what ... Public Citizens tabulations combine filings made under the …
Hottobe cucked and subhub174014

Although the two of you are clearly at loggerheads, let me suggest how you can have meeting ground.

Trump is indeed corrupt and nepotististic. I have zero doubt of that.

But it still makes sense for some people to support Trump, because his brand of corruption isn’t a systemic one. Trump’s corruption is a very personal thing, which means once he leaves or is ****** to leave office, all the scumbags and corrupt people who were with Trump, will depart.

In contrast, the corruption by The Establishment (especially the Bush and the Clinton dynasties) is a systemic one. Whichever one is in power will enable a ton of underlings and supporting cast to come out of the woodwork and join in the fun.

Trump is hated on by all the leftwing media, because he threatens and opposes Democrat corruption.

Trump is loved by Fox News, because although he was voted into power to drain the swamps, he doesn’t actually threaten the swamp Republicans.

I think Trump has increased the overall level of corruption in the US government. But he hasn't increased the overall level of systemic corruption at all. Neither corrupt Republicans nor corrupt Democrats are able to increase their power, because the goodies are only going to Trump and his family. But if Clinton had won, the corrupt Democrats would have greatly increased systemic corruption, and not at the expense of the corrupt Republicans, because BOTH parties are systemically corrupt.

Under Clinton, we will keep on having such embarrassments such as the Littoral Combat Ship, which can't be sent into war zones because it is 'not combat survivable'. The Republicans will rant but not vote against these, because both sides are handmaidens of the MIC.
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I don't feel anyone over 70 needs to be running for president, democrat or republican. The way things are structured good candidates like Seth Mouton., a decorated veteran., has no chance even though he has many moderate ideas. Extreme views in either party are a problem today.
I really don't think trump stands a chance on re-election....and he knows it.....you see support for him on here....but then if you look back even Nixon had almost 30% supporting him even as he boarded the chopper to leave.....some people just can't see the light and refuse to

they will keep up with the impeachment for one reason.....to see who all gets charges against them and who all goes to jail in the cover up....I think once they break Rudy G. he will squeal like a stuck pig....he will go to jail....Pompeo and Barr....obstruction.....and who else?

with Nixon right at 15 people served some time...…..with trump?...but there will be some...besides Rudy G.
But it still makes sense for some people to support Trump, because his brand of corruption isn’t a systemic one. Trump’s corruption is a very personal thing, which means once he leaves or is ****** to leave office, all the scumbags and corrupt people who were with Trump, will depart.

But look at all the damage he can and is doing while still there....not counting all the gov money he is putting in his own pocket!

In contrast, the corruption by The Establishment (especially the Bush and the Clinton dynasties) is a systemic one. Whichever one is in power will enable a ton of underlings and supporting cast to come out of the woodwork and join in the fun.

neither went out of their way to hurt the country...Clinton was considered the most liked pres of all time until Obama....bush just tried to take care of the rich with tax breaks and allowed Channey to get us into war which eventually hurt the country and the economy.....trump knows full well that he is making tons of every gold outing to his own hotels and etc...

Trump is hated on by all the leftwing media, because he threatens and opposes Democrat corruption.

guess you don't read as much as I thought you did...….trump is leading the country in the most corrupt government we have ever had!

Trump is loved by Fox News, because although he was voted into power to drain the swamps, he doesn’t actually threaten the swamp Republicans.

not all on Fox news....just the ones with their twisted minds that like to fabricate whatever they want....trump likes that because they feed his ego...some of the others actually gave the news....although apparently trump got the head newscaster fired it seems

Neither corrupt Republicans nor corrupt Democrats are able to increase their power, because the goodies are only going to Trump and his family.

again....don't keep up with the news a lot......he is making himself richer and his family richer with deals in Saudi arabia and etc......but a lot of the the republican party is on P.utins payroll...Moscow mitch...Graham...cruz...Rubio and many others!

But if Clinton had won, the corrupt Democrats would have greatly increased systemic corruption

most of that is accusations….a lot of it put out by the right to try and hurt her election chances.....even the republican minority leader of the house admitted it one time.....and if you read the Mueller report you would see they had a bunch of Russians working on spreading false info on her to hurt her and help trump

trying to placate is not working.....everything you said just goes right back to you are a trump supporter.....may not want to admit it....but everything you say does!

and if you want a link to any of my above statements just say so ….will be glad to post them for you....but most of what I said above has been discussed on here several times and I have posted the links....but will be glad to look them up again......but most trump people are not really interested in the facts....just how they see them to be
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I don't believe any of these pie in the sky politicians' claims.

I would support anyone who wants to make corporations and the rich pay more in taxes. But while that would definitely fund trillions in new infrastructure and relieve college debt, Warren's healthcare plans remain unfunded. She'll just have to break a few campaign promises.

wouldn't be backtracking there just a tad would you?