Politics in 2022

Would you bet money on this?
Not nice to bankrupt a guy @franzzzzCH , but it would definitely teach @subhub174014 a lesson.
sooo bitter and vindictive!

Not bitter or vindictive at all. Note how I said how it is not nice to bankrupt you @subhub174014 ;) ?
It is clear you hate Donald Trump ?? already @subhub174014, so if you even so much as lost 1 penny because of him it might radically piss you off if that is possible?
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Too many clowns in this thread, so, I'll make my exit, but for the clowns calling Sanders a communist, socialist, etc., I have a question. I realize educated and being educated has never been huge on the conservative priorities list, but were you all just exempt from taking Goverment and Civics from Middle to High School?

Did your parents just decide, fuck it, you'll get the information you need from Fox and Friends, Tucker Carlson, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Riley, and Ann Coulter...
sanders is a comunist
Allfor is correct though - most small towns support the right - however the heavily populated cities where the real voting power is - is all liberal :{
Not bitter or vindictive at all. Note how I said how it is not nice to bankrupt you @subhub174014 ;) ?
It is clear you hate Donald Trump ?? already @subhub174014, so if you even so much as lost 1 penny because of him it might radically piss you off if that is possible?

wrong....I don't hate him as much as you think....I think he is fucking the country to make himself rich......but arguing with you guys and your defense of him pushes my comments a lot …..higher?

anymore I ...strongly dislike the republican party in general.....they all are about the money and not the country......they have shown that since Newt Gingrich.....matter of fact he is the founder of party hate and division....started it during Clinton...and didn't work because people liked what he did with the economy.....went right through with Bush after he gave them tax breaks and etc and put us in a recession...even robbed money from social security to pay for his phoney wars...….to them cock blocking everything Obama did to try and help the country..and still refuse to admit that Obama did bail us out....and their support for this crook...who is doing even more than Bush did and will soon have us in......deep *******?

in 1928 republicans took control of the presidency and the house and the senate......followed by the great depression....massive unemployment and the stock market crash

2000 they again take complete control followed by 2 recessions massive unemployment and another stock market crash

2016 they take control again....wanna guess where we are headed
Obama ‘best’ president of recent years, Pew survey finds ...
Forty-four percent of Americans said Obama, who served two terms, is the best or second-best president of their lifetime. Bill Clinton came in next in Pew’s survey with 33 percent, followed by …

Mmmm 11years?...beating out the current president even.....just unheard of....just not enough trumpkins to push him higher I guess......but then there is a reason for that

Has Barack Obama Been the ‘Most Admired Man’ in the World ...
Apr 02, 2019 · Has Barack Obama Been the ‘Most Admired Man’ in the World for 11 Years? It's unusual for the current president of the United States not to head Gallup's "Most Admired Man" poll.

that would be 8 years of his term...…..and all 3 of trumps....country must be trying to say something