Politics in 2022

I am white, funny but I was born that way. Doesn't mean I am a raciest. I never had contact my whole childhood with blacks, did that make me a raciest? I never even heard of antisemitism until two years ago, does that make me a hater of Jews? To be a Raciest don't that person have to hate a certain race, instead of individuals of any race? I don't like thugs of any race, or ignorant closed minded know it all's. I voted the first time for Obama in hopes of a better government then that of George Bush. Anyone that is still blind to the corruption and evil of the Clinton's and their path of ******* to farther their political gain are ignorant, simple minded or have their heads buried in the sand. The Democratic Party has no interest in the well being of the colored race or any other minority, they have always and continue to hold them under their control for political gain, just like they are now crying foul against the USA immigration practices, calling them immoral and raciest while wanting open boarders, because they need a cause to reach the Americans hearts and gain more voters, by making illegals American citizens to hold under their thumbs.
Not quite lol, the people are the militia. The extent to which you have underestimated the founder's thought process and foresight is astounding. You do realize we were never supposed to have a standing military yes?

I underestimated the founders thought process?....there you go again being a mind reader for the founding fathers.....hard to do when you have a very small mind to begin with
I think President Trump could shred any of the Democrat candidates but I do agree that Kamala Harris would prolly be the toughest - because she’s a black woman and pretty crafty.

I don't think he could shred all of them...but I will agree that Harris would eat him...being a former prosecuter….warren keeps gaining in momentum...but I think trump would eat her alive....I think Biden can handle it...he showed he can hold his own last debate pretty much
I am white, funny but I was born that way. Doesn't mean I am a raciest. I never had contact my whole childhood with blacks, did that make me a raciest? I never even heard of antisemitism until two years ago, does that make me a hater of Jews? To be a Raciest don't that person have to hate a certain race, instead of individuals of any race? I don't like thugs of any race, or ignorant closed minded know it all's. I voted the first time for Obama in hopes of a better government then that of George Bush. Anyone that is still blind to the corruption and evil of the Clinton's and their path of ******* to farther their political gain are ignorant, simple minded or have their heads buried in the sand. The Democratic Party has no interest in the well being of the colored race or any other minority, they have always and continue to hold them under their control for political gain, just like they are now crying foul against the USA immigration practices, calling them immoral and raciest while wanting open boarders, because they need a cause to reach the Americans hearts and gain more voters, by making illegals American citizens to hold under their thumbs.

well you are way off on several issues...for one......if you read the mueller report....and what several diiferent republicans said after bengahzi...and a few other....they have been smearing the Clintons for years....knowing that one day she was going to run..several republican senators admitted as much saying how popular Clinton was until they started the hearings and it was all about bring Clinton down

Kevin McCarthy Admits Benghazi Was All About Doing ...
Sep 30, 2015 · Kevin McCarthy Admits Benghazi Was All About Doing Political Harm To Hillary Clinton. Later in that same meeting, Breitbart News' Steve Bannon leapt in cautioning the group to be careful not to go after Hillary too soon, but to focus on getting the Select Committee first. Therefore, this should have come as no surprise to anyone,...

so don't believe all you read and hear...….

are you kidding me...….the dems do more for the minorities than the right!...the dems mat fall short on promises...but at least they are not going out of their way to hurt minorities....

100 Days, 100 Ways the Trump Administration Is Harming ...
Apr 25, 2017 · It has only been 100 days since President Trump took office, and millions of American women and families are
already feeling the adverse impacts of his administration’s misguided agenda.

Does the GOP Have a Problem With Minorities? - ThoughtCo
The rise of Donald Trump has raised questions. The Republican Party has faced such accusations throughout the 21st century, particularly as Donald Trump rose to prominence as well as at the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. During that convention, the GOP highlighted minority political figures such as Condoleezza Rice,...

Why do Republicans hate minorities? - Daily Kos
Aug 19, 2010 · Why do Republicans hate minorities so much? Even white progressive males like myself, who fall under none of those minority categories...would be motivated to get out this fall with a …

Why do most minorities not like/vote republican ...
Jun 27, 2014 · Here is a gallup poll on some numbers. Democrats Racially Diverse; Republicans Mostly White. Not just on race, but even gender, women tend to be more likely to be democrat. Women More Likely to Be Democrats, Regardless of Age. Although I'm sure it's a stereotype that everyone is a well aware of, even without the polls.

and then you say we are crying foul over the treatment of immigrants....DUH!......we are trying to protect minorities wouldn't you think from harsh treatment from the right
Yeah ole Uncle Joe seemed pretty good last debate - that Castro dick that tried to zoo on him was wrong and Joe was correct. I kinda feel bad for Biden - he’s a really decent guy - has experienced more than his share of tragedy - definitely means well and is the only candidate that could easily work with both sides. I just seriously doubt - that in his current state which at times seems somewhat confused - could stand up to a debate bully like our current president.
Easy now, I have never liked the Clinton's, even though I voted for him the first time. The immigrant situation is out of hand it has nothing to do with minorities. We have always had immigration laws to protect the safety of our country. We need to control our borders, I live in Maine for crying out loud and now we have a major problem in the city of Portland with immigrants being shipped here. Portland is overwhelmed and we don't need to become an other San Francisco with sanctuary cities out of control. It gets cold here in the winter and we don't have shelter to hold all of them. We have more then enough homeless in this country, in which live on the streets. This country is our home, is it to much to ask for stability and order instead of chaotic, unbalanced confusion?
Yeah ole Uncle Joe seemed pretty good last debate - that Castro dick that tried to zoo on him was wrong and Joe was correct. I kinda feel bad for Biden - he’s a really decent guy - has experienced more than his share of tragedy - definitely means well and is the only candidate that could easily work with both sides. I just seriously doubt - that in his current state which at times seems somewhat confused - could stand up to a debate bully like our current president.

you know I kind of liked castro…….didn't understand why he wasn't moving up...him and O'Rourke.....but I think both of them shot themselves in the foot in that debate...….I think Biden could more than handle the job.....but the rogors of campaigning is something else
Easy now, I have never liked the Clinton's, even though I voted for him the first time. The immigrant situation is out of hand it has nothing to do with minorities. We have always had immigration laws to protect the safety of our country. We need to control our borders, I live in Maine for crying out loud and now we have a major problem in the city of Portland with immigrants being shipped here. Portland is overwhelmed and we don't need to become an other San Francisco with sanctuary cities out of control. It gets cold here in the winter and we don't have shelter to hold all of them. We have more then enough homeless in this country, in which live on the streets. This country is our home, is it to much to ask for stability and order instead of chaotic, unbalanced confusion?

I'm not really a Clinton lover....I thought bill did a heck of a job as pres....and I thought Hillary would have been better than trump...and Hillary over sanders....so anymore it has been for a long time the lesser of the evils....I didn't think Obama was the right man at the time.....but with the mess we were in at the time and the right refusing to help him in anyway...I thought he did one hell of a job!

the immigration thing....this country was founded on immigrants...we have always taken those seeking asylum...and that's what those people are doing....but they are NOT criminals and deserve far better treatment than we are giving them....if he sent half of the amount of judges down there that he has troops......process them...those that get in fine...those that don't send them on their way.....he has made a mess of this...and it's not right...….he has to have his wall....and I don't think it will solve that much...hell over 75% of the illegals come in legally and just stay and don't renew their visas.....rest...tunnels and the backs of trucks...hell they have drones covering most of the border now anyway...drone spots one they can have people there in short order..increase the drones and manpower there
BTW...….. a friend of mine I used to be heavy into politics with....we worked phone bans...knocked door to door....even drove those that didn't have transportation....like I said that was back when I was heavy into politics...…...

anyway he moved to Baltimore to be by his *******......he says up there they are really heavy into Warren!
This country literally isnt #1 for anything positive or good. So, greatest... No, not at all. And if you're not born white, it has potential to be even worse.
Its obvious Americans have a higher opinion of themselves than most other countries have of us; we're going through some bad management as of late, but we'll see within the next 11/2 years if we have enough of our citizens to say "we've had enough". I also think you're a bit more critical of the USA than you should be. Unfortunately, over the years we've tried to buy our friends, rather than earn them. I think we just need to fix our capitalism, rather than using money to get our way. Stay tuned ... you're not seeing the heart of its people, just the corruption within the government, itself.
Its obvious Americans have a higher opinion of themselves than most other countries have of us; we're going through some bad management as of late, but we'll see within the next 11/2 years if we have enough of our citizens to say "we've had enough". I also think you're a bit more critical of the USA than you should be. Unfortunately, over the years we've tried to buy our friends, rather than earn them. I think we just need to fix our capitalism, rather than using money to get our way. Stay tuned ... you're not seeing the heart of its people, just the corruption within the government, itself.

hope not....but next election I think trump will lose the popular vote by the biggest margin ever....and will squeak out the electorial…..sure hope I'm wrong...….but as always the dems are self destructing

I live in heavy redneck country....we went to Ks. to a car show today....more rednecks....and the topic of discussion......O'Rourke's…"hell yes we are going to take your guns"
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They really aren't that rare. It's probably worth more as a family keepsake. Unless it is a particularly unique model in mint condition, no crazed varnish, etc., $2k was a high offer.
I've said so many times before, you're objective HERE is to discredit any post from any liberal ... you have no desire to carry on a conversation or initiate a discussion. I regret making the comment regarding the Victrola as it only invited you to start your same BS to initiate arguments. Please don't convince yourself I have any desire to start any dialogue with you, h-h. I really haven't the time you have on here. And the time I do have, I don't wish wasting it responding to your BS.
As far as the early Victrola Sound machines are concerned, you simply don't know what you're talking about, as usual.
* My comment was not stating the number of Victorlas made in the early half of the 20th century; it was regarding one very popular model.​
* I don't care what you think my great grandmother's Victrola is worth ... you can't imagine how much I DON"T CARE. I do think that the $2,000 my mom said she was offered, probably included the records. I imagine you felt it important to include that in your post to discredit my comment. Its about the ONLY REASON you ever direct comments at me.​

So, h-h, as usual, .... yellowball-holdingFuckOffsign.jpg

I've said so many times before, you're objective HERE is to discredit any post from any liberal ... you have no desire to carry on a conversation or initiate a discussion. I regret making the comment regarding the Victrola as it only invited you to start your same BS to initiate arguments. Please don't convince yourself I have any desire to start any dialogue with you, h-h. I really haven't the time you have on here. And the time I do have, I don't wish wasting it responding to your BS.
As far as the early Victrola Sound machines are concerned, you simply don't know what you're talking about, as usual.
* My comment was not stating the number of Victorlas made in the early half of the 20th century; it was regarding one very popular model.​
* I don't care what you think my great grandmother's Victrola is worth ... you can't imagine how much I DON"T CARE. I do think that the $2,000 my mom said she was offered, probably included the records. I imagine you felt it important to include that in your post to discredit my comment. Its about the ONLY REASON you ever direct comments at me.​

So, h-h, as usual, .... View attachment 2844926

Thank you for posting a link that confirms what I said was true. From YOUR link:

According to Victor-Victrola.com there is a high likelihood that any Victrola you come across today is one of these seven models. Since these are the most common, they have to be in mint or near mint condition to be worth much money.

Note: your source even quotes the site I provided supporting my statement.

As to discrediting your posts, I don't have to do that. You do quite well at discrediting yourself with the asinine statements you make.
Thank you for posting a link that confirms what I said was true. From YOUR link:

According to Victor-Victrola.com there is a high likelihood that any Victrola you come across today is one of these seven models. Since these are the most common, they have to be in mint or near mint condition to be worth much money.

Note: your source even quotes the site I provided supporting my statement.

As to discrediting your posts, I don't have to do that. You do quite well at discrediting yourself with the asinine statements you make.

how is it you always say something.....someone posts a rebuttal to what you say...….and that always seem to support what you said.....change your story much"
As to discrediting your posts, I don't have to do that.
Fine, then DON'T.
You obviously read & chose what you wanted out of that article to discredit because it clearly says the early model is rare and worth thousands of dollars. But, then again, that isn't your mission here, is it?
Go start a thread, start a conversation of YOUR OWN, do some Job Hunting, and find out where your wife is. Anything, just ....
You obviously read & chose what you wanted out of that article to discredit because it clearly says the early model is rare and worth thousands of dollars.
I clearly stated :
Unless it is a particularly unique model in mint condition, no crazed varnish, etc., $2k was a high offer.
Why do you insist on trying to argue even when your articles support exactly what I said?

Maybe your grandma's unit is worth thousands. I didn't say it wasn't since I don't know the model or condition. I merely pointed out that here in reality land, they made millions of Victrolas and most you run into aren't worth all that much.

However since you called her unit an "RCAVictor", that would suggest it was far newer than early model units you're now trying to hang your claim on. RCAVictor didn't exist as a company until RCA bought Victor in 1929....which you would know if you had bothered to read and comprehend the link I gave you....and that your source referenced.
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I underestimated the founders thought process?....there you go again being a mind reader for the founding fathers.....hard to do when you have a very small mind to begin with
Shall not be infringed is pretty damn clear lol. You just can't help yourself but to attack something lol you hate that a minority is calling you out on your bs. I mean, you even admitted that you are ok with opposing views as long as they eventually see things your way. You do realize it's people like you who represent the extreme left yes?