Politics in 2022

@subhub174014 with you being in America it is unfortunate you cannot see this documentary I am watching about fake news from Russia:

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I cannot share the video but here is information that you or anyone else on this site can read that was featured in this documentary:

How Russian troll farms could impact Canada's federal election

Peter Akman
Peter Akman
, Investigative Correspondent, W5
Published Friday, September 20, 2019 1:00PM EDT
Last Updated Saturday, September 21, 2019 4:43PM EDT
ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - Out of place in a residential neighbourhood in St. Petersburg, Russia, is an eight-storey modern glass building with a massive parking lot wrapped around it. It’s not easy to get inside.
There’s a security gate and everyone who enters needs a security pass. My Russian producer tells me most of the people who come here work for the Internet Research Agency - better known around the world as a Russian troll farm.
In 2014, it was believed to be the only one – home to 200 or so workers who created fake websites, news and misinformation online, 24/7.
Internet Research Agency
W5's Peter Akman, right, filming outside of the offices of the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg, Russia.
W5's Peter Akman interviews Vitaly Bespalov's Peter Akman interviews Vitaly Bespalov
W5 correspondent Peter Akman, left, interviews Vitaly Bespalov, right, who worked inside a Russian troll farm.
Now, it’s believed there are dozens of buildings filled with "writers" and "influencers," each with quotas and targets and each allegedly working with the full support of the Poroshenko government.
Vitaly Bespalov worked at that original troll farm. He grew up in Western Siberia, and graduated with a degree in journalism. Eager to move to St. Petersburg, the 28 year old started applying to job postings online. One job in particular caught his eye.
“It was a common job advertisement for a position of a content manager. It neither specified the area of work, nor any details were given. The only difference was the salary that they proposed. It was twice as much as other similar positions.”
As soon as he started the job, it became clear that what he was expected to do was a long way from real journalism.
“I happened to work in three different departments. The first one dealt with those fake sites, the pseudo-Ukrainian ones. The second one was the social media marketing department, which dealt with making spam of fake news and sending them throughout the Russian social networks using fake accounts. The third department had a Russian site, a real site, not a fake one, which dealt with publishing lies about the West, about the Ukraine and about then U.S. President Barack Obama.”
Bespalov lasted just over three months and then began to speak out against the troll farms. That, however, didn’t slow them down. In fact they became bolder in their attacks on foreign targets. Millions of tweets and thousands of Facebook posts were created by these trolls and linked to the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Patrick Warren is a professor and researcher at Clemson University in South Carolina. He has been analyzing over three million tweets from fake Russian accounts.
“It was actually a very complex, multi-faceted propaganda effort out of this organization affiliated with the Russian government. They had an overarching strategy to divide, not just American, but including American population to make people think the world was worse than it really is. To make people think that the institutions that have sustained sort of liberal democracy don’t work so well after all.”
Now, he believes these same trolls have set their sights on Canada and the upcoming federal election.
Warren says the hashtag #TrudeauMustGo started trending on July 19 with 53,000 tweets. That’s about 2,000 tweets per hour which targeted the prime minister of Canada.
“I think that the whole, the overarching purpose is to undermine the reliability of liberal democracies around the world.”
In an attempt to stop foreign interference during the 2019 Canadian federal election, Canada’s top security agencies are monitoring the web 24/7. Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), works hand in hand with a largely secret organization, Communication Security Establishment (CSE), which gathers information and decides when to act upon it. Elections Canada is also watching to make sure Canada’s 26-million eligible voters have the right information to cast their ballot.
Stephane Perrault is the Chief Electoral Officer for Elections Canada.
“First of all, we have a voter information campaign for this election. We have a social media monitoring capacity, so we have tools and a fairly significant team that monitors social media in a range of languages, some 20 languages, to identify misinformation about the voting process. That allows us to intervene and correct any misinformation”
Former Russian troll Vitaly Bespalov thinks the Russians have already come up with new ways to meddle with our political views. After being implicated for interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, they have to be more creative as Canadians get ready to go to the polls.
"So now I think they are going to invent some other schemes of influencing the audience. It will be done in a different way. No need to look for trolls on Facebook, they will find a new way."
Watch “Dirty Tricks” on Saturday’s season premiere of CTV’s W5 at 7 p.m.


Perhaps the details that you negatively espouse about Donald Trump ?? is fiction created by Russian guys like Vitaly Bespalov as featured above @subhub174014 ?

have you posted your novels and movies on every thread here destroying any chance of a normal conversation

Stop trying to be a smart ass, you're just an ass.

you take the cake for stupidity
stiff just so you know....I have filed a complaint about you filing the same articles repeatedly on each thread on here...so others can not have a regular conversation
I don't have my article proliferating on every thread on this site @subhub174014 just this one addressing what you said, @Allforthewifey's "Go Trump" thread, and mine with Trump's poll? If the staff agrees I won't but I don't think I am abusing anything?
have you posted your novels and movies on every thread here destroying any chance of a normal conversation

Stop trying to be a smart ass, you're just an ass.

you take the cake for stupidity
It is a documentary most people will not get a chance to see as you are in America. For those who decide to read they can do so. The choice is theirs.

And no need for the name calling I am just presenting facts.

If you disagree with them feel free to write the "W5" team in Canada to have them say they were all wrong about the documentary they just aired? If you are serious about doing so let me know and I will look up their mailing address on your behalf? And should they issue a retraction I will share that with you @subhub174014 .

And good news "W5" has a youtube channel so here is the video as well:

Based on my prior post
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I don't have my article proliferating on every thread on this site @subhub174014 just this one addressing what you said, @Allforthewifey's "Go Trump" thread, and mine with Trump's poll? If the staff agrees I won't but I don't think I am abusing anything?

same article...on at least 3 maybe 4 threads....once is enough on a thread...instead of killing any conversation with anyone else

not the first time you have done this like you are trying to influence someone's opinion...most on here already have...are you trying to influence someone else
I think you are just being an ass...and lack the ability to understand what most America already believes and knows
so it is nothing more than election meddling or trying to influence someone into your beliefs
same article...on at least 3 maybe 4 threads....once is enough on a thread...instead of killing any conversation with anyone else

not the first time you have done this like you are trying to influence someone's opinion...most on here already have...are you trying to influence someone else
C'mon @subhub174014 it is as if you are not trying to do the same for your side? You are entitled to your opinion and I don't try to ******* your free speech even though we mostly disagree?
I think you are just being an ass...and lack the ability to understand what most America already believes and knows
so it is nothing more than election meddling or trying to influence someone into your beliefs
I guess the shock of other evidence that differs with your opinion is rocking your world @subhub174014 ? I can imagine the stress that entails. Much like those who were ready to ******* Galileo who suggested that the Earth revolves around the Sun, instead of everything in the universe revolving around the Earth?

Similarly in time you hopefully might come to realize that some, or most, of the information that you read or post against Donald Trump ?? is fiction created by Russian guys like Vitaly Bespalov?

My Evidence
for the video:
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the "chump" just may have put Warren in the white house......a lot of independents liked Biden......warren just pulled ahead of him in the polls.....will those independents be mad at trump over it?

this little stunt if nothing else will cost him some more support
C'mon @subhub174014 it is as if you are not trying to do the same for your side? You are entitled to your opinion and I don't try to ******* your free speech even though we mostly disagree?

I post current news articles for one...….or links to back up what I say.....you go out of your way to create a novel and try and ******* people to see it by posting that same novel on everythead on the site
Isn't this just like socialist mumo jumbo. Sanders is an idiot to purpose taking 50% of billionaires money. I don't care if it is 1 dollar or 100 billion dollars taking that which is not your's is robbery. The wealthy will eat these plans alive, as they should.
Socialists / commies = bloodsucking leaches
People cannot get it through their thick heads that all of this is a massive attempt at world domination, power and control of the masses, world population control , that is well underway with 800 abortions a day of black babies alone. In 1998, Kevorkian was arrested and tried for his direct role in a case of voluntary euthanasia, now in this country it is becoming legal. In 2013, roughly 300 terminally ill Americans were prescribed lethal medications, and around 230 people died as a result of taking them. A slippery slope.
well first I am very anti republican because of all the corruption.....and now we have some one that has taken that to new...LOWS....he has done nothing for the country....everyone around him is involved in corruption....the people that support him....just want to believe...for most that is all they have is hope.....and he is only using them and the country to make himself rich...and conn a bunch of suckers

he made a lot of campaign promises that people bought into...health care draining the swamp and etc....was that all a lie from the start......or did greed and corruption get him right from the start....with his inauguration and the Missing money

what's really sad is the people on here go out of their way to defend him becausethey were foolish enough to buy what he was selling...…..but ask them what he has done for them.....they can't give you an answer or change the subject......if someone was so good and done so much the list should be endless
If you google the definition of corrupt there are no words just a pic of Bill and Hillary! So good to see you're still spewing the garbage. Hope all is well. Look forward to your continued Trump bashing through 2024.
If you google the definition of corrupt there are no words just a pic of Bill and Hillary! So good to see you're still spewing the garbage. Hope all is well. Look forward to your continued Trump bashing through 2024.

and if you look up Russian infiltrator....you see a pic of the chump...trump I mean
I can and will let up off the trump bashing here soon when he starts serving jail time....next target will be McConnell...not sure which I dislike more
Impeachment Impeachment Impeachment


Any ole reason will do

Their candidate lost so the Dems way of saying fuck you

hey what the hell....I'm not partial.....I pretty much dislike all republicans....I'm an equal opportunity hater......BUT Trump...McConnell....Graham.... Cruz......Rubio and in that order....are all drawing money from Russia......so if they were to all drop dead....I'd have cake and ice cream!

I'd like it better if they all got jail time...there are several other republicans that I just dislike......but those 5 all took big chunks of money from Russia......AND KNEW IT!

and hell I have plenty of "dislike" to go around....how about the NRA....Gingrich....well that's enough for now....would hate to run low on "dislikes"