Politics in 2022

So, all you have are unfounded rumors, and misinformation. After going through this thread, I see you literally have added NOTHING of value, or substance. Bernie wasn't paid to drop out, the DNC gave the nomination to Hillary. Next, in the time since 2016 Bernie has been on the picket lines with Union Members and has been all over the country reaching out to people. He was at Multiple Union Meetings for Disney Employees before they won $15+ starting wages. You're just a smear artist and I'm done responding to you. You add no value, and only cloud the facts.
Stronger together after shouting about toppling the system? Seems legitimate to me lol smear artist? Lol I'll gladly take that title than being a blind follower of socialism. Anybody who hasn't been sleeping the last 3.5 decades knows what Mr. Sanders is about. Thanks for playing though :)
Dude, seriously. You're wrong. In the age of instant information, why are your facts not straight? Bernie Sanders has a home in Vermont (1), it's not a mansion, its actually pretty modest. He's a Senator from Vermont, and raised a family there. Makes sense to own a home there. He maintains an apartment in DC for work (2). Most politicians do. He bought a 4 bedroom lake house for family vacations (3). So, essentially, he's got 2 houses and 1 apartment for work. He's a politician who needs somewhere to stay when he's in DC. When he wants family time, he has a getaway spot. He went from being worth under 300k in 2016 to writing a few Best Sellers and amassing 2 Million. Good for him.
Yes amazing :) so why does he not lead by example and give his money away for the greater good? Unless of course it's about rules for thee but not for me?
Yes amazing :) so why does he not lead by example and give his money away for the greater good? Unless of course it's about rules for thee but not for me?

Just because Trump is to stupid to write a book….and most books out on him make fun of him.....he has fucked a lot of people out of money....why doesn't he give any away for the greater good?...….he needs all he can get to pay his legal fees after fucking so many people.....even his foundation was shut down for private (lawyer) use.....he could lead by example...but needs the money to keep him out of jail......so I guess your statement would apply to trump "it's about rules for thee but not for me?"

while bring that part up...how about wanting people to buy American and yet everything he buys and sells in made in china?

once again you have more then proven......you have no idea what you are talking about just came to argue
I saw quite a while ago people thought the gay mayor would sneak up on people.....he is gradually sneaking.....but is it enough?

Beto O'Rourke hits Pete Buttigieg with expletive-fueled ...
Sep 16, 2019 · Beto O’Rourke launched an expletive-fueled defense of his call Sunday to ban assault-style weapons and impose mandatory buybacks of AR-15s and AK-47s while also pushing back at critics — including fellow 2020 Democrat Pete Buttigieg. During last Thursday’s presidential debate, the former Texas congressman said, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47, and we’re […]
Trump Unpopular Worldwide, American Image Suffers | Pew ...
Jun 26, 2017 · They do, however, see Trump as a strong leader – a median of 55% across the nations polled describe him this way. The world’s wider view of America. Attitudes toward the U.S. president and American foreign policy have a major impact on how people around the world view the United States, but other factors are important too.
now we know why the right is aginst immigration....afraid of how they might vote later on....and denying citizenship to those already here

Trump is trying to deny citizenship to 20 million legal ...
What's more, if Miller is successful, the new policy will advance a long-running Republican strategy to suppress the vote of minority groups. Legal immigrants cannot vote until they become citizens. By denying citizenship to hard-working aspiring Americans — especially immigrants of color who are struggling to make ends meet — the Trump ...
Been going on for years.....under trump they can be a lot more open about it now

NBC’s Today Accuses GOP of Minority Voter Suppression
Nov 04, 2016 · On Thursday’s NBC Today, correspondent Ronan Farrow devoted a five-minute report to promoting liberal claims of Republicans trying to suppress Democratic voter turnout on election day by targeting minority groups with voter ID laws.

NBC’s Today Accuses GOP of Minority Voter Suppression
Nov 04, 2016 · On Thursday’s NBC Today, correspondent Ronan Farrow devoted a five-minute report to promoting liberal claims of Republicans trying to suppress Democratic voter turnout on election day by targeting minority groups with voter ID laws.
Likelihood - ZERO to most fair-minded Americans.

110% for delusional propaganda brainwashed lefties.
KEEP believing the polls.

Remember 2016 - do ya remember????

I do :}

Me socks be fine - sorted and dry - but thanks for your concern.
2016......yes I remember....that's when Russia took control of the white house

as for your socks....that's just part of it....something you seem to ignore is they should match