Politics in 2022

Biden's new slogan: A Victrola in every home!

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That is really not fair, Joe Biden appears to me not in the best of mental heath, I am beginning to wonder if dementia is setting in because I have seen so much of it volunteering at a nursing home for 6 years. The Victrola was before my time but the record player then stereo, I enjoyed very much, to a man his age it wasn't that long ago. Why he is running is beyond me, his time has past him by.
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Joe Biden is a decent guy - lotta tragedy in his life - he’s capable of working with both sides and means well - but I agree - his time has past and he’s not the man he used to be - Trump will eat this ancient version of Uncle Joe alive if he even makes it through.
Trump will win in 2020.

He isn't the best, he's unpresidential, he's unfit, he alienates our allies, he coddles White Supremacists and White Nationalists, he has of host of conflicts of interest, he and his family are using the Office to enrich themselves, he's committed multiple felonies as POTUS, and those are just the one's we know about. The rich love him because he has done everything he can to keep the money train rolling for the 1%, conservatives have sold their soul to him because he forces a minority agenda on the majority of America, whites love him because he's given them permission to be their absolute worst racist selves, and there are a few scattered LGBT & POC who "love" him because, my best guess is, there always has to be that small subsection of self haters, who desperately want the approval of their white overlords.

To answer the question, Bernie Sanders is the best candidate running as a Democrat. He has the best vision for America, and Bernie's base is the most politically and racially diverse. Behind Bernie are Greens, Progressives, Independents, Republicans, Conservatives, etc. Bernie went on a Fox News Town Hall and got a standing ovation for Christ sakes. Bernie is the Lefts ONLY chance at beating Donald Trump. If the DNC decides to cheat Sanders again, and ******* another candidate that the people don't want, like they did with Hillary, they will hand Trump his 2nd term, gift wrapped.

A Sanders/Gabbard ticket would soundly defeat 45 in November. But already the DNC has taken aim at Gabbard, and literally done back flips to keep Gabbard off the debate stage after she Barbequed Harris in the 1st debate, and just like they did with Hillary, the DNC cried foul. "How dare you talk about the candidates record!"
You think Bernie Sanders is the best candidate? You say President Trump is not presidential, he is unfit. What qualifies as presidential or fit? He alienates our allies? Making others step up and fulfill their own responsibilities instead of allowing the USA to pay unfair amounts of taxpayers money is holding them accountable? Is he coddling anyone really, if so he is being presidential then, he is white and he is a nationalist, a true statement somewhat is he and his family are using the office to enrich themselves, he is using the office of president to attempt to enrich America, if he had been proven to commit felonies as POTUS the democrats would have lynched him by now. Explain exactly why Donald Trump is a racist and is giving whites permission to be racist themselves. I have listened to Bernie Sanders for years on end, he does not have the best vision for America, Socialism is a proven disaster and has never worked in the history of our world. If Bernie is the Lefts ONLY chance at beating President Trump, then the Democratic base don't want a far leftist as president anymore then the Republican base wanted an outsider like Donald Trump in office in 2016. I predict it will be ( sorry I meant Elizabeth Warren ) against Trump, lets see what happens. Kamala Harris is a complete phony!
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I predict it will be Pamela Harris against Trump, lets see what happens.
Then that would eliminate the Presidential debates, that's for sure. Trump couldn't go 2 rounds with Harris in a debate ... not two. It would be over in one debate ... he would refuse further debates. Pamela was born in that briar patch!
Biden's new slogan: A Victrola in every home!
Actually that would be nice as those old Victrola Sound Machines are worth many thousands of dollars now. Only a few thousand of them were made. My grandmother has an old RCAVictor phonograph that was her mom's back in the 30's, along with a couple dozen old records. She's been offered $2,000 for it, but it'll be passed on in her estate. She's about 87 now; won't be long I imagine.
Only thing I agree with is the DNC’s corruption and how they are screwing over Gabbard.

Wouldn’t vote for that socialist Bernie if he was the only candidate running. Sides being the consummate curmudgeon he’s kinda crazy.
After seeing the rest of what you believe and what you have to say. Keep your agreement. Your morals and ethics are like watery dog *******.

At the point where children and their parents are dying in American Concentration Camps, and your response to those deaths is "Oh, well, shouldn't have broken the law", you are a gross failure at an attempt at a human being, with a corrupt and evil heart, and the rest of us are better off without you.
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After seeing the rest of what you believe and what you have to say. Keep your agreement. Your morals and ethics are like watery dog *******.
A reply like that shows no common sense at all, morals and ethics, the Democratic party is the most immoral and unethical band of disgusting self centered ignorant leaches in the history of America. Answer this, what is it, other then to get rid of President Trump is it you want the Democrats to accomplish that could possibly improve the United States of America? I was born here and have lived my life in the most free greatest country on earth in all of history, nowhere has come close. I am not looking for name calling and vulgar language, but come on blkdaur does have morals and ethics.
Actually that would be nice as those old Victrola Sound Machines are worth many thousands of dollars now. Only a few thousand of them were made. My grandmother has an old RCAVictor phonograph that was her mom's back in the 30's, along with a couple dozen old records. She's been offered $2,000 for it, but it'll be passed on in her estate. She's about 87 now; won't be long I imagine.
They really aren't that rare. It's probably worth more as a family keepsake. Unless it is a particularly unique model in mint condition, no crazed varnish, etc., $2k was a high offer.

While almost any Victor Product is an interesting piece of history, there were literally millions of these phonographs made, and thus, the majority of machines one may encounter will be neither rare nor particularly valuable at the present time. Almost 8,000,000 Victors and Victrolas were produced between 1906 and 1929.

A reply like that shows no common sense at all, morals and ethics, the Democratic party is the most immoral and unethical band of disgusting self centered ignorant leaches in the history of America. Answer this, what is it, other then to get rid of President Trump is it you want the Democrats to accomplish that could possibly improve the United States of America? I was born here and have lived my life in the most free greatest country on earth in all of history, nowhere has come close. I am not looking for name calling and vulgar language, but come on blkdaur does have morals and ethics.
Deflection and misdirection, poor attempt at that. A blantant disregard for CHILDREN seeking asylum (which is NOT illegal) dying in American Concentration Camps shows a gross lack of morals, and ethics. You deflect and make the conversation about the Democratic Party, and attempt to derail the conversation. By the way, I am an INDEPENDENT, registered as a Democrat, specifically for Bernard Sanders of Vermont. There is nothing I can say, no appeal I can make that will change your 62 year old mind. You can't ******* someone not to be a shitty human being. You were born in 1957, 2 years after the ******* and savage ******* of Emmett Till. You lived to see people of color during your first 20 years (and far beyond that) of life, be brutalized, treat like animals, struggle just to be equal and to exist, "most free greatest country on earth", for Whites, absolutely. Most free and greatest*, just remember to throw an asterisk in there because that "Greatness and Freedom" has never been meant for the rest of us.

And by the way, a quick glance at world standings shows your claim of "Greatest" to be patently false. Switzerland has repeatedly maintained its #1 ranking as the best country in the world. Meanwhile, America ranks 27th in Healthcare, 27th in Education, 17th for Quality of life... This country literally isnt #1 for anything positive or good. So, greatest... No, not at all. And if you're not born white, it has potential to be even worse.
After seeing the rest of what you believe and what you have to say. Keep your agreement. Your morals and ethics are like watery dog *******.

At the point where children and their parents are dying in American Concentration Camps, and your response to those deaths is "Oh, well, shouldn't have broken the law", you are a gross failure at an attempt at a human being, with a corrupt and evil heart, and the rest of us are better off without you.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa - you freakin ******* heart liberals are ridiculous - concentration camps !!!!!!! What NERVE - now Auschwitz ,
Bergen-Belsen, Dachau and Buchenwald were concentration camps - you idiots wouldn’t know a concentration camp if it bit you in your ignorant arse. Roils me when liberals equate our border enforcement with concentration camps - it was ok when Obama had the cages installed though - if it wasn’t for double standards you’d have NO standards at all.
Too many clowns in this thread, so, I'll make my exit, but for the clowns calling Sanders a communist, socialist, etc., I have a question. I realize educated and being educated has never been huge on the conservative priorities list, but were you all just exempt from taking Goverment and Civics from Middle to High School?

Did your parents just decide, fuck it, you'll get the information you need from Fox and Friends, Tucker Carlson, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Riley, and Ann Coulter...
Deflection and misdirection, poor attempt at that. A blantant disregard for CHILDREN seeking asylum (which is NOT illegal) dying in American Concentration Camps shows a gross lack of morals, and ethics. You deflect and make the conversation about the Democratic Party, and attempt to derail the conversation. By the way, I am an INDEPENDENT, registered as a Democrat, specifically for Bernard Sanders of Vermont. There is nothing I can say, no appeal I can make that will change your 62 year old mind. You can't ******* someone not to be a shitty human being. You were born in 1957, 2 years after the ******* and savage ******* of Emmett Till. You lived to see people of color during your first 20 years (and far beyond that) of life, be brutalized, treat like animals, struggle just to be equal and to exist, "most free greatest country on earth", for Whites, absolutely. Most free and greatest*, just remember to throw an asterisk in there because that "Greatness and Freedom" has never been meant for the rest of us.

And by the way, a quick glance at world standings shows your claim of "Greatest" to be patently false. Switzerland has repeatedly maintained its #1 ranking as the best country in the world. Meanwhile, America ranks 27th in Healthcare, 27th in Education, 17th for Quality of life... This country literally isnt #1 for anything positive or good. So, greatest... No, not at all. And if you're not born white, it has potential to be even worse.

Please - move to Switzerland and take as many like minded liberals as ya possibly can!!!!! PLEASE
Good riddance - geez some people are
bat-shite crazy :|

Bernie - will NEVER be president - socialists like you two are thankfully a small minority in this country - GOD BLESS the USA !!!!!
LOL, why would anyone think Bernie is a socialist....I mean the fact Bernie describes himself as a democratic socialist couldn't possibly have any bearing...

I shouldn’t have got so pissed - they’re from California - they have a special dispensation to be obtuse - wish all them sumbitches would up and move to Switzerland - it’s way better than the good ole USA - dontcha be knowin now - liberal / socialist heaven ;}
Then that would eliminate the Presidential debates, that's for sure. Trump couldn't go 2 rounds with Harris in a debate ... not two. It would be over in one debate ... he would refuse further debates. Pamela was born in that briar patch!
not this again. 3-4 years ago you were spewing how Trump would never debate Shrillary....then it was Trump will never debate her more than once....

Trump's already indicating he's NOT going to debate Hillary Clinton ... finally, he makes a wise consideration. An old saying applies to Trump ...
"Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of that fact." --George Eliot

I'll be surprised if Trump debates Hillary more than once.
I think President Trump could shred any of the Democrat candidates but I do agree that Kamala Harris would prolly be the toughest - because she’s a black woman and pretty crafty.