Politics in 2022

The Second Amendment: 13 + 14 = 27

11/28/2007 05:20 pm ET Updated May 25, 2011
Contrary to gun lobby dogma, there are actually 27 words in the Second Amendment.
The Amendment reads, in full:

There is the “Militia purpose” clause, with 13 words. Then there is the “keep and bear Arms” clause, with 14 words. Two clauses and 27 words.
This is an uncomfortable fact to those accustomed to reading only half of the Amendment, reciting the last 14 words over and over again as if the first 13 didn’t exist.

The Constitution says they do exist, and so we must read the whole Second Amendment. We must give effect to all of its words - not just the ones we like - to understand what the Amendment means.

In the case [pdf] now on appeal to the US Supreme Court, however, two judges on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals virtually “erased” the 13 words of the “Militia purpose” clause altogether, and made them practically meaningless. This is just one more reason why the Appeals Court decision was clearly erroneous and should be reversed.

You can read why in the second installment of the Brady Center Legal Action Project’s thorough critique of the lower-court opinion titled, Decision By Eraser: How the Parker Court Obliterated Half of the Second Amendment.

What follows in an excerpt, with a link to the full text at the end:

The Parker ruling defied that 200-year-old instruction....

The Parker court approached [the Second Amendment] text by “slicing and dicing it.” Instead of looking at the Amendment as a whole to ascertain a meaning that accounts for all of its words in context, the court repeatedly divided the language into subparts and divined a meaning for each subpart taken in isolation. ... Only through this artificial methodology could the Parker court avoid the obvious meaning that ties each part of the Amendment together into a unified whole: that the people have the right to keep and bear arms as part of a well regulated militia.
Not quite lol, the people are the militia. The extent to which you have underestimated the founder's thought process and foresight is astounding. You do realize we were never supposed to have a standing military yes?
Trump will win in 2020.

He isn't the best, he's unpresidential, he's unfit, he alienates our allies, he coddles White Supremacists and White Nationalists, he has of host of conflicts of interest, he and his family are using the Office to enrich themselves, he's committed multiple felonies as POTUS, and those are just the one's we know about. The rich love him because he has done everything he can to keep the money train rolling for the 1%, conservatives have sold their soul to him because he forces a minority agenda on the majority of America, whites love him because he's given them permission to be their absolute worst racist selves, and there are a few scattered LGBT & POC who "love" him because, my best guess is, there always has to be that small subsection of self haters, who desperately want the approval of their white overlords.

To answer the question, Bernie Sanders is the best candidate running as a Democrat. He has the best vision for America, and Bernie's base is the most politically and racially diverse. Behind Bernie are Greens, Progressives, Independents, Republicans, Conservatives, etc. Bernie went on a Fox News Town Hall and got a standing ovation for Christ sakes. Bernie is the Lefts ONLY chance at beating Donald Trump. If the DNC decides to cheat Sanders again, and ******* another candidate that the people don't want, like they did with Hillary, they will hand Trump his 2nd term, gift wrapped.

A Sanders/Gabbard ticket would soundly defeat 45 in November. But already the DNC has taken aim at Gabbard, and literally done back flips to keep Gabbard off the debate stage after she Barbequed Harris in the 1st debate, and just like they did with Hillary, the DNC cried foul. "How dare you talk about the candidates record!"
Trump will win in 2020.

He isn't the best, he's unpresidential, he's unfit, he alienates our allies, he coddles White Supremacists and White Nationalists, he has of host of conflicts of interest, he and his family are using the Office to enrich themselves, he's committed multiple felonies as POTUS, and those are just the one's we know about. The rich love him because he has done everything he can to keep the money train rolling for the 1%, conservatives have sold their soul to him because he forces a minority agenda on the majority of America, whites love him because he's given them permission to be their absolute worst racist selves, and there are a few scattered LGBT & POC who "love" him because, my best guess is, there always has to be that small subsection of self haters, who desperately want the approval of their white overlords.

To answer the question, Bernie Sanders is the best candidate running as a Democrat. He has the best vision for America, and Bernie's base is the most politically and racially diverse. Behind Bernie are Greens, Progressives, Independents, Republicans, Conservatives, etc. Bernie went on a Fox News Town Hall and got a standing ovation for Christ sakes. Bernie is the Lefts ONLY chance at beating Donald Trump. If the DNC decides to cheat Sanders again, and ******* another candidate that the people don't want, like they did with Hillary, they will hand Trump his 2nd term, gift wrapped.

A Sanders/Gabbard ticket would soundly defeat 45 in November. But already the DNC has taken aim at Gabbard, and literally done back flips to keep Gabbard off the debate stage after she Barbequed Harris in the 1st debate, and just like they did with Hillary, the DNC cried foul. "How dare you talk about the candidates record!"
Gabbard would be the reason they won
Trump will win in 2020.

He isn't the best, he's unpresidential, he's unfit, he alienates our allies, he coddles White Supremacists and White Nationalists, he has of host of conflicts of interest, he and his family are using the Office to enrich themselves, he's committed multiple felonies as POTUS, and those are just the one's we know about. The rich love him because he has done everything he can to keep the money train rolling for the 1%, conservatives have sold their soul to him because he forces a minority agenda on the majority of America, whites love him because he's given them permission to be their absolute worst racist selves, and there are a few scattered LGBT & POC who "love" him because, my best guess is, there always has to be that small subsection of self haters, who desperately want the approval of their white overlords.

To answer the question, Bernie Sanders is the best candidate running as a Democrat. He has the best vision for America, and Bernie's base is the most politically and racially diverse. Behind Bernie are Greens, Progressives, Independents, Republicans, Conservatives, etc. Bernie went on a Fox News Town Hall and got a standing ovation for Christ sakes. Bernie is the Lefts ONLY chance at beating Donald Trump. If the DNC decides to cheat Sanders again, and ******* another candidate that the people don't want, like they did with Hillary, they will hand Trump his 2nd term, gift wrapped.

A Sanders/Gabbard ticket would soundly defeat 45 in November. But already the DNC has taken aim at Gabbard, and literally done back flips to keep Gabbard off the debate stage after she Barbequed Harris in the 1st debate, and just like they did with Hillary, the DNC cried foul. "How dare you talk about the candidates record!"
Sanders is definitely not the best candidate he will sell out again. There's a problem.... the fact that you bring up white supremacy, you should know better
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Trump will win in 2020.

He isn't the best, he's unpresidential, he's unfit, he alienates our allies, he coddles White Supremacists and White Nationalists, he has of host of conflicts of interest, he and his family are using the Office to enrich themselves, he's committed multiple felonies as POTUS, and those are just the one's we know about. The rich love him because he has done everything he can to keep the money train rolling for the 1%, conservatives have sold their soul to him because he forces a minority agenda on the majority of America, whites love him because he's given them permission to be their absolute worst racist selves, and there are a few scattered LGBT & POC who "love" him because, my best guess is, there always has to be that small subsection of self haters, who desperately want the approval of their white overlords.

To answer the question, Bernie Sanders is the best candidate running as a Democrat. He has the best vision for America, and Bernie's base is the most politically and racially diverse. Behind Bernie are Greens, Progressives, Independents, Republicans, Conservatives, etc. Bernie went on a Fox News Town Hall and got a standing ovation for Christ sakes. Bernie is the Lefts ONLY chance at beating Donald Trump. If the DNC decides to cheat Sanders again, and ******* another candidate that the people don't want, like they did with Hillary, they will hand Trump his 2nd term, gift wrapped.

A Sanders/Gabbard ticket would soundly defeat 45 in November. But already the DNC has taken aim at Gabbard, and literally done back flips to keep Gabbard off the debate stage after she Barbequed Harris in the 1st debate, and just like they did with Hillary, the DNC cried foul. "How dare you talk about the candidates record!"
I'm not white though lol
Sanders knew the importance of NOT having this orange cock sucker in the Oval Office. So, he did what he literally signed an agreement to do. Support the eventual nominee. Hillary and the DNC colluded, and stole state after state in full view of everyone. It was more important to keep 45 out, support the nominee, and preserve a potential 2020 run than it was to go nuclear.

Hillary lost because of her failure to set foot in Wisconsin, and her failure to sway the Rust Belt States. It didn't help that she is wholly unlikable, and two faced #WhichHillary. The DNC ****** her, she lost, and then blamed everyone else. I want to say Obama called her campaign "soulless and uninspiring" if I got the quote right. He was spot on.

More Sanders voters supported Hillary, than Hillary voters supported Obama in 08'. They stayed bitter and poured, and held a grudge similar to they way they acted in 2016, and now. Sanders did what was best for America, that's not selling out. That's being a leader.
Sanders knew the importance of NOT having this orange cock sucker in the Oval Office. So, he did what he literally signed an agreement to do. Support the eventual nominee. Hillary and the DNC colluded, and stole state after state in full view of everyone. It was more important to keep 45 out, support the nominee, and preserve a potential 2020 run than it was to go nuclear.

Hillary lost because of her failure to set foot in Wisconsin, and her failure to sway the Rust Belt States. It didn't help that she is wholly unlikable, and two faced #WhichHillary. The DNC ****** her, she lost, and then blamed everyone else. I want to say Obama called her campaign "soulless and uninspiring" if I got the quote right. He was spot on.

More Sanders voters supported Hillary, than Hillary voters supported Obama in 08'. They stayed bitter and poured, and held a grudge similar to they way they acted in 2016, and now. Sanders did what was best for America, that's not selling out. That's being a leader.
Yet he and Trump haven't actually done anything besides talk. Receiving a hefty payment and bowing out isn't being a leader.
As long as he maintains 1 regular home and 2 vacation homes, it's amusing how he lectures us.
Dude, seriously. You're wrong. In the age of instant information, why are your facts not straight? Bernie Sanders has a home in Vermont (1), it's not a mansion, its actually pretty modest. He's a Senator from Vermont, and raised a family there. Makes sense to own a home there. He maintains an apartment in DC for work (2). Most politicians do. He bought a 4 bedroom lake house for family vacations (3). So, essentially, he's got 2 houses and 1 apartment for work. He's a politician who needs somewhere to stay when he's in DC. When he wants family time, he has a getaway spot. He went from being worth under 300k in 2016 to writing a few Best Sellers and amassing 2 Million. Good for him.
Yet he and Trump haven't actually done anything besides talk. Receiving a hefty payment and bowing out isn't being a leader.
So, all you have are unfounded rumors, and misinformation. After going through this thread, I see you literally have added NOTHING of value, or substance. Bernie wasn't paid to drop out, the DNC gave the nomination to Hillary. Next, in the time since 2016 Bernie has been on the picket lines with Union Members and has been all over the country reaching out to people. He was at Multiple Union Meetings for Disney Employees before they won $15+ starting wages. You're just a smear artist and I'm done responding to you. You add no value, and only cloud the facts.
Trump will win in 2020.

He isn't the best, he's unpresidential, he's unfit, he alienates our allies, he coddles White Supremacists and White Nationalists, he has of host of conflicts of interest, he and his family are using the Office to enrich themselves, he's committed multiple felonies as POTUS, and those are just the one's we know about. The rich love him because he has done everything he can to keep the money train rolling for the 1%, conservatives have sold their soul to him because he forces a minority agenda on the majority of America, whites love him because he's given them permission to be their absolute worst racist selves, and there are a few scattered LGBT & POC who "love" him because, my best guess is, there always has to be that small subsection of self haters, who desperately want the approval of their white overlords.

To answer the question, Bernie Sanders is the best candidate running as a Democrat. He has the best vision for America, and Bernie's base is the most politically and racially diverse. Behind Bernie are Greens, Progressives, Independents, Republicans, Conservatives, etc. Bernie went on a Fox News Town Hall and got a standing ovation for Christ sakes. Bernie is the Lefts ONLY chance at beating Donald Trump. If the DNC decides to cheat Sanders again, and ******* another candidate that the people don't want, like they did with Hillary, they will hand Trump his 2nd term, gift wrapped.

A Sanders/Gabbard ticket would soundly defeat 45 in November. But already the DNC has taken aim at Gabbard, and literally done back flips to keep Gabbard off the debate stage after she Barbequed Harris in the 1st debate, and just like they did with Hillary, the DNC cried foul. "How dare you talk about the candidates record!"

Only thing I agree with is the DNC’s corruption and how they are screwing over Gabbard.

Wouldn’t vote for that socialist Bernie if he was the only candidate running. Sides being the consummate curmudgeon he’s kinda crazy.