Politics in 2022

it is hard to have an intelligent conversation with some who lacks intelligence....you forgot to mention Virginia tech in that statement
My point still stands. Your emotions got in the way of a possible discourse. Right or left, it's all the same. Emotional nonsense.
I brought it up as concrete evidence that has proven my point throughout history.

again you miss the point.....one more time since you are obtuse...….assault weapons are the major weapon of choice in most of the mass shootings...…..tell me just where in the second amendment does it say you can own an assault weapon
My point still stands. Your emotions got in the way of a possible discourse. Right or left, it's all the same. Emotional nonsense.
again you miss the point.....one more time since you are obtuse...….assault weapons are the major weapon of choice in most of the mass shootings...…..tell me just where in the second amendment does it say you can own an assault weapon
Where in the 1st amendment does it say you can use social media to express free speech?
again you miss the point.....one more time since you are obtuse...….assault weapons are the major weapon of choice in most of the mass shootings...…..tell me just where in the second amendment does it say you can own an assault weapon
show me a link where it shows handguns used in most mass shootings......handguns are used in suicides and domestic violence.....penis' just trying to get something in your head since logic won't go
I asked you a question first. If muskets apply to the 2nd amendment, then why doesn't an ink well and a quill apply to the first? Your assumptions are arrogant. You don't think they knew technology and forms of speech would evolve?
show me a link where it shows handguns used in most mass shootings......handguns are used in suicides and domestic violence.....penis' just trying to get something in your head since logic won't go
Why are you talking about penises? You sexually frustrated or something? Wtf
I asked you a question first. If muskets apply to the 2nd amendment, then why doesn't an ink well and a quill apply to the first? Your assumptions are arrogant. You don't think they knew technology and forms of speech would evolve?

just came to argue and being a complete ass!...and now you are a mind reader predicting what the founding fathers knew would happen in the future...
Well? Isn't that exactly what you are doing by interpreting the constitution in your own beliefs?
wrong again there mr obtuse...….I just agree with the 5 judges that have already made that ruling....you do know those weapons are already banned in 3 states and 5 major cities don't you....of course not you came to argue
I never insulted you ...Maam?....I just stated a fact...you are being obtuse...….and even gave you websters abbreviation to help you understand...hell you can't even stay on topic...again being obtuse
Hell yeah you insulted me. Mocking my intelligence assuming I as a minority require your benevolent guidance. Fuck off lol
wrong again there mr obtuse...….I just agree with the 5 judges that have already made that ruling....you do know those weapons are already banned in 3 states and 5 major cities don't you....of course not you came to argue
I'm well aware. I want to know exactly what guns you think are assault weapons.