Politics in 2022

HEY - M o A just found out Warren is an Okie
born and raised in Oklahoma !!!!

yeah knew that...that's why she claims the indian thing ...most here are

funny you look at a lot of them....never know they were....some just one look at you know....one of the guys I go to car shows....very wealthy...sells real estate...owns over 30 houses....anyway we were someplace....all Indian town...old town....telling him about no doubt just looking at the townspeople you knew they were indian...he asked what they were supposed to look like...said I didn't know...he told me he was full ******* and showed me his tattoo...he is blondish brown hair real short always well dressed......like to ******* didn't know what to say...doing a lot of backtracking I can tell you....never would have guessed....but that is how it is here

btw...how about a little beetle juice
yeah knew that...that's why she claims the indian thing ...most here are

funny you look at a lot of them....never know they were....some just one look at you know....one of the guys I go to car shows....very wealthy...sells real estate...owns over 30 houses....anyway we were someplace....all Indian town...old town....telling him about no doubt just looking at the townspeople you knew they were indian...he asked what they were supposed to look like...said I didn't know...he told me he was full ******* and showed me his tattoo...he is blondish brown hair real short always well dressed......like to ******* didn't know what to say...doing a lot of backtracking I can tell you....never would have guessed....but that is how it is here

btw...how about a little beetle juice

LUV the Juice !!!!!

Genes gettin swapped everywhere these days - everybody got a lil bit o everything in them now.

Uncle Joe is doing really well - I think.

Pretty clear the Dems want to confiscate ARs and AKs though - wonder if they’d grab up Mini 14s and M1As too :|

Bernie just comes off as crazy so far !!!
That smarmy bastard Castro took a cheap shot at Biden - he’s a jerk - it was good Amy Klobuchar came down on him - she’s fairly moderate too - not bad.
That smarmy bastard Castro took a cheap shot at Biden - he’s a jerk - it was good Amy Klobuchar came down on him - she’s fairly moderate too - not bad.

I like Amy...pretty level headed...….and your lucky day......warren's health care will raise taxes on the middle class...….that won't fly!

there are 3 or 4 that are good candidates...…..just not quite WH material....although hell we got one there now
Uncle Joe is by far and away the best of the bunch and could help to unite the country - however the politics of the left is distressing - trying to take guns away from law abiding citizens because of a few crazies won’t fly either.

Most of your candidates are not likable - I think Biden more than held his own tonight - Klobuchar is reasonable and fairly likable too however when on climate change she cited the movie “The Day after Tomorrow” as being here now - well that movie is about an ice age coming not global warming. Understandable error I guess - still the left’s ideas are fairly scary :|
from what I saw tonight there are even some republicans saying it is time for some changes of some kind.....Auto's or background checks...…..doing nothing is not going to fly anymore....90% of the country wants something
I’m in one of the most regulated states in the country - we’ve had an assault rifle ban for quite a while now.

We have LTC laws (License to Carry)
That segment permits into high capacity and not.

You have to be certified with 10 hours of instruction and range time to be even considered for an LTC.

All guns must be locked up with big fines if not.

Can only shoot at regulated gun clubs

5 day wait on handguns with extensive background check etc etc

If the entire country did what Mass. does it would prolly solve a lot of the problems regarding firearm misuse in this country.
If the entire country did what Mass. does it would prolly solve a lot of the problems regarding firearm misuse in this country.
The major concern is with the AR/AK type military rifles because of their ammunition's destructive speed & power, 30-50 round mags, etc.
They do not belong in the hands of civilians ... period! If so, what is the difference with owning a grenade launcher, or hand grenades period? Those would be considered ARMS under the 2nd Amendment.
Why don't you look at the weapons being used for mass killings, and admit the AR/AK rifles are a problem that can only be resolved by discontinuing the sales & ownership? And don't start with the background checks, etc ... not going into that "circle jerk" discussion again.
Once the rifles are discontinued by mfrs and the ammo banned from ownership, the faster these pests will go away. AT least the crazies who go into the gun shops to buy & walk out with them will change their choice of weapon.

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By far and away more people are killed by handguns. Guess they’d be next.

More people in this country are killed by hammers every year than ARs. Guess we should confiscate hammers then too :|
By far and away more people are killed by handguns. Guess they’d be next.

More people in this country are killed by hammers every year than ARs. Guess we should confiscate hammers then too :|
You're right. Virginia tech is a perfect example of handguns being used to ******* multiple people. Seung Hui Cho had many mental health problems and his family never followed up on continuing therapy for him.
The major concern is with the AR/AK type military rifles because of their ammunition's destructive speed & power, 30-50 round mags, etc.
They do not belong in the hands of civilians ... period! If so, what is the difference with owning a grenade launcher, or hand grenades period? Those would be considered ARMS under the 2nd Amendment.
Why don't you look at the weapons being used for mass killings, and admit the AR/AK rifles are a problem that can only be resolved by discontinuing the sales & ownership? And don't start with the background checks, etc ... not going into that "circle jerk" discussion again.
Once the rifles are discontinued by mfrs and the ammo banned from ownership, the faster these pests will go away. AT least the crazies who go into the gun shops to buy & walk out with them will change their choice of weapon.

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It will make no difference at all. Look at Virginia tech. Two handguns in the hands of 1 man killed 32 people. 33 if you count his suicide.
In reference to the original question? There is no best candidate in my opinion. I don't like the extreme leftists' nonsense nor do I care for the hardcore Trump supporters. They're actually not much different if you really think about it. Push the right buttons and you'll get nasty responses. Just my experience.
By far and away more people are killed by handguns. Guess they’d be next.

More people in this country are killed by hammers every year than ARs. Guess we should confiscate hammers then too :|
wrong..…..well in a way.....we have ALOT of suicides that take the handguns death rate up.....

hammers?.....sure....I don't think we need military style weapons on the street....and some judges don't either that is why they are already banned in 5 states

there is nothing in the 2nd amendment that says you need an assault rifle...….hell federal law says you can only put 3 rounds in your duck gun when hunting......to protect the ducks.....but yet now people can but military guns get 100 round clips and go out on the street....where is the logic there....if you are hunting ducks they don't want you taking random shots that will do nothing but maybe putting a few pellets in the duck and he dies someplace else....yet for people 100 round clips in case you missed a few

no logic.....
In reference to the original question? There is no best candidate in my opinion. I don't like the extreme leftists' nonsense nor do I care for the hardcore Trump supporters. They're actually not much different if you really think about it. Push the right buttons and you'll get nasty responses. Just my experience.

well first we have another GUY...using a girls pic to tell us what is wrong with things....would appear to make you kind of a phoney to begin with......second...….if someone is determined to *******...they will *******...using whatever they have....gun/knife/car or whatever...….those just need some mental health care which the right defunded...leaving those people on the street to just build up things in their mind to do whatever......third...having assault weapons on the street just gives those "crazies" more opportunity to raise the body count....alittle logic would apply

that anything like the GOP logic......everyone having a handgun will protect us.....and yet everyone in America having health insurance will destroy us
well first we have another GUY...using a girls pic to tell us what is wrong with things....would appear to make you kind of a phoney to begin with......second...….if someone is determined to *******...they will *******...using whatever they have....gun/knife/car or whatever...….those just need some mental health care which the right defunded...leaving those people on the street to just build up things in their mind to do whatever......third...having assault weapons on the street just gives those "crazies" more opportunity to raise the body count....alittle logic would apply

that anything like the GOP logic......everyone having a handgun will protect us.....and yet everyone in America having health insurance will destroy us
You're first statement means what exactly? Please provide a clear definition of an "assault weapon". I'm not following GOP logic. I told you that before. Pay attention instead of categorizing, please.
The major concern is with the AR/AK type military rifles because of their ammunition's destructive speed & power, 30-50 round mags, etc.
They do not belong in the hands of civilians ... period! If so, what is the difference with owning a grenade launcher, or hand grenades period? Those would be considered ARMS under the 2nd Amendment.
Why don't you look at the weapons being used for mass killings, and admit the AR/AK rifles are a problem that can only be resolved by discontinuing the sales & ownership? And don't start with the background checks, etc ... not going into that "circle jerk" discussion again.
Once the rifles are discontinued by mfrs and the ammo banned from ownership, the faster these pests will go away. AT least the crazies who go into the gun shops to buy & walk out with them will change their choice of weapon.

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true I don't think you could ever gather all the assault riffles even with a buy back and get them off the streets....ban any future manf of them and BAN THE AMMO
well first we have another GUY...using a girls pic to tell us what is wrong with things....would appear to make you kind of a phoney to begin with......second...….if someone is determined to *******...they will *******...using whatever they have....gun/knife/car or whatever...….those just need some mental health care which the right defunded...leaving those people on the street to just build up things in their mind to do whatever......third...having assault weapons on the street just gives those "crazies" more opportunity to raise the body count....alittle logic would apply

that anything like the GOP logic......everyone having a handgun will protect us.....and yet everyone in America having health insurance will destroy us
You believe in and support universal health care. Interesting..