Politics in 2022

People can make ammo though. Define "assault weapon" please.
true I don't think you could ever gather all the assault riffles even with a buy back and get them off the streets....ban any future manf of them and BAN THE AMMO
I guess my question is, do you really understand guns and their capabilities rather than body count? Fully automatic guns were banned nationwide in 1986. You can get them only if qualified.
hard to tke some one seriously when not being real honest right off the bat!...….assault weapons are those manuf for military use.
I never said anything about being gop…...I said gop like logic....pay attention
And I said I don't follow GOP logic. Perhaps you should look a few messages back. You're slacking today.
Your definition of assault weapon doesn't hold up amigo. Lo siento. So many laws on the books yet, it hasn't stopped shootings. Why is that? I mean it's almost as if criminals don't follow laws right?
thinking that gun control will take away all your guns is as stupid as thinking birth control will take away your penis
I fail to see the comparison. Why are you talking about penises? I thought this was a discussion about guns. Where exactly does birth control play into this? Lol it was originally a discussion about the ideal candidate. You are privileged as am I to live in a nation that even the government fears. As stupid or outdated that you might think the 2nd amendment is? Without it? Do you really think the government is to be trusted with full power? Use your head.
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no you are using silly examples....that have no bearing on the subject at hand....and no one but you mentioned the fully automatic weapons.....trying to talk with someone determined to make an argument over something that is not the issue....aren't you going to bring up traffic accidents....? that's something you haven't thrown in yet...…..again for the third time you are being obtuse
No, because traffic accidents are irrelevant just like tobacco deaths, alcohol and ******* deaths, etc. It's not a good thing to assume so much amigo.
[əbˈt(y)o͞os, äbˈt(y)o͞os]


  1. annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.
    "he wondered if the doctor was being deliberately obtuse"
    stupid · dull · slow-witted · slow · dull-witted · unintelligent · witless ·
    not sharp-pointed or sharp-edged; blunt.[more]
Sensitivity is subjective. Not everyone has their hand on the buzzer to report "offensive" behavior. I've already experienced the "holier than thou" insults from your side. It's quite boring lol. Since I'm a minority, you wouldn't be questioning my intelligence now would you? Lol
No, because traffic accidents are irrelevant just like tobacco deaths, alcohol and ******* deaths, etc. It's not a good thing to assume so much amigo.

similar to your statement about my definition of assault weapons....I never gave one....you are assuming......I compared several cities and the weapons THEY used
you are trying to throw in Virgiina tech....that is as assinine as the traffic accidents...tobacco and etc....already stated that if someone wants to ******* they will...using whatever......think we have had several knife attacks here lately aren't you going to bring those up also....how many killed in Ohio in how many seconds?

again you are being obtuse....with a little bit ass thrown in
similar to your statement about my definition of assault weapons....I never gave one....you are assuming......I compared several cities and the weapons THEY used
you are trying to throw in Virgiina tech....that is as assinine as the traffic accidents...tobacco and etc....already stated that if someone wants to ******* they will...using whatever......think we have had several knife attacks here lately aren't you going to bring those up also....how many killed in Ohio in how many seconds?

again you are being obtuse....with a little bit ass thrown in
Banning guns won't stop shootings. Call names all you want, your indirect attacks are amusing. No. Knife attacks are just the next step after banning guns. Since criminals don't follow laws, what is stopping someone from obtaining a gun on the black market?
well you are more than deserving because apparently you came to argue...and fail to see the point....except you want to run your one issue Virgina tech into the ground....there is no point there...already stated some will ******* using any means necessary…...but that is not the weapon the majority of them have used....now go take time and pull real hard..maybe get your head out of your ass
Damn *******, you are quite an emotional man lol I haven't pulled any examples out that weren't true. I don't think you understand the consequences of what it is you are proposing.
common sense......you have shown none....you are a fucking broken record on Virgina tech and fail to see the point....how fucking stupid is that.....tolerance left after the third time you brought up Virgina tech!...….other views...you made yours and repeated it several times I made mine...you not only miss the point over and over fail to see any view except Virgina tech...talking...seems like nothing but a repeat of the sme statement over and over....I think you got up in a bad mood and want to show some stupidity...and you are doing it....now bring up Virginia tech again and tell me we are just talking
Shutting down the conversation with insults and the dismissive attitude. I never insulted you. The only one caught up in their feelings is you amigo. Define Common Sense gun laws. I'm interested.
no one said banning guns...…..read the penis statement!...well at some point it is not name calling it is just a description of what I am seeing...…...I guess they wouldn't be called criminals if they followed laws now would they

using your logic....hell lets arm everyone...….kind of like they do in Syria and other places in the middle east...they are so safe now aren't they....again you are not being real smart in your logic
I never said arm everyone lol in fact, I never suggested anything remotely close. I was talking about handguns being the weapon used in most shootings. You seem to be focused on penises... live and let live I guess.