Politics in 2022

doubt most could pass a GED....my neighbors ******* works there been there for 10 years or better...I understand he makes a decent wage......but still lives at home.....real nice guy always out working on the yard and etc...….but just not all there...mid 30's and never left home...never dated....
you only need a 34 on asvab test and i think 150 is max score
I'm not a fan of Wal-Mart no one is ****** to work there or shop there
Maybe not ******* to work there of shop there but here in central Maine they destroyed Waterville Main street downtown Businesses that were there for years. Colby College owns much of this city and don't pay any taxes. I can't personally afford to buy elsewhere.
Maybe not ******* to work there of shop there but here in central Maine they destroyed Waterville Main street downtown Businesses that were there for years. Colby College owns much of this city and don't pay any taxes. I can't personally afford to buy elsewhere.

Hate it when big business destroys an old time downtown business district - disgusting - the old Main Street businesses are disappearing and once the Walmart’s establish a type of monopoly watch for their prices to surge - very sad state of affairs.
HEY - Master o the Avatar - what you think about debate tonight ???

I think - Warren and Sanders are gonna gang up on poor ole Uncle Joe !!!!

Hate those two socialists - gonna ******* your parties best shot !!!!! Just sayin
Recruiter will feed answers you can keep taking i went to basic training with a kid on fourth attempt got 34

I don't think the military's that hard up...I don't think my neighbors ******* could carry on a conversation if he had to....rarely says anything...I have seen him in the store a couple times.....always pushing a broom or emptying trash....seems to know his job and do it or they wouldn't have kept him that long....and the guy that runs the register in auto...he has to look at cash register several times when giving your change....that's the only two that I really know of...and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't get in...and even if they did get in.....no way on college
I don't think the military's that hard up...I don't think my neighbors ******* could carry on a conversation if he had to....rarely says anything...I have seen him in the store a couple times.....always pushing a broom or emptying trash....seems to know his job and do it or they wouldn't have kept him that long....and the guy that runs the register in auto...he has to look at cash register several times when giving your change....that's the only two that I really know of...and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't get in...and even if they did get in.....no way on college
infantry always needs holes dug someone to pull off gasmask first check for snipers
infantry always needs holes dug someone to pull off gasmask first check for snipers

being just a tad bit ridiculous now.....if I remember right at one time they were kicking a lot of people out for lack of education....called it up or out!

besides you are blaming these people which is typical of a republican....if we are going to continue to give wal mart their handout....they can more than afford to pay the workers a living wage....nowhere in this country can anyone afford an apt and live on 15dollars an hour....either give the money as compensation to the workers so they can afford to live....or give it to wal mart for hiring them...NOT BOTH...same for mcdonalds and etc

the founder of Papa Johns pizza made the statement....."If our biz is successful and we make excessive profits we are under no obligation to share it with our employees".....someone else that pays minimum wages and I would guess we give the workers food stamps or something.....that's trickle down economics for you....are you part of that?

5 years ago we paid 59billion dollars out in social programs...…...we paid out 92billion for corporate subsidies....where is the logic there
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being just a tad bit ridiculous now.....if I remember right at one time they were kicking a lot of people out for lack of education....called it up or out!

besides you are blaming these people which is typical of a republican....if we are going to continue to give wal mart their handout....they can more than afford to pay the workers a living wage....nowhere in this country can anyone afford an apt and live on 15dollars an hour....either give the money as compensation to the workers so they can afford to live....or give it to wal mart for hiring them...NOT BOTH...same for mcdonalds and etc

the founder of Papa Johns pizza made the statement....."If our biz is successful and we make excessive profits we are under no obligation to share it with our employees".....someone else that pays minimum wages and I would guess we give the workers food stamps or something.....that's trickle down economics for you....are you part of that?

5 years ago we paid 59billion dollars out in social programs...…...we paid out 92billion for corporate subsidies....where is the logic there
if your getting more than 15 an hour you need to produce more or everything goes up in price
6 wal mart heirs now own as much wealth as the bottom 42% of the country!

McDonald says they can not afford to give their employees a $5 dollar an hour raise...yet 3 years ago they gave their shareholders a 20billion dollar payout....hell had they given the 5$ raise they still would have had 15 billion to pay out!

corporate greed...and America is paying for it and subsidizing it.....
if your getting more than 15 an hour you need to produce more or everything goes up in price

we already went over this several times....several times...I gave you links where that is not so...and you paid no attention....now I know why you believe in the defense budget fairy!....not going over it a third time....go back and look
you made the same dumb fuck statement 3 times now
we already went over this several times....several times...I gave you links where that is not so...and you paid no attention....now I know why you believe in the defense budget fairy!....not going over it a third time....go back and look
you made the same dumb fuck statement 3 times now
because im right your wrong