Politics in 2022

He couldn't beat warren!

Polls flash 2020 warning for Trump | TheHill
Polling released last month by Priorities USA, the largest Democratic super PAC, found a generic Democratic candidate leading Trump in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida by 9 points ..

just in case you don't get it...….generic...means anyone of the democratic candidates

National (US) Poll - June 11, 2019 - Top Dems Lead Trump ...
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren tops Trump 49 - 42 percent; South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg edges Trump 47 - 42 percent; New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker by a nose over Trump 47 - 42 percent. In the Trump-Biden matchup, women back Biden 60 - 34 percent, as men are divided with 47 percent for Biden and 46 percent for Trump.

Biden, Sanders and Warren lead Trump in 2020 election ...
Jul 14, 2019 · Sen. Bernie Sanders leads Trump by 7 points and Sen. Elizabeth Warren has a 5-point advantage over the president. Sen. Sen. Kamala Harris, on …
Nah - he’ll just snap his fingers and Vladimir will provide him with an easy victory - Americans are by your declarations so easily manipulated and according to you he’s an agent of Russia - can ya see how foolish now that all sounds???? Prolly NOT
Americans are by your declarations so easily manipulated and according to you he’s an agent of Russia

you and a few others on here are living proof that he can manipulate the mind...….as for Russian agent....you just refuse to understand the Mueller report or are not capable of understanding it....so just more of your whaaa Booo hoo
It is you that follow like a freaking sheep to the slaughter - not a clue of reality - only what the media feeds you - why do you think Trump got elected - the media didn’t have a clue and neither did you.
It is you that follow like a freaking sheep to the slaughter - not a clue of reality - only what the media feeds you - why do you think Trump got elected - the media didn’t have a clue and neither did you.

well tell me...just who am I following....seems to me I am one of a few telling you what the facts are.....not a clue of reality....think I know what is going on and post the facts...something you just don't want to hear and would rather cry you are being picked on...the media....right they are all wrong when they put out news trump doesn't want you to know....get a life....this one is all fucked up with your lack of ability to open your mind!
well tell me...just who am I following....seems to me I am one of a few telling you what the facts are.....not a clue of reality....think I know what is going on and post the facts...something you just don't want to hear and would rather cry you are being picked on...the media....right they are all wrong when they put out news trump doesn't want you to know....get a life....this one is all fucked up with your lack of ability to open your mind!
you follow the media they report on what there told to and how there told . They wrote it down its gotto be true mentality is foolish. I know you think you get several sources but there all the same .
you follow the media they report on what there told to and how there told . They wrote it down its gotto be true mentality is foolish. I know you think you get several sources but there all the same .

well so many sources can not all be wrong....odds just that it has to be true...plus we never really had so much of a fake news before trump....sure a lot favored on side or the other....but with trump any that reported anything against him is fake news...give you an example...The Des Moines Register....well known for being a supporter of the right...naturally a farm state...and like all farm states lean towards the right.....it has published several articles lately against trump
well so many sources can not all be wrong....odds just that it has to be true...plus we never really had so much of a fake news before trump....sure a lot favored on side or the other....but with trump any that reported anything against him is fake news...give you an example...The Des Moines Register....well known for being a supporter of the right...naturally a farm state...and like all farm states lean towards the right.....it has published several articles lately against trump
What sells better anti Trump or pro TRUMP
What sells better anti Trump or pro TRUMP

******* I have no idea on that one....trump seems to have the ability to convince people of about anything....but also....the press has always gone after the pres...no matter who...….I can remember when it was a big issue about Obama having his shoes on the desk!...so him being a target is nothing new to the news.....plus he has not helped his case any with all the lies...so he is his own worst enemy

and now with these shooters all repeating things trump has said...….not helping him at all....think he has figured that out now...but to late...how many more out there...I bet he could not buy a vote in El Paso right now
******* I have no idea on that one....trump seems to have the ability to convince people of about anything....but also....the press has always gone after the pres...no matter who...….I can remember when it was a big issue about Obama having his shoes on the desk!...so him being a target is nothing new to the news.....plus he has not helped his case any with all the lies...so he is his own worst enemy

and now with these shooters all repeating things trump has said...….not helping him at all....think he has figured that out now...but to late...how many more out there...I bet he could not buy a vote in El Paso right now
and Warren supporter in ohio
and Warren supporter in ohio
just because he was a warren supporter....she has not said to do anything violent out side of we need to tax big biz...and never said anything about doing it for her....no matter the shooter at one time or another have probably supported a candidate....but when you have a Pres promoting violence...and a shooter reciting his words....