Politics in 2022

Now that has a familiar ring to it

Ivanka Trump Fashion Made In China – ‘Buy American’ Donald ...
Mar 13, 2017 · Trump has made a big deal out of manufacturers going out of the country to get cheap labor and taking jobs with them that rightfully belong to Americans. There are three U.S. companies in China holding Ivanka Trump brand licenses.

Trump's 'Made in America' week: the president's hypocrisy ...
Jul 18, 2017 · Donald J Trump eyeglasses were made in China. Donald Trump’s ties were made in China. Some of the Donald J Trump suits were made in China. To be fair, Trump is an equal opportunity overseas manufacturer. His dress shirts have been manufactured in Bangladesh, Honduras and Vietnam. And China.
so ok for dems but not republicans
He should not have sided with the people spitting on returning troops

pretty sure that is an exaggeration....so would have to rate that one as FALSE!

Spitting on Veterans - nysun.com
Spitting on Veterans. Health care professionals say that the reception veterans receive when they return from war goes a long way to mitigating problems down the line. The worst thing for soldiers who have just returned from war is to be vilified. True support for the troops
so ok for dems but not republicans

I didn't say that......but those dems...if there are any......are not the leader of the country supposedly promoting buy american

and I can't find anything about any dems doing biz with china....just amash

Figures. Trump-Hating Rep. Justin Amash Has Personal ...
According to his financial disclosure forms, Amash is a co-owner of Dynamic Source International, a Chinese company that supplies Michigan Industrial Tools Inc., his *******’s Wyoming-based business. Dynamic Source International is based in YUHANG DISTRICT HANGZHOU ZHEJIANG CHINA.
Harris did get ripped and I agree that was nice...….you must have watched something different when you saw something about Comey
and the investigation is STILL going on according to some of what Mueller said during his testimoney
I wasn't very clear. I meant I heard about Coney that day. What an embarrassment Mueller was. I wouldn't had been surprised if he had taken his teeth out and asked for applesauce during the hearing.
So we had a senile old man "overseeing" a bunch of Hillary backing investigators being assisted by fbi agents so hostile to Trump they had to be removed. Some investigation.
The Democrats up here in Hillbilly country seem to think Biden has seemed slow and not on top of things. Kind of mixed on who they like
I wasn't very clear. I meant I heard about Coney that day. What an embarrassment Mueller was. I wouldn't had been surprised if he had taken his teeth out and asked for applesauce during the hearing.
So we had a senile old man "overseeing" a bunch of Hillary backing investigators being assisted by fbi agents so hostile to Trump they had to be removed. Some investigation.
The Democrats up here in Hillbilly country seem to think Biden has seemed slow and not on top of things. Kind of mixed on who they like

damn...I get the impression you didn't buy any of the hearing?
I didn't say that......but those dems...if there are any......are not the leader of the country supposedly promoting buy american

and I can't find anything about any dems doing biz with china....just amash

Figures. Trump-Hating Rep. Justin Amash Has Personal ...
According to his financial disclosure forms, Amash is a co-owner of Dynamic Source International, a Chinese company that supplies Michigan Industrial Tools Inc., his *******’s Wyoming-based business. Dynamic Source International is based in YUHANG DISTRICT HANGZHOU ZHEJIANG CHINA.
i said the do as i say not as i do mentality

I know you really don't like her...….but when I hear her talk she hits the nail on the head.....country controlled by big money.....and you can't say she isn't right on that

she still wouldn't get my vote......but I hope whomever gets it (Joe?) listens to some of what she has to say

maybe the AG job?...I know harris is more qualified...but I feel she is a back stabber

but that all depends on it being an honest election
I think if she she retired and lived as a recluse we wpuld be better off

maybe...but saw another interview with her yesterday.....and I liked what she said about big money controlling the country and right now it is the politician picking the voters instead of the voters picking the politician...and it's all controlled by big money
She's not poor if she believed what she preaches she would give it all away

Don't know about any of that......well come to think of it....tell me a politician that is poor!
but this is a redneck state.....it is just a given they will vote republican....so we see very little on anything about a dem...only on national news.....and I saw her on the debates....I liked that she had answers

funny this state bankrupt been that way for a while we are one up from the bottom in teacher pay...they promote home schooling here....top 5 in crime and violence...top 5 in corruption.....bottom 5 in health care and places to work

last election for a new Gov...had a dem that sounded pretty good...retired teacher......ran against a republican naturally....they had the old republican gov making her speech for the job....on one half the screen and the new one on the other half the screen...same speech word for word...he agreed the teachers do not need a raise as they can work elsewhere during the summer.....on and on...the republican won the election