Politics in 2022

Thats the stuff that gets me fired up. Every one has to have but them

don't know why they don't get off health care and get on something important...immigration would be a good start...it is a given they all want health care....so does the majority of the country...and the right just making it harder to get for some...they could talk about what the middle class is NOT getting....inflation......lots of topics...it is a given that the dems will fix health care....hope fully it will not be medicare for all
“Bozo” O’Rouke directly blaming President Trump for shootings - Desperation showing

Democrat talking points:

President Trump cause of Mass shootings
He’s a Nazi
Russian agent
Russian plant
The Anti-Christ
The cause of everything wrong in the world including Sub’s gnarly arse pimples and uncontrollable crying jags ;}

The left - NEGATIVISM on parade
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“Bozo” O’Rouke directly blaming President Trump for shootings - Desperation showing

Democrat talking points:

President Trump cause of Mass shootings
He’s a Nazi
Russian agent
Russian plant
The Anti-Christ
The cause of everything wrong in the world including Sub’s gnarly arse pimples and uncontrollable crying jags ;}

The left - NEGATIVISM on parade
Whaaaa Boo Hooo
7 killed and at least 46 wounded by bullets this past weekend in Chicago. Little mention by the "outraged "dems and their mainstream media pr firm. Guess it's too hard to find someone to blame and still advance their careers.
where have you been? I know they have electricity up there ...with TV
I've been watching the coverage the last few days but today really got me going. But we only get 6 weeks of summer here, have to be out and enjoy it

turned it off 2 days ago....had enough...and damned if it wasn't on the local news!

sometimes it's like they are promoting it!
Yeah - they covered it to DEATH - then took glee in pushing the story that it’s all President Trump’s fault.
Now it's about ratings for the media and career advancement for the dems. Too late for Beto though, guess he didn't eat enough dirt
Yeah - they covered it to DEATH - then took glee in pushing the story that it’s all President Trump’s fault.
I will agree it has been covered and recovered and worn out....as for blaming trump...they should!...….and he is taking heat over it...…..this is the first time he has said anything about white supremeists...even though fbi and several others have said they are a problem and becoming a bigger one
need to start looking at some of those real radical ones...they LIKE TRUMP promote some of that stuff.....work on some kind of gun laws of some kind...any kind of work is more than they have done in years....and several times Trump himself has promoted violence.....pay more attention to what the fuck he says...his laughing at someone from the panhandle talking about shooting some one.....punch him in the face I will pay the legal bills (which he didn't ..changed his mind on that)…...HIS comment which has been repeated by 2 different shooters..."invaded by immigrants"....so yes he does shoulder some of the blame...not all...a lot more plays into it...but he is responsible for some
Now it's about ratings for the media and career advancement for the dems. Too late for Beto though, guess he didn't eat enough dirt
ratings?...probably true they always over do it!

career advancement of Dems...….they will bring it up since the right has always let the NRA control them...(although there have been some on the left that takes that NRA money)……..Beto..he isn't doing well...popular in Texas..but not doing anything on the National stage
I will agree it has been covered and recovered and worn out....as for blaming trump...they should!...….and he is taking heat over it...…..this is the first time he has said anything about white supremeists...even though fbi and several others have said they are a problem and becoming a bigger one
need to start looking at some of those real radical ones...they LIKE TRUMP promote some of that stuff.....work on some kind of gun laws of some kind...any kind of work is more than they have done in years....and several times Trump himself has promoted violence.....pay more attention to what the fuck he says...his laughing at someone from the panhandle talking about shooting some one.....punch him in the face I will pay the legal bills (which he didn't ..changed his mind on that)…...HIS comment which has been repeated by 2 different shooters..."invaded by immigrants"....so yes he does shoulder some of the blame...not all...a lot more plays into it...but he is responsible for some

We - are - being invaded by immigrants - that’s freaking clear as a bell. You’d have to be deaf, dumb and blind - and or a Democrat not to see that - so it’s just a statement of FACT - Mr. Facts - of all people - you should appreciate that!!!!!!
We - are - being invaded by immigrants - that’s freaking clear as a bell. You’d have to be deaf, dumb and blind - and or a Democrat not to see that - so it’s just a statement of FACT - Mr. Facts - of all people - you should appreciate that!!!!!!

Odd...that's the same thing 2 of the last 3 shooters said before they opened fire.....you have to be a republican not to understand that trump hasn't pushed that......and his followers support it and now feel ?????? for the victims