Politics in 2022

that was a couple years ago...just saying you have supported trump from the git go and don't see any change

so the comment about him over what's running is kind of meaningless when you would have supported him no matter the candidate

Yeah, I see right through these people. They were voting Trump no matter who the Dems had, stop lying to yourselves lol.

One of the biggest issues with the Left is that they refuse to fall in line, can't count how many people I knew who didn't vote for Hillary after Bernie lost and they found out about the corruption within the DNC. Republicans by and large don't give a ******* and would vote for anyone as long as it meant beating the Dems. Their values are fickle and they will defend garbage like Trump like it's their religion.
Yeah, I see right through these people. They were voting Trump no matter who the Dems had, stop lying to yourselves lol.

One of the biggest issues with the Left is that they refuse to fall in line, can't count how many people I knew who didn't vote for Hillary after Bernie lost and they found out about the corruption within the DNC. Republicans by and large don't give a ******* and would vote for anyone as long as it meant beating the Dems. Their values are fickle and they will defend garbage like Trump like it's their religion.

that about sums it up
I knew there was something about warren...…..she started out as a republican and fought gov strangulation of biz....maybe that's how she knows all those loop holes big biz uses
fuck...fuck....fuck....wtf is going on?

Biden slipping in polls and warren and sanders catching him....wtf?!….give me a fucking break!
got to give warren credit....she is everywhere talking and promoting....but still......Sanders was a loser last time...now all of a sudden he is great?....gimme a fucking break!...more of the giveaways and etc

naturally I like the idea of some giveaways...but if you are going to tax these corps...work on infrastructure and the deficit!
health care is a given from any dem!
Poll: Bernie, Warren surge to tie Biden atop Democratic ...
1 day ago · Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have surged to tie with Joe Biden atop the Democratic presidential field, according to a poll that suggests the three are solidifying their status as the top ...

Biden plunges, tied with Warren and Sanders in new ...
A new national poll suggests a three-way tie between Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and former Vice President Joe Biden in the race for the Democratic ...
fuck...fuck....fuck....wtf is going on?

Biden slipping in polls and warren and sanders catching him....wtf?!….give me a fucking break!
got to give warren credit....she is everywhere talking and promoting....but still......Sanders was a loser last time...now all of a sudden he is great?....gimme a fucking break!...more of the giveaways and etc

naturally I like the idea of some giveaways...but if you are going to tax these corps...work on infrastructure and the deficit!
health care is a given from any dem!
yeah definitely another loss in your future
******* in one poll she is even leading by 2 points...they are saying Joe is promoting nothing except Joe....so I see today he started promoting ACA

I like Joe but he’s definitely not up to this campaign - the other day he was in Keene,NH and the media asked him how he liked the town and he said what’s not to like in Vermont :|

I hope he doesn’t get too embarrassed running in this race - lotta sharks in the water.
I like Joe but he’s definitely not up to this campaign - the other day he was in Keene,NH and the media asked him how he liked the town and he said what’s not to like in Vermont :|

I hope he doesn’t get too embarrassed running in this race - lotta sharks in the water.

trump doesn't have to worry about it......one maybe 2 a week....Joe has to keep pace with all the others to get the nomination and I'm sure it is taking a toll....at least it is down to 3 …….they say sanders has the young and college ******* and just got the union vote....warren has the older more educated and part of the workers....Biden has the moderates and the independents….damn warren is everywhere...will admit she has a few good messages but also a lot of give away that will cost something somewhere....sanders can't believe he is this fucking high in the polls....don't like him at all......fucking sneaky bastard!
Bernie is a rat. Curmudgeon socialist.

Can’t stand Warren - another socialist.

Always liked Biden and he could work with both sides - he is respected by lots of Republicans - however it looks like he should have run last time around.
Joe is a sensitive guy and had a lot of tragedy in his life - his best chance for the presidency was 2016 - Hillary kinda fucked him over too.
Joe is a sensitive guy and had a lot of tragedy in his life - his best chance for the presidency was 2016 - Hillary kinda fucked him over too.

don't think Hillary fucked him over....she had a well established campaign already in full swing....Biden was still in mourning over his *******....I don't think and apparently he didn't either that at the late part of the campaign he could have got a decent campaign going,,,even said he wasn't that enthused about hitting the campaign trail
All true - however VPs are often run after a two term President - it’s pretty well established that Hillary considered it her turn though - just really saying that Joe was sharper then and prolly had a much better chance of beating Trump then than now and prolly woulda done way better than Hillary did.