Politics in 2022

I know...but I think he was just getting it from all of them....most doing or saying anything to get to him......even attacking Obama...that didn't go over well...like I said Obama has a 95% approval among dem and a 67% among Independents

I think where booker and harris did shine was at the end when booker said we were playing into trumps hands by attacking each other...yet he attacked Biden......harris made a similar speech at the end...but didn't follow it during the debate

maybe that's why some think they did good.....their comments at the end....right now not looking good for the dems

I know you don't want to hear it....but I still think the economy will tank before the 2020...sinking trump......things are slowing now.....so he lowers interest rates to get people to spend more......that makes the numbers look good....for a while

Granny Warren agrees with you on the economy tanking.

She told me she’d give ya a peek up her skirt if ya vote for her ;}
what's ridiculous about it......everything there is true!
especially the border...how many ******* have died this year due to lack of medical attention...how about the living conditions there....who else is responsible for it....the buck stops at the white house...although he does everything he can to point the finger elsewhere

Migrant deaths at US-Mexico border increase 17% this year ...
Aug 05, 2017 · Migrant deaths at US-Mexico border increase 17% this year, UN figures show. UN’s migration agency shows 232 people died in first seven months of 2017. July saw highest number of deaths of any month this year.

Nearly 6,000 Migrants Have Died Along the Mexico-U.S ...
More than 40,000 migrants have died around the world. Just in the past year, as many as 445 people died trying to pass into the U.S., reports the Toronto Star; that number comes from the U.S. Border Control and may be a low estimate.

22 immigrants died in ICE detention centers during the ...
Jan 06, 2019 · Two years into the Trump administration, 22 immigrants have died in ICE detention, according to an NBC News analysis of 188 detainee deaths since 2003, when the Department of Homeland Security was ...
  • Author: Lisa Riordan Seville

The problem with your stats is it’s not counting the fact border crossings are up 10 fold. If you put that into perspective they are waaaay down!
Honestly I like John James the most of anyone and unfortunately he isn’t running. Most haven’t ever heard of him but you can YouTube him and google him. Sharp tack that man is
Granny Warren agrees with you on the economy tanking.

She told me she’d give ya a peek up her skirt if ya vote for her ;}
well without some kind of changes...it has to....cut our income by about 20%...raised military spending...and spending on his wall...something has to give...next thing you know mexico will be building a wall to keep us from stealing their jobs
Honestly I like John James the most of anyone and unfortunately he isn’t running. Most haven’t ever heard of him but you can YouTube him and google him. Sharp tack that man is
don't know about him....but I would have preferred John Kerry over all of them....so I guess I will settle for Biden...have no complaints about him really ...except his age
you got a thong for crazy liberals from mass did you see when he evade taxes on his yacht kept it in ri

tell me one millionaire that doesn't use the system to their adavantage….no matter what he evaded on his yaht...he still paid some....and whatever he paid is more than Trump paid

I just thought as a senator he did a very good job for the middle class....and the right spread a bunch of rumors on him when he ran for pres last time (Bush)...he was a war hero and some got paid to say the medals were fake...after the election it was admitted to being false...but to late Bush was in......and hell he was a dodger in a way...daddy paid his way into the guard....and he just quit going to that
you got a thong for crazy liberals from mass did you see when he evade taxes on his yacht kept it in ri

well you guys getting lucky....granny warren slipping to 4th now and harris back up in second....but if they don't get their ******* together none of them going anywhere...first they attack Obama...INSTEAD OF TRUMP....then they want to fight about who has the better health care plan......who cares...we are offering one and the right isn't...move on to ******* that counts...but that is going over their heads!

Obama AND Hillary put them in the mess they are in that's why they are attacking him and not Trump. Obama gave up Trump (hes actually doing a good job), just like Bush gave us Obama.
tell me one millionaire that doesn't use the system to their adavantage….no matter what he evaded on his yaht...he still paid some....and whatever he paid is more than Trump paid

I just thought as a senator he did a very good job for the middle class....and the right spread a bunch of rumors on him when he ran for pres last time (Bush)...he was a war hero and some got paid to say the medals were fake...after the election it was admitted to being false...but to late Bush was in......and hell he was a dodger in a way...daddy paid his way into the guard....and he just quit going to that
when he was senator in ma evading ma tax while rasing it
when he was senator in ma evading ma tax while rasing it

probably just more stories from the right....like his fake medals from VietNam...he was a war hero!

this is not really dodging taxes......you wouldn't do the same for those kind of charges?

John Kerry Saves $500,000 By Docking 76-Foot Luxury Yacht ...
John Kerry Saves $500,000 By Docking 76-Foot Luxury Yacht Out Of State BOSTON (AP) -- Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry is docking his family's new $7 million yacht in neighboring Rhode Island, allowing him to avoid paying roughly $500,000 in taxes to the cash-strapped Bay State.
probably just more stories from the right....like his fake medals from VietNam...he was a war hero!

this is not really dodging taxes......you wouldn't do the same for those kind of charges?

John Kerry Saves $500,000 By Docking 76-Foot Luxury Yacht ...
John Kerry Saves $500,000 By Docking 76-Foot Luxury Yacht Out Of State BOSTON (AP) -- Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry is docking his family's new $7 million yacht in neighboring Rhode Island, allowing him to avoid paying roughly $500,000 in taxes to the cash-strapped Bay State.
do as I say notas I do
do as I say notas I do

Now that has a familiar ring to it

Ivanka Trump Fashion Made In China – ‘Buy American’ Donald ...
Mar 13, 2017 · Trump has made a big deal out of manufacturers going out of the country to get cheap labor and taking jobs with them that rightfully belong to Americans. There are three U.S. companies in China holding Ivanka Trump brand licenses.

Trump's 'Made in America' week: the president's hypocrisy ...
Jul 18, 2017 · Donald J Trump eyeglasses were made in China. Donald Trump’s ties were made in China. Some of the Donald J Trump suits were made in China. To be fair, Trump is an equal opportunity overseas manufacturer. His dress shirts have been manufactured in Bangladesh, Honduras and Vietnam. And China.