Politics in 2022

Wonder if Harris and Booker gang up on Biden tonight and if so will he be able to stand up to it - should be interesting debate tonight.
I agree.…..bet if they do.....and they have to they are low in the polls.....Booker never got off the ground...and harris is slipping fast....bet Biden brings up willie from her old days......and from what I understand Booker had some controversy of his own....and if it is on the net I bet Biden has ALL the details....harris pushed medicare for all took some heat and is now trying to repair that so another shot at her....and who know how many giveaways Booker has promised
Well Uncle Joe needs to look like he can stand up to them - whatever the case - last time Harris did make him look bad and over decades old horseshite at that.
Well Uncle Joe needs to look like he can stand up to them - whatever the case - last time Harris did make him look bad and over decades old horseshite at that.

I think she just caught him off guard and he wasn't expecting that especially from her

after she asked him to come to calif to nominate her for the senate...she asked him to come...never said a word then....and if it bothered her so much why ask him to nominate her?....think she just caught him off guard and that won't happen......looking forward to tonight's especially just because of that....think there are a lot of others on the same boat
I do to but if he does I won't see it, half hour of these stiffs is all I can take. Time to switch to the Twins game
what? you don't want to see the next leader of the free world?

Besides beating the Marlins is no great feat

bottom of the division!
It's not beating the Marlins it's keeping the lead over Cleveland, great race. None of these people could lead free time at a day care center. I just saw the clip of the woman ripping Harris, I did like that.
biggest news of the night was Comey. FBI members, Hillary and her team and Saint Obama's DOJ colluding,(with Russian help) to discredit Trump. Bring on the investigation
It's not beating the Marlins it's keeping the lead over Cleveland, great race. None of these people could lead free time at a day care center. I just saw the clip of the woman ripping Harris, I did like that.
biggest news of the night was Comey. FBI members, Hillary and her team and Saint Obama's DOJ colluding,(with Russian help) to discredit Trump. Bring on the investigation
Harris did get ripped and I agree that was nice...….you must have watched something different when you saw something about Comey
and the investigation is STILL going on according to some of what Mueller said during his testimoney
It’s obvious to any fair minded person that President Trump was set up by Clinton with the help of the DNC and the Obama administration’s DOJ - it’s all coming out - the Inspector General referred Comey for criminal charges - when the whole truth works it’s way out - a lot of people in here are going to look extremely foolish :}
It’s obvious to any fair minded person that President Trump was set up by Clinton with the help of the DNC and the Obama administration’s DOJ - it’s all coming out - the Inspector General referred Comey for criminal charges - when the whole truth works it’s way out - a lot of people in here are going to look extremely foolish :}

yes they are....and you will be one!

who appointed the inspector general?....trump is doing nothing more than any other dictator would do....eliminates his enemies
I think Joe Biden did a good job last night and should get the nomination - he is the most moderate and has the best ideas.

These issues :

Open borders / decriminalizing illegal entry
Free healthcare and college for illegals
Killing private health insurance
Forgiving all college debt
Raising taxes
Giving money to people for doing nothing
Green New Deal - getting rid of all fossil fuel and all the other craziness in that

Those issues would ******* your party in the election - ole Uncle Joe knows this - he’s the best of your bunch IMHO.
I think Joe Biden did a good job last night and should get the nomination - he is the most moderate and has the best ideas.

These issues :

Open borders / decriminalizing illegal entry
Free healthcare and college for illegals
Killing private health insurance
Forgiving all college debt
Raising taxes
Giving money to people for doing nothing
Green New Deal - getting rid of all fossil fuel and all the other craziness in that

Those issues would ******* your party in the election - ole Uncle Joe knows this - he’s the best of your bunch IMHO.

I see where some think Harris and Booker did a great job....and Joe just held his own...same people who said Warren won the night before......dems not looking good right now...…..on top of the Obama has a 95% approval rating among dems.….and most of them spent a lot of time picking on Obama
to many willing to sell their soul for the job.....don't need those kinds of people

I think the person that did the best job last night was that good looking army gal...thought she was sharp
they were all after Biden like vultures...to me he held them at bay....but didn't go for the *******!
he got booker on his police scandal....and harris on her record as prosecutor...but somehow they managed to dodge most of those questions
If Biden can’t go for the ******* - Trump will ******* him in any debate
I know...but I think he was just getting it from all of them....most doing or saying anything to get to him......even attacking Obama...that didn't go over well...like I said Obama has a 95% approval among dem and a 67% among Independents

I think where booker and harris did shine was at the end when booker said we were playing into trumps hands by attacking each other...yet he attacked Biden......harris made a similar speech at the end...but didn't follow it during the debate

maybe that's why some think they did good.....their comments at the end....right now not looking good for the dems

I know you don't want to hear it....but I still think the economy will tank before the 2020...sinking trump......things are slowing now.....so he lowers interest rates to get people to spend more......that makes the numbers look good....for a while