Politics in 2022

I agree.

Tim Ryan seems to have his head screwed on straight - did well in the debate I thought - nice to see a moderate Democrat these days.

I liked the "mayor"....I will give warren credit for having answers to some tough questions...….but it was funny to watch the guy on her side get mad at her for talking so damned much...he kept raising his hand and giving her a dirty look
Her and Bernie got the most time looked like.

yes I wonder how that worked out like that....I would have thought someone would have brought that up....Warren got ALOT of time....I thought she was quick with an answer for everything I liked that...…..but her not giving the others a chance was not fair....I thought the mayor was one that gave some of the best and most logical answers..."we have a giveaway race we lose the election"
The Mayor is well spoken but I doubt an openly gay man can get elected President yet - just don’t think there is a majority of Americans that would vote that way.
The Mayor is well spoken but I doubt an openly gay man can get elected President yet - just don’t think there is a majority of Americans that would vote that way.

well you have to wonder about that....Gay?......don't know if the country is ready for it.....but look at what he has done in his town....look at what he has said about all the giveaways...so far he has hit the nail on the head on a lot of things....
but then Warren has a lot of answers.....sanders looked a fool last night....both keep pushing the liberal *******....that's fine EXCEPT only 20% of the Dems consider them selves liberal!
Yeah last night seemed a real clash between moderates and radicals - I like what the guy from Montana had to say too - Bullock I think was his name.

Big issues are this taking away the private health care from 180 million Americans that don’t wanna give it up - a lot of Union people in that group - and - the free health care for illegals - this is where the Dems REALLY lose it with the average American and to me at least - your moderate candidates looked soooooooo much better than Warren and Sanders!!!!!!!!!
Yeah last night seemed a real clash between moderates and radicals - I like what the guy from Montana had to say too - Bullock I think was his name.

Big issues are this taking away the private health care from 180 million Americans that don’t wanna give it up - a lot of Union people in that group - and - the free health care for illegals - this is where the Dems REALLY lose it with the average American and to me at least - your moderate candidates looked soooooooo much better than Warren and Sanders!!!!!!!!!

that's where Biden and the mayor...and another last night can't think of who...but they said just fix aca...they know where the problems are...fix it and drop this medicare for all *******

we do need health care...and the aca was a good start...work on it....like letting Ins companies cross state lines to improve competition and drive price down...there are several issues with the aca....and all can be fixed...forget the give away *******...get back on infrastructure...schools wages....Obama had the right idea and the repubs wouldn't help...but tax/tariff the ******* out of American companies overseas......give breaks to those that hire American....investigate the ******* companies for price gouging....work on education

we have a lot of flaws in this country anymore...all created by greed...and all can be easily fixed....with some simple little law changes
that's where Biden and the mayor...and another last night can't think of who...but they said just fix aca...they know where the problems are...fix it and drop this medicare for all *******

we do need health care...and the aca was a good start...work on it....like letting Ins companies cross state lines to improve competition and drive price down...there are several issues with the aca....and all can be fixed...forget the give away *******...get back on infrastructure...schools wages....Obama had the right idea and the repubs wouldn't help...but tax/tariff the ******* out of American companies overseas......give breaks to those that hire American....investigate the ******* companies for price gouging....work on education

we have a lot of flaws in this country anymore...all created by greed...and all can be easily fixed....with some simple little law changes

The trouble for you guys that pretty clearly showed up last night is that there is a power struggle between the moderates and the far lefties - looks like the far lefties have a lot of strength - still think Biden is your only hope for a decent showing in 2020. Bullock, Ryan and Delaney made a lot of sense last night though. The gay mayor I don’t think can win a national election.
The trouble for you guys that pretty clearly showed up last night is that there is a power struggle between the moderates and the far lefties - looks like the far lefties have a lot of strength - still think Biden is your only hope for a decent showing in 2020. Bullock, Ryan and Delaney made a lot of sense last night though. The gay mayor I don’t think can win a national election.

another that I liked last night and according to the internet every state did searches on her...Williamson?...
like I said according to what I read only 20% of Dems consider themselves liberal...and if you notice sanders is slipping and warren just holding in there....harris has already dropped back to where she was before biden...and biden way back out front where he was before....if he makes a good showing tonight think it will pretty much knock a lot of them out....think there might be a couple move up after last night and others just fade away....that 20% will stick with sanders and warren....the difference between sanders and warren...she has the answers to her give aways….when sanders was asked about paying for something he said the border will take care of it's self....what the hell that had nothing to do with the question...thought he really looked bad..GOOD!...would not be surprised to see some sanders jump to warren....Beto did pretty good but he needs some magic to jump up.....and that Amy Kocknobbler or whatever from Minn....seemed pretty sharp and level headed
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HEY - MR. Facts

The FACT is you brought up looking up her skirt - easy enough to go back and find.
You’re screwing with your credibility now ;}
Yes I like Kocknobbler - she’s smart and moderate.

Williamson came off as a hippy last debate though.