Politics in 2022

all the rest of those Dems having a giveaway contest and slipping in the polls....except warren...she is remaining steady....Joe back up where he was a few weeks ago....way out front....going to be interesting this week during the debates....they will have to go after him....did harris learn anything last time...went up for a few days...but then right back down

Bookies: Trump-Biden race seen, president ‘odds on ...
Current wagers indicate that former Vice President Joe Biden would take the nomination and stands at a 4-1 chance to beat Trump.
What are the odds that Trump will beat Joe Biden in the ...
Jun 09, 2019 · Secondly, Trump might not be the republican nominee. He may be impeached and removed from office. Or he might resign should impeachment be immanent as Nixon did. Thirdly, the election is still 17 months away. Even if Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the nominees, a lot can happen between now and than that will have a material effect on the outcome.
Poll: Biden leads Trump in prospective 2020 matchup - POLITICO
Nov 15, 2017 · Biden sees one Democrat who can beat Trump in 2020: Joe Biden. The two candidates run neck-and-neck among white voters, with Biden at 41 percent and Trump at 40 percent. And Biden is only slightly behind Trump among white voters without a college degree, 37 percent to 41 percent.
  • Author: Steven Shepard
You just wanna look up her skirt :}

not hardly....not even 20 years ago....probably full of "book worms"

I do like the idea she has given thought to a lot of things and has the answer...….maybe not the best answer...but she is involved and taking it serious.....I like that....I don't like the fact that trump called her Pocahontas and she did nothing

like seeing harris going down...especially after using joe to move up...and then when I find out she asked joe to nominate her for the senate...if she had a problem why ask him to nominate her...and why didn't she say something a long time ago....no she is willing to do anything to get the job!

this gay mayor also seems to be the real deal....but not moving up much

sanders moving down...love it!

don't know if they can beat trump or not...he is a showman...and people liked how he acted on the apprentice...he knows how to work people and the press....who ever runs against him is going to have to just let his words roll off.....or beat him at his own game..and he has a lot of practice at that
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She is a horrible person complete fraud will say anything she thinks Will advance her personaly all the moral complaints you voice about trump exist in her

don't know about that...but you ask her a question on anything she seems to be familiar with it and has an answer...none of this I will have so and so look at it...or I am not familiar with it....don't get me wrong not my cup of tea....but she is impressive in her answers
She opens her mouth and lies come out. She is karl marx reincarnated. I used to be able to mute tv when she came on now i still get pissed. She does the oppisite of what she preaches. She says college is to expensive look what Harvard pays her.
She opens her mouth and lies come out. She is karl marx reincarnated. I used to be able to mute tv when she came on now i still get pissed. She does the oppisite of what she preaches. She says college is to expensive look what Harvard pays her.

don't know anything about that.....you just sound like some jilted lover!
send her some flowers
I don't like my state being represented by her ideal iwish state would split from Boston

well one thing your man is doing...although been going on for years...your man seems to be highlighting it......cities vote one way...country votes another

you just have a fetish for gray pubic hair and she dumped you
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You’re the one wants ta look up her skirt!!!!!

not hardly...allforwifey is the one talking like a jilted lover.....and you seem to be jealous of allforwifeys infatuation...I'm sure she would gladly share herself between the 2 of you

taking care of her home town supporters

besides allforwifey is the one that mentioned doing something to keep you away from his gal

I just don't understand you two having this lovers spat.....I told you I am sure she would love to see you both

but you better keep your eye on allforwifey...he is as shifty as fuck and I think he is trying to cut you out of the picture
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